Chapter 139

“Ding, kill a low-ranking monster of Tier 3 and get 2000 power points.”

Just as Luo Heng killed the three-headed mastiff and exotic animal, a reminder sounded in his mind.

‘Is the Tier 3 lower-level strange beast a 2000 ability nod? ’

Listening to the prompt sound in his mind, Luo Heng’s heart was dark ~ said.

The second-order high-level strange beast nodded with the ability, while the third-order low-level strange beast nodded with the 2000 ability. This is also reasonable.

After all, even if dozens of second-order high-ranking strange beasts were on it together, it was unlikely that one third-order low-ranking strange beast could have been beaten.

Higher power points are also normal.

After seeing Luo Heng slay this three-world strange beast with a single blow, everyone in the blood knife team just reacted.


A question mark on Wu Tao’s face.


Tang Tian fell into silence.

“It hurts, I’m so sour!”

Li Hong ate lemons instantly.

“So handsome! So strong!”

Zhou Yu stared at Luo Heng in front of him with bright eyes.

The four members of the Blood Knife Team reacted differently, but they were similar in that they all had a thick and unbelievable look on their faces.

No way, this is really shocking!


The death of the leader of the alien animal did not scare the remaining mastiffs, they all went crazy!

All rushed up one after another!

“Good job!”

Seeing dozens of mastiffs and strange animals attacking at the same time, Luo Heng rushed up excitedly!

‘Kill a second-tier mid-range monster, +300 power points. ’

‘Kill a second-tier high-ranking monster, power point +. ’

‘Kill a second-tier mid-range monster, +300 power points. ’


While the prompt sound in his mind kept ringing, there was blood all around Luo Heng!

Around him, the corpses of the mastiff and alien beasts piled up, and there were scattered corpses of the mastiff and alien beasts, and charred heads of the mastiff and alien beasts.

Every moment the golden red knife light is lit, it will take the life of at least one mastiff and foreign animal!

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

Under the negative influence of the world of alien animals, Luo Heng’s eyes gradually appeared blood-red and violent.

But all of this is in his grasp, and this negative impact will not affect his mind!


Half an hour later, the corpses of a mastiff and alien animal that looked like a small tank were already piled up within ten meters of Luo Heng.

The heads of some strange beasts disappeared, and some strange beasts had a wound about half a meter long in their abdomen.

Although the locations of these wounds are different, they are similar in that the flesh and blood around the wounds are turned into coke!


Luo Heng gasped heavily.

With close to two hundred second-tier mid-range monsters and a third-tier alien beast, he was still a bit physically demanding to kill.

“Luo Heng, are you all right.”

Looking at the blood red in Luo Heng’s eyes, Yao Muxi’s eyes were full of worry.

“It’s okay, I can control this negative impact.”

Luo Heng grinned and showed a smile.

The negative effects of the world of alien animals have requirements for the minds of those with supernatural powers.

During the month at school, he specifically searched for relevant books for reading and learning. Now, his resistance to negative emotions is much higher than before.

“Ah That’s good.”

Yao Muxi nodded, “The light of the oracle, restore form!”

She switched her abilities to a recovery form that fully restores her physical strength.

“Huh, it’s much more comfortable.”

Under Yao Muxi’s ray of light, Luo Heng let out a sigh of relief, feeling that his physical fitness was recovering rapidly.

It’s good to have a nanny!

“Haha, brother Luo Heng, you really scared us.”

Captain Wu Tao walked up with a smile, “The two hundred second-order strange beasts, plus the third-order strange beast, were killed by you alone!”

“That’s it, this speed of making money makes my heart touched by the sight of it!”

Tang Tian at the back looked at the dead animal body in this place, and said with emotion.

Although the scene was very bloody, instead of discomfort at all, he was a little excited!

From what he saw, what was on the ground was not the broken corpses of the alien beasts, but bundles of money!

“Captain, can you help me collect the alien beast materials, let’s go inside to see if there are any remaining alien beasts.”

Luo Heng smiled.

After that, when everyone in the blood knife team began to collect materials, he took Yao Muxi to the inside of C entrance of Yonghui Supermarket.

At this time, Yao Muxi did not cancel her divine healing light, so under the shining white golden light, the surrounding scenery was unobstructed.

“It is hard to imagine that people in the past would use such things to install things.”

Looking at the plastic packaging bags scattered on the ground, Yao Muxi couldn’t help but exclaim.

The world of alien animals has appeared for hundreds of years, and the packaging of this material has not yet degraded, which is really amazing.

“That is to say, the explosion of science and technology in the past 100 years, we now can’t see this kind of packaging.”

Listening to Yao Muxi’s words, Luo Heng chuckled.

In this world, the level of science and technology hundreds of years ago is very similar to the level of science and technology in his previous life.

After the explosion of science and technology in recent hundreds of years, hard-to-degrade materials like plastics have been replaced.

While talking, Luo Heng and Yao Muxi walked deep into mouth c.

Same as Exit A of Yonghui Supermarket, the interior of the supermarket here is also covered with weeds and scattered commodities.

In the process of exploring the depths of the mouth, Luo Heng also saw many human bones. Those are supposed to be supernatural beings who were dragged in as prey by alien animals.

“Luo Heng, you said that if an alien beast invades our world again, will we become like that too?”

Yao Muxi was always just an 18-year-old girl. Although she was not afraid of the corpses and remains of foreign animals, at this time, after seeing the human bones, she couldn’t help but become worried.

.. ….. 0

“Little fool, what did we try so hard to improve our strength for? The purpose is to wipe out all the alien beasts! In this way, we won’t have such worries.”

Touching Yao Muxi’s head, Luo Heng said with a smile.

In fact, this is also the most true thought deep in his heart.

Although, even if the alien beasts invaded, he was not the first to die, but there are people he cares about most in this world.

Auntie, cousin, Yao Muxi, Wang Dong…All these people, he did not allow foreign animals to harm them.

How can we prevent alien beasts from breaking out of the seal and entering the world of Blue Star?

Then there is only one way, just kill them all!

Although his current strength is still very early to say, he has the s-level ability and system, and he has extremely strong confidence in whether he can do this!

“Xiao Xi, let’s go.”

Luo Heng, who wandered in the depths, said.

Originally, he wanted to see if he could find some more living plants, but found nothing.

It seems that he was indeed lucky to be able to find a living plant in mouth A last time.


Yao Muxi nodded, and walked out with Luo Heng.


Suddenly, Yao Muxi felt that he had mentioned a heavy object, which was kicked farther by her and rubbed against the ground, making such a noise.


The puzzled Yao Muxi picked up the thing. It was a palm-sized metal object. It was written in three primitive characters: ‘The Order of the Giant’


ps: Second, ask for monthly ticket flowers support~~10.

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