Chapter 141

After talking and laughing for a while, the team leader Wu Tao stamped everyone’s account with the balance in the team’s public account.

“Wow, a lot of money!”

Looking at the two million yuan notification on the phone, Yao Muxi laughed happily, like a child.

Her living expenses were directly paid by her father. Although there was a lot of money, it was not earned by herself.

This is equivalent to her first pot of gold. She earned two million Chinese coins in the first pot of gold. She is very happy!

Seeing Yao Muxi’s joyful look, Luo Heng couldn’t help but laugh.

He will feel very comfortable with such a lively and cheerful girl.

“Little brother Luo Heng, thank you, I made a lot of money for my sister.”

Zhou Yu said with a smile.

Had Luo Heng’s little girlfriend not been there, she would have wanted to give Luo Heng a kiss directly as a goodbye.

“Everyone has the money in the account, right?” Wu Tao asked.

“Yeah.” Luo Heng and his party nodded.

“Well, today I have a treat. Everyone will go to the Beiting restaurant to have dinner. It can be considered as saying goodbye to Luo Heng and his little girlfriend.”

Captain Wu Tao said with a smile.

“It’s rare, our Captain Wu also has such a proud side.”

Zhou Yu28 pretended to be surprised and said.

“Haha, Captain Wu was very grand back then, but unfortunately, after getting married, that grand Captain Wu will never be seen again.”

Tang Tian also joked.

“Ahem, what are you talking about! Laozi has always been very atmospheric!”

Wu Tao glared at Tang Tian, ​​and said clearly.

“About this matter, I seem to have some impressions.”

Li Hong, who was on the side, also joined in, “The captain of the year was indeed very atmospheric. After getting married, it is really rare to see him entertain.”

“Luo Heng, this time the captain was able to entertain guests, all thanks to your blessing.”

“You guys, you actually expose my shortcomings in front of Luo Heng, or should I tell all of your scandals one by one?”

Captain Wu Tao became angry from embarrassment.

“Don’t, Captain, we were wrong.”

Tang Tian and Li Hong shouted quickly.

Luo Heng, who saw this scene in his eyes, couldn’t help but laugh.

The harmonious and happy atmosphere of the blood knife team is also one of the reasons why he is willing to stay in the team.


Although it is noon, the business of Beiting Restaurant is still very hot.

This time Luo Heng and his party didn’t drink much, and it only took two hours to eat.

After the meal, the blood knife team gathered on the square in front of the Beiting Hotel.

“Luo Heng, after you become a powerful superpower in the future, don’t forget us.”

“That is, we will borrow your name to brag in the future. If you don’t remember us, wouldn’t it be embarrassing.”

“Little brother Luo Heng, although you have a girlfriend, don’t forget your sister.”

“Luo Heng, you are the most powerful person I have ever seen, and I hope to see you on the list of strong players in Beiting Base in the future.”

The words of Wu Tao, Tang Tian, ​​Zhou Yu, and Li Hong sounded one after another.

Luo Heng, who listened to the people’s words, couldn’t help but laugh and scolded: “It’s not like we won’t see it in the future, why are you so sensational?”

“Hey, this is just to set off the atmosphere.”

Team leader Wu Tao smiled and said with a serious face: “Luo Heng and Xiao Mu, although you have not joined the blood knife team for a long time, you will always be a member of the blood knife team. If you need any help in the future, just call us. NS.”

Tang Tian, ​​Li Hong, and Zhou Yu also nodded, obviously incomparable agreement.

“Well, Captain, I know.”

Luo Heng smiled slightly, and at this moment, a taxi next to him suddenly stopped.

Looking at the taxi that stopped, Luo Heng said to everyone in the blood knife team in front of him: “The captain and you all, we will go back to school first, and see you at Beiting Base later.”


The blood knife team nodded, and then watched Luo Heng and Yao Muxi get into the car and leave.

