Chapter 138

When Luo Heng and Yao Muxi madly killed the alien beasts in front, everyone in the blood knife team at the back was a bit boring.

“Everyone, this should be our easiest trip to a strange beast.”

Captain Wu Tao couldn’t help sighing.

In the past, they needed to live and die to kill alien beasts, how can they be so idle to the boring situation now.


Tang Tian next to him smiled and nodded, looking very relaxed, “Luo Heng, the last time killing a Tier 2 subordinate was as simple as killing a dog.”

“It’s even more ruthless now, even the second-tier mid-range alien group can’t help him.”

“Hehe, it’s better for someone with abilities like you who have combat abilities. As long as the abilities increase, the lethality will increase accordingly. Unlike me, all my strength depends on firearms.”

Seeing Luo Heng who was constantly killing strange beasts, Li Hong said with some envy.

His eagle eye ability is actually equivalent to an auxiliary system ability, and all his strength depends on the sniper rifle in his hand.

And modern firearms, the most powerful, can only injure the second-order high-position monsters, and there is nothing to do with the third-order alien beasts.

Therefore, it is equivalent to his highest strength reaching the top of the second-order high position.

Further up, no matter how powerful his eagle eye ability is, it won’t be very lethal.

“Li Hong, what you said is wrong, and not all ability players are like Luo Heng. Once the ability is improved, the power will be doubled.”

Zhou Yu, who was somewhat bored, said after stretching for a while.

After Yao Muxi’s ability appeared, she knew how big the gap between the s-level ability and the c-level ability was.

The abilities that Yao Muxi leaked out slightly were much stronger than the abilities that she had used with all her strength.

This is the case for the ability that favors support, what about the ability that favors combat?

The gap can only be greater!

Therefore, the gap between the powers with different levels of abilities is like a ditch!

“Luo Heng’s such strong strength is not only related to his s-level ability, but also to his own efforts and understanding.”

Wu Tao shook his head, and then said: “He is the most diligent superpower I have ever seen. Moreover, he not only works hard for a day, but keeps working hard for a long time, which is very rare.”

Listening to the words of the captain Wu Tao, everyone in the blood knife team was startled, and then nodded in agreement.

When Luo Heng entered the world of alien animals with them for the first time, in addition to actively asking them for guidance, he would continue to practice continuously.

He didn’t stop for a moment when he exercised his supernatural powers and practiced swordsmanship!

Even during the four days after entering the world of alien beasts, he was on the road, in addition to guiding her girlfriend to kill alien beasts, he exercised his sword skills and abilities on his own.

That kind of hard work, even Tang Tian, ​​the most self-disciplined in the team, couldn’t beat it.

Just as the blood knife team was amazed by Luo Heng’s abilities and his own self-discipline, suddenly, a deep roar came from inside Yonghui Supermarket: “Roar~~”

Different from the crazy roar of the ordinary mastiff and alien animal, this sound was extremely calm and had a long aura. It rang for three or four seconds before stopping.

“Tier 3 strange beasts?!!!!”

Everyone in the blood knife team who heard this roar changed their faces!

On the map they often use, there are many dangerous places marked in red.

There may be places where Tier 3 and Tier 4 strange beasts exist!

Sometimes, when they pass by such a place, they will hear this long roar.

Therefore, they determined that the roaring must be an alien beast above Tier 3!

“Tier 3 strange beast?”

Unlike everyone in the blood knife team whose complexion changed drastically, Luo Heng’s expression was delighted when he heard the roar.

In that period of time, most of the alien beasts he killed were second-tier mid-level, and some were second-tier high-level.

Not one of them is Tier 3, and now, a Tier 3 strange beast has finally appeared!

You know, every strange beast is a power point for walking, how can this not make him excited?

After hearing this roar, the mastiff and strange beast that kept attacking Luo Heng suddenly stopped, and slowly retreated to the side, as if waiting for their king to come.

“Luo Heng, the third-order strange beast is coming soon, let’s go!”

At this time, the voice of Captain Wu Tao came, and his tone was full of anxiety.

When Luo Heng and Yao Muxi heard this, smiles appeared on their faces.

Among the third-order strange beasts, the third-order high-position strange beasts can make them retreat.

But looking like this, it is impossible for them to be the third-order high-position strange beasts, so they have no reason to escape.

“Captain, rest assured, we can deal with even Tier 3 monsters.”

Before Luo Heng’s words fell, in the mastiff and alien animal group ahead, he slowly divided a road that could accommodate four or five alien animals to pass through at the same time.

And shortly after the road appeared, a huge mastiff dog and strange animal the size of four second-order mastiff dog strange beasts walked out slowly.

Mastiffs and strange animals are based on the number of heads to distinguish their ranks.

But at this moment, the Mastiff and Alien Beast that came out of the alien group had three heads on their shoulders!

Each of the three heads had sharp teeth that radiated cold light, and, moreover, had blood-red eyes and a hideous face.

At this time, it was staring fiercely at Luo Heng and Yao Muxi ahead.

With some intelligence, it knows that it is the person in front of it that has killed many of its own kind!


The three-headed mastiff strange animal uttered a roar, its limbs bend slightly, and then with force, the body turned into a phantom, and it attacked Luo Heng directly!

“Xiao Xi, take care to protect yourself!”

Seeing the three-headed mastiff rushing up, Luo Heng couldn’t help but shout.

He has simulated in the virtual space of alien beasts, and alien beasts that exceed Tier 3 may break through his real fire barrier.

Therefore, Yao Muxi must be careful to avoid the attack of the three-headed mastiff and alien animal.

Otherwise, if she is bitten by a three-headed mastiff, his real fire barrier may not be able to protect her!

Of course, Luo Heng is still very relieved of Yao Muxi’s safety, not to mention the enchanted equipment on her body, and her flexible walking position alone cannot catch up with ordinary monsters.


Yao Muxi on the side nodded solemnly, but his expression didn’t show the slightest tension.

Because she knew that Tier 3 strange beasts would not be able to break through Luo Heng’s attack range to attack her directly.


The Tier 3 Mastiff and alien animal that rushed up directly pushed aside Luo Heng’s real fire barrier and attacked him!

“court death!”

With a cold snort, the flame blade in Luo Heng’s hand turned into a golden-red lightning, and he slashed directly forward.


Dongsheng is the fifth-level move of “Extreme Flame Sword”, its lethality is stronger than that of Kuaidao Liming!

The lethality is strong, and the corresponding practice difficulty is also higher, so he learned this trick after three weeks of practice!

Puff, puff, puff!

The sound of three liquid ejections sounded at the same time, and the three heads of the three-headed mastiff were chopped off by Luo Heng directly!

The sound just now was made by blood spurting from the neck!


ps: First, I wish you a happy New Year’s Day to all readers. At the same time, I would like to ask for some monthly tickets for rewards. Thank you all. Your support is the biggest motivation for my update. .

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