Chapter 137

Under the leadership of Luo Heng, the blood knife team cautiously walked out from behind the wall of the residential area.


Suddenly, a sword tiger sprang out from the side, with a big mouth wide open, and bit at the front Luo Heng!

“court death!”

He didn’t even use the Yan Knife. With a wave of Luo Heng’s battle knife, accompanied by a cold light, the head of the sword tiger was chopped off!


The Arm Saber Tiger, who had lost its head, relied on inertia, and still rushed out more than ten meters away, and fell into the wreckage of the building in front, splashing a cloud of dust!


Except for Yao Muxi, everyone in the blood knife team behind Luo Heng showed horror on their faces.

During the four days on the road, in order to make Luo Heng suffer from the side effects of the world of alien beasts as little as possible, all the low-level alien beasts encountered on the road were killed by them. This is their entry this time. It is the first time to see Luo Heng take action after Alien Beast World.

As a result, this shot killed a second-tier mid-position monster in seconds!

Especially Tang Tian, ​​who was following the captain Wu Tao, was even more shocked.

In the past, although Luo Heng could easily kill second-tier mid-range monsters, they were all using abilities.

And now, Luo Heng directly killed an alien beast with just an alloy war knife!

And the moment that the sword light flashed, even his master with the sword couldn’t understand it.

This shows that Luo Heng’s sword skills and physical fitness far surpass him!

After killing the strange beast in seconds and collecting the materials, Luo Heng did not stay too much. The people with the blood knife team climbed over the pile of building debris in front and entered the c mouth of Yonghui Supermarket.



The alien animal population in Yonghui Supermarket is the mastiff and alien animal.

At this time, in the c mouth of Yonghui Supermarket, numerous mastiffs and exotic animals are living in it.

Most of them are second-order mastiffs and strange animals, so each of them has two heads on their shoulders.

Looking around, there are blood-red eyes in the slightly dim C mouth, which looks extremely horrible!

“The sun is really hot!”

With a bang, the golden red sun’s real fire appeared in the c mouth, radiating light and temperature unscrupulously!

Since the light inside the port c is not very bright, the surrounding scenery was illuminated at the moment when the real fire of the sun appeared.

The weeds on the ground, the collapsed shelves, and not far away there were some dead animals with some flesh and blood left, which should be the prey left by the mastiff and the strange animals.

“Luo Heng?!.`!”

Wu Tao was dumbfounded when the sun’s real fire appeared.

He thought that Luo Heng’s so-called entry into the c port should be after secretly killing most of the alien beasts in batches before focusing on the remaining alien beasts.

And now, the real fire of the sun that suddenly appeared will attract all the strange beasts in the c mouth, there are more than two hundred second-tier middle-position strange beasts!

Moreover, the terrain inside is extremely complicated, even if Luo Heng uses the big fireball last time, the monsters that can be killed are extremely limited!

At that time, they will still face the siege of nearly two hundred strange beasts!

“Captain, don’t worry, you just need to stand behind me.”

Luo Heng turned his head, and after casting a reassuring look at the blood knives, he said to Yao Muxi:

“Xiao Xi, directly use the enhanced form of the Healing Light!”


Yao Muxi nodded excitedly, “Healing Light!”

With a soft drink, a burst of platinum light burst out from her body, spreading out around her, most of the light entered Luo Heng’s body!

The ordinary form of her oracle light can not only strengthen the ability of the power person, but also restore the power and ability of the power person.

In addition to the normal form, it can also be changed to an enhanced form and a recovery form. The enhanced form is to fully strengthen the ability of the person with the ability, and the recovery form is to fully restore the physical energy consumed by the person with the ability!

Now, what she uses with all her strength is to strengthen the form!

In addition to the light that broke out from Yao Muxi’s body, in addition to what entered Luo Heng’s body, some of it also spilled on everyone in the blood knife team behind.

“My ability has been improved!”

Wu Tao looked surprised, “Moreover, it has improved as much as 30%!”

And everyone around him also looked excited, obviously his own abilities have also improved a lot!

It’s just the shining radiance that made them improve so much, how strong should Luo Heng who absorbed most of the radiance be!

All of a sudden, everyone looked at Luo Heng in front of him.


Ignoring everyone’s gaze, Luo Heng’s real fire directly poured into the alloy sword.

The real fire of the golden red sun, in a special way, quickly wrapped around the alloy saber!

Entangled for seven layers before stopping!

Originally, his own Sun Real Fire could only be wound up to six layers after using the Flame Sword, but with the assistance of Yao Muxi’s light system abilities, his Flame Sword could be wound up to seven layers!

The appearance of golden-red flames and white-gold rays of light instantly attracted the attention of many mastiffs and strange animals in the mouth.



One after another, the vigorous mastiffs attacked Luo Heng’s direction instantly!

Although their size looks like a small tank, they can run extremely fast!

In the blink of an eye, he was close to within ten meters of Luo Heng!

“True Fire Barrier!”

Luo Heng let out a low drink, and the golden red sun’s real fire condensed into a circle of real fire barriers, appearing on him and Yao Muxi beside him at the same time.

Although none of these mastiffs and strange animals could hurt him with his strength, he dared not relax a little bit after carefully sailing the ship of ten thousand years!

“Roar! ”

A mastiff and alien beast roared and attacked him!


The golden red light flashed, and the two heads of this mastiff and alien beast were directly chopped off! Fly to the side with inertia!

When the two heads flew out, they still carried golden red flames, and they turned directly into coke before they fell to the ground!

And a circle of black coke appeared on the neck of the corpse of the mastiff and alien animal!

This is the result of Luo Heng’s reduction of the power of the true sun fire. If he is really allowed to use the true sun fire with all his strength, the corpse of this strange beast will also turn into coke!

Containing the power of the real fire of the sun is not to save power. Will he still be afraid of consumption if he has Yao Muxi’s light system power increase?

The purpose of this is to keep the valuable materials on the alien animal as much as possible. If they are all burned to coke, what can he exchange for money?

c The number of strange animals in the mouth is extremely large, one after another mastiff and strange animals rushed towards Luo Heng one after another.

But these strange beasts are nothing more than Luo Heng’s cut!

Occasionally, some strange beasts attacked Yao Muxi next to him.

But before I met her, I was directly burned into coke by the real (Li’s) fire barrier around her!

Luo Heng in the group of alien beasts, surrounded by the golden red sun and real fire, is like a god of war, constantly killing the surrounding alien beasts.

Next to him, Yao Muxi, who was also wrapped in the real fire of the sun, used the enhanced form of the light of God’s healing with all his strength.

“What a nice view.”

Zhou Yu, who was not far behind Luo Heng, couldn’t help but let out a sigh of emotion.

Hearing Zhou Yu’s words, everyone in the blood knife team nodded, obviously incomparable agreement.

Luo Heng’s figure is a bit tall at first, coupled with the golden red flames and white golden light surrounding him, it is extremely gorgeous and domineering!

The same goes for Yao Muxi on the side. With a tall figure, coupled with a face like a fairy, under the shining of the golden red flames and rays of light, it looks extremely sacred, and it makes people unable to give birth to a trace of profanity.

Who could have imagined that such a gorgeous and beautiful picture would appear at this moment of life and death?


ps: There will be an outbreak in the next five shifts tomorrow, ask for a reward, ask for flowers and tickets for support! .

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