“Captain, I always feel that Luo Heng and his little girl are not just like ordinary characters.”

Li Hong on the side sighed.

“Nonsense, can someone with an s-level ability be an ordinary person?”

Wu Tao glared at Li Hong, and then said: “It’s impossible for a character like this to stay in our small blood knife team.”

“In the future, Luo Heng will no longer be in the team, everyone should be careful when entering the world of alien beasts.”


Tang Tian nodded solemnly, and then felt that the team without Luo Heng’s voice seemed to be missing.

Luo Heng joined their team for only three months, but his powerful golden red flames, sharp knife skills, and amazing self-control have all left a deep impact on them.

At this time, Luo Heng’s calm voice was no longer in the team, and he was really uncomfortable.

“Captain, where are we going now?”

“Where to go? Drink, I haven’t had a good drink just now!”

“Ahem, you are not afraid of being found out by your sister-in-law and punishing you to kneel on the washboard?”

“You dare to say, it was you who revealed my shortcomings just now, right? I’ll drink you to death later!”

“Well, then we won’t be drunk tonight!”


When the blood knife team met in the bar, Luo Heng was already sitting in the taxi and checked his system interface with his eyes closed:

Name: Luo Heng

Level: second-tier mid-level ability (+)

Ability: Real Fire of the Sun (S-level)

Power point:

Skills: The third layer of anode fireworks (beginner +), the fifth layer of Jidao Yandao (Dacheng +), Yangyu (Dacheng +), Xingan (advanced +), ordinary boxing (master), ordinary swordsmanship (master)

Law: The Artistic Conception of Fire (Weak)

‘Eighty thousand power points, enough. ’

Looking at the amount behind the power point column, Luo Heng was very satisfied.

‘Now I have a lot of power points. After that, I can directly use some power points to increase the level.

Moreover, I have been in the second-tier mid-position for so long, and the upgrade should not consume much power points.

The remaining power points will be used to enhance the mood of fire. ’

Luo Heng secretly said in his heart.

The improvement of the mood of fire can not only increase the intensity of the real fire of the sun, but also prepare for the fourth level.

Therefore, in addition to the level, his highest priority is the mood of fire.

‘This time I killed nearly two hundred second-order strange beasts and one third-order strange beast. Although the negative influence of the strange beasts was very strong, they were all suppressed by me. Does this mean that the strange beasts Can the negative influence of the beast world really be suppressed? ’

Luo Heng fell into thinking.

Although Teacher Jiang Nian said that there is no way to eliminate the negative influence of the world of alien beasts, it turns out that the stronger the mind, the stronger the resistance to the negative influence of the world of alien beasts!

If his mind is really strong to a certain extent, he might be able to ignore the negative influence of the world of alien beasts!

At that time, he will be able to unscrupulously kill the alien beasts and harvest the power points.

“Luo Heng, what are you thinking?”

Yao Muxi, who was sitting next to Luo Heng, asked suspiciously.

After getting in the car, Luo Heng has been distracted.

Is it because you are not beautiful enough and your body is not good enough to attract his attention?

Or is he reluctant to bear the big sister in the team?

Yao Muxi’s eyes sharpened when he thought about this.

“Nothing? I was distracted just now.”

Luo Heng, who had recovered from his meditation, said quickly.

“Hmph, I don’t care, you must be reluctant to let your big sister, who has a big body, be distracted!”

Yao Muxi wrinkled her Qiong nose and said angrily.

Listening to her words, Luo Heng couldn’t help but smile, and then he leaned to her ear and whispered: “No matter how good the figure is, sister Yu can’t be better than you. Therefore, my favorite is you.”

Feeling the man’s breath close at hand in his ear and Luo Heng’s explicit words, Yao Muxi blushed instantly.

Seeing Yao Muxi’s shy and charming appearance, Luo Heng couldn’t help it anymore and kissed him directly.

Well, the lips are so soft, it’s what I like!


ps: The fourth one, please support it~~.

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