Chapter 136

“Haha, my younger siblings are so strong, it seems that we will gain more this time.”

After the shock, Wu Tao took the lead in reacting.

They originally had the s-level ability Luo Heng, and now they have an s-level ability.

Now, as long as their team doesn’t provoke too terrifying existence in the world of alien beasts, isn’t it going sideways?

The number of monsters killed increased, and the money earned by the way was also more!

“What kind of supernatural beings are my younger brothers and sisters?”

Tang Tian asked with a shield on his back and a sword in his hand.

No matter what kind of superpower, as long as it is s-rank, they are extremely strong!

But in these five types, each type has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Therefore, he asked about the situation first to ensure the tactical allocation of the next trip to the strange beast.

Listening to the name of his younger brother and sister, Yao Muxi’s face was slightly reddish: “I am an elemental light type supernatural player.”

“Another element system!”

Team leader Wu Tao’s eyes lit up, and his tone couldn’t stop excited.

In addition to Luo Heng, such a rare elemental superpower, their team has two!

Moreover, they are all s-level abilities!

“By the way, 28 Luo Heng, let’s plan where we go.”

Wu Tao smiled, and the map of the world of strange beasts was projected again.

“City swimming pool? Or Yonghui Supermarket A?”

After a pause, Wu Tao continued:

“Or let’s go to the city swimming pool, where the strange beasts are weaker.”

Although Luo Heng’s little girlfriend is strong, she is after all a newcomer entering the world of alien animals for the first time.

Therefore, he felt that the city swimming pool with a slightly weaker monster was more suitable as a destination for this trip.

“Let’s go directly to the c port of Yonghui Supermarket.”

Luo Heng smiled slightly and made a decision.

“The younger brother and sister entered the world of alien beasts for the first time, and Yonghui Supermarket’s c mouths are all second-tier mid-range alien beasts. Wouldn’t it be a bit dangerous?”

Zhou Yu asked on the side.

“Sister Yu, don’t worry, I’m not that vulnerable.”

Yao Muxi on the side said with a smile, and the plain words contained strong confidence.

It’s just a second-tier middle-ranking monster. Together with Luo Heng, she can kill even a third-tier middle-ranking monster!

Moreover, the high-level enchanting equipment she carries with her, even if she encounters a Tier 4 monster, she is not afraid!

“Then let’s go to Exit C of Yonghui Supermarket.”

Seeing that Luo Heng and his little girlfriend were so confident, Wu Tao had no choice but to agree with this choice.

Without staying too much, Luo Heng and his group went directly to the underground base under Beiting base and entered the world of alien animals.


The huge sun, the occasional roar of flying animals in the sky, dilapidated roads, and withered city ruins in the distance.

There are also various supernatural beings coming in and out of the alien beast channel, all of which made Yao Muxi, who came here for the first time, feel very fresh and looked around.

“Luo Heng, look at you, that man’s weapon is very curious.”

Yao Muxi looked at a person not far away, his eyes shining.

Luo Heng followed her gaze and saw that among the group of people who also came out of the dark green alien beast passage next to him, there was a strong man about 1.9 meters tall, holding a weapon close to 1.5 meters.

The weapon was shaped like a spear, but near the top there were three blades that glowed like daggers.

“That is Sangeji.” Luo Heng said with a smile.

The Sangeji is a relatively unpopular weapon, and he only learned the name of this weapon in the training room of Teacher Jiang Nian.

This weapon requires a lot of strength to use, so it is rare to see people with supernatural powers using it as a weapon. I did not expect to encounter one here today.

It’s worthy of being the Beiting base where the most abilities gather.

“The old rule, we first go to the supply base to buy supplies, and then go directly to Yonghui Supermarket!”

With a big wave of his hand, Wu Tao led Luo Heng and others to the supply base not far away.


As before, it took four days for the bloody knife team to enter the street where Yonghui Supermarket was located.



The roar of strange beasts echoed in the streets of the ruins of the city, and some strange beasts that were fighting and hunting could still be vaguely seen.

“There are a lot of strange animals near Yonghui Supermarket, we have to walk through it carefully.”

Under the leadership of Captain Wu Tao, Luo Heng and his group walked through the dilapidated fence of the community towards Exit C.


The captain Wu Tao waved his hand, and everyone stopped.

“Captain, let’s go directly into Port C, so that it will be more efficient to kill alien beasts.”

Behind the dilapidated fence in the residential area, Luo Heng suggested.

Now he, plus Yao Muxi, can basically walk sideways in this second-order alien beast group, so the killing efficiency of entering the c port is still higher.

“Go directly to port c? This…”

Wu Tao fell into hesitation. He knew that Luo Heng’s strength would definitely improve after a month.

However, he was still a little worried when he entered directly into the second-tier mid-range alien beast group.

After all, the second-order lower-ranking alien group last time made them a little embarrassed.

“Captain, Luo Heng is not afraid, what else are we afraid of? With Luo Heng there, we can still die in it or not.”

Tang Tian next to him laughed.

After experiencing the last incident, he admired Luo Heng’s five bodies.

Therefore, he believes that since Luo Heng dared to make this suggestion, it shows that he must be fully confident that he can keep everyone safe!


Wu Tao only reacted at this time. According to Luo Heng’s personality, if he had no absolute certainty, he would never say this sentence.

Moreover, his little girlfriend is also in the team, it is impossible for him to make fun of his girlfriend.

Thinking like this, Wu Tao said, “Since the little brother Luo Heng is not afraid, then we will do it with you!”

Listening to the words of Captain Wu Tao, Luo Heng showed a smile on his mouth.

Originally, he and Yao Muxi combined together and directly entered the world of alien beasts, it was enough to walk sideways on the periphery of the world of alien beasts, and did not need the help of the rest of the blood knife team.

But the people of the blood knife team gave him a lot of guidance when he first entered the world of alien beasts, so he wanted to make a lot of money with them before leaving the blood knife team.

This can be regarded as a reward for their guidance.

“Why are there so many building debris in front of the road here, blocking the road.”

Yao Muxi, who looked outside through the gap in the middle of the dilapidated wall, said suddenly.

“Huh, this is all made by a dregs.”

Luo Heng snorted coldly.

Had it not been for his strong strength, he would have been replaced by another ordinary superpower, he would have been killed by crazy Liu Jie during his last trip to the world of alien beasts!

“Yes, if it weren’t for Luo Heng’s little brother at the time, our entire team would have been wiped out!”

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Wu Tao was furious.

“Is that so.”

Yao Muxi said thoughtfully.

It seems that Luo Heng is not as easy as he said in this world of strange beasts.

Sure enough, this trip to the world of alien beasts, I came right! .

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