Chapter 134

After Yao Muxi entered the second level, Luo Heng began a plain practice life, and exercised his abilities with Yao Muxi in the morning.

In the afternoon, he practiced the sword technique, and Yao Muxi was exercising some of the body techniques that her aunt gave her.

In the evening, he went to Teacher Jiang Nian alone to ask some questions about spiritual practice.

At nine o’clock in the evening, after going to the school with Yao Muxi, who had finished his practice, he went back to the dormitory to wash and sleep.

Occasionally, in the afternoon, they will also team up to enter the alien beast space to challenge, in preparation for Yao Muxi’s subsequent trip to the alien beast world.

On August 18, one month after Yao Muxi entered the second stage, the training room No. 9 on the 12th floor of the training building was very quiet. There was no one in the training room with various equipment.

There are only two virtual stealth cabins in operation, which are constantly humming.


Inside the alien virtual space.

“Xiao Xi, switch the form of light, and try my best to increase the power of my abilities~!”

Luo Heng’s deep voice sounded, and beside him stood a beautiful girl in a tight-fitting combat suit-Yao Muxi!


Yao Muxi nodded solemnly, “Healing Light-Strengthen the form!”

From her body, a very strong white light appeared, which was blessed on Luo Heng’s body!

“Compared with last week, my strength and Xiao Xi’s strength have improved differently. This time, I should be able to kill this red flame beast.”

Feeling the stronger real fire of the sun under the blessing of the healing light, Luo Heng’s eyes flashed and he looked forward.

At this moment, in front of the two of them, stood an extremely huge alien beast!

It is about eight meters high, with its feet on the ground, and it looks like a grizzly bear with a sharp horn on its head and a strange fire-red pattern on its body. Its blood-red eyes are staring at the two in front of him. Human beings!


This behemoth let out a huge roar, opened its mouth, and a crimson flame spurted out of its mouth!


Like a torch, the flame quickly shot at the two humans in front of it!

“Playing with me with fire, you are still a little tender!”

“The sun is really hot!”

Luo Heng yelled, and the real fire of the sun formed a golden-red flame wall directly in front of him and Yao Muxi.

The wall of burning golden red flames looked very illusory, as if there was no defensive ability.

But when the crimson flames sprayed out, they were all blocked out!


Seeing that the flame did not cause harm to the two humans in front of them, the Flame Beast became annoyed instantly, kicked its feet, and jumped directly at them!


The moment the Flame Beast hit the ground, a big pit was directly trampled on the ground!

With a wave of its right hand, it was directly like Luo Heng’s attack!

“Xiao Xi, be careful to avoid!”

The physical power of the third-order intermediate monster is not a joke, and it will die if it touches it.

Therefore, Luo Heng and Yao Muxi’s figure flashed quickly, and they avoided the past in an instant.

“Now, it’s my turn!”

After the first blow, the Chiyan Beast became frozen, which gave Luo Heng a chance, “Yandao!”

With a low drink, a burst of flame appeared on the alloy saber in his hand. While the flame was golden red, there was also a layer of dazzling white!

That is the effect of Yao Muxi’s ability blessing!

The real fire of the sun quickly wrapped around the sword, one, two, three, four…

In the end, it took seven full layers before it stopped!

Different from the previous gold-red swords, the swords at this time had a gold-red blade, but the blade was surprisingly white!

And in that white, you can still see a touch of gold faintly!

“Die to me!”

As soon as Luo Heng stepped on, the ground cracked with a bang, and he shot out like a cannonball!


Flying in the air, Luo Heng, holding the flame sword in both hands, cut directly to the neck of the alien animal in front of him!

This knife seems to be slow, but in fact it is as fast as lightning!

The golden light flashed, as if cutting vegetables, the huge head of the Chiyan Beast was directly chopped off, and it flew more than ten meters away!


A lot of blood spurted out from the neck of the severed head!

“We made it!”

Looking at this bloody scene, Yao Muxi was very excited instead of having any discomfort.

It took nearly a week to finally kill this Tier 3 mid-level fire monster, it’s not easy!

“Congratulations to both of you for your successful challenge!”

Accompanied by an electronic sound, the hideous head and corpse of the alien animal, and even the blood stains on the ground, turned into light spots, and slowly disappeared into this space.

“Do you both need to continue to challenge higher levels of difficulty?”

The electronic sound rang again.


Luo Heng and Yao Muxi shook their heads at the same time.

They finally killed a Tier 3 mid-level monster, no matter how difficult the challenge was, they couldn’t pass it.


The two yelled softly.

In a trance, Luo Heng opened his eyes.

Pushing open the hatch, he walked out of the virtual stealth cabin, and beside him, Yao Muxi also walked out of another virtual stealth cabin.

At this moment, she couldn’t stop the excitement on her face: “Luo Heng, we succeeded. We really killed a Tier 3 mid-range monster!”

·· ·········Find flowers· 0

“Hehe, yeah, we spent more than a week training, and it finally worked.”

Looking at Yao Muxi who was cheering in front of him, Luo Heng said with a smile.

A week ago, when they challenged the Tier 3 mid-position monster, they were immediately killed. A week later, they were able to directly kill this Tier 3 mid-level monster, which was enough to show their progress.


Yao Muxi stood on tiptoe and kissed Luo Heng’s right cheek: “This is for you.”

Until now, she still feels a little bit like living in a dream.

At the very beginning of the challenge, the second-order high-position monster was killed by Luo Heng with a single knife.

Although the third-order lower rank monster did not succeed in the challenge for the first time, it succeeded in the challenge three weeks later.

And this hardest Tier 3 intermediate monster, after spending a week of arduous training, they succeeded in the challenge today!

“You reward me, then I will reward you!”

Luo Heng smiled and was about to kiss him.

Aunt Wang has been away from here for a week because of some things, so he dared to be so unscrupulous.


Yao Muxun groaned, but did not push Luo Heng away as before.

After all, she has become accustomed to it this month.

Just when Luo Heng was about to touch Yao Muxi’s soft lips, a voice rang: “Dingling bell~~”

Luo Heng, who was disturbed by Yaxing, was not angry, and directly connected to the phone: “Captain, what’s the matter?”

“Luo Heng, the negative influence of the world of alien beasts should almost dissipate, right? When are we going to go to the world of alien beasts again?”

“Uh, then tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow? That’s OK, I’ll notify the other teammates later.”

“By the way, Captain, I will bring one person into our team tomorrow, do you think it’s okay?”

“Bring people? Yes, with your strength, you can bring as many people as you want!”

“Well, good, then we will see you at Beiting Base tomorrow morning.”

“Tomorrow are we going to the world of alien beasts?”

Yao Muxi asked after hearing the content of the call.

In this month’s training, she has long been accustomed to the way of fighting with alien beasts. Therefore, after hearing that she was going to the alien beast world tomorrow, she was not only not afraid, but also a little excited.

“Well, we will go to Beiting Base tomorrow morning, and we will take everything with us tonight.”

After finishing speaking, Luo Heng showed a smirk on his face and hugged Yao Muxi in his arms: “But that’s all tomorrow. Now, I want to reward you well!” 10.

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