Chapter 142

After returning to school and parting with Yao Muxi, Luo Heng took a shower in the dormitory, changed his battle clothes, and went directly to Teacher Jiang Nian.

The school will start in a few days, and he still needs Teacher Jiang Nian to understand some things that need to be paid attention to when the school starts.

“What should I pay attention to when school starts?”

In the living room, Jiang Nian, who listened to Luo Heng’s words, smiled slightly and said: “After school starts, every class will be assigned a counselor to take care of all your affairs at school. When the time comes, you can just listen to him. .”

“Besides, what should I pay attention to when the school starts, that is the first battle after school starts?”

“The first battle at the beginning of school?”

Luo Heng was puzzled, as if he had never heard of this concept.

“Yes, it’s the first battle at the beginning of school.”

After a pause, Jiang Nian continued to explain: “Jiangnan University of Extraordinary Ability, recruits about 1,000 students for the college entrance examination each year.”

“However, there are only hundreds of strong tutors in the school, and they have to be in charge of the four grades from freshman to senior, which is simply too much to manage.”

“Therefore, the meaning of the first game of school is to let the tutor pay more attention to your potential, so that you have the opportunity to become a student of this tutor.”

“Then students who have not been noticed by their tutors, don’t they have no professional tutors to guide them?”

Luo Heng raised his brow and said.


Jiang Nian nodded, “Entering Jiangnan Supernatural University does not mean that you can practice with confidence.”

“The competitiveness of Jiangnan University is very fierce. You don’t need money like cheats, weapons, and training resources?”

“But can our university provide all students with such resources? This is obviously impossible, even for the rich and powerful Beijing University of Ability.”

“So, the competition begins the moment the school starts.”

“Moreover, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have a professional tutor, the school curriculum is very complete, enough for students to improve their own strength.”

“When the strength is strong enough, it is not impossible to fight for the trainee quota of the instructor.”

“But I have you as a teacher, why should I pay special attention to this first game of school?”

Scratching his head, Luo Heng asked.

“You are stupid, the first battle of school is to show your platform. The stronger your strength, the more recognition you get, the more resources you can get!”

Jiang Nian glared at Luo Heng, and then said: “Don’t think that the contract that the principal Feng gave you is the limit. In fact, as long as your potential is strong enough, the school will provide you with more resources. ` !”

“Is that so? Then I understand.”

Luo Heng nodded thoughtfully.

It seems that in the first battle of school, I have to use all my strength and strive to surprise all the teachers!

In this way, the resources he gets are tilted enough!

Luo Heng, who got the answer, did not leave immediately. Instead, he started training directly in teacher Jiang Nian’s training room. He did not leave here until after nine o’clock in the evening and returned to the dormitory.

“Ability level, raise it!”

Luo Heng returned to the dormitory with a low drink and directly clicked the plus sign behind the system interface level.

As soon as he clicked the plus sign, Luo Heng felt that a more powerful energy poured out of his heart, and began to strengthen all parts of his body!

Muscles, meridians, blood vessels…

Every part is being strengthened rapidly.

Moreover, the most important real fire of the sun, the power is constantly improving!

Ten minutes later, Luo Heng, who had been promoted, stood up and moved his body casually, and he heard a burst of sound like fried beans from his body!

That is how his body was strengthened.

“The sun is really hot!”

With a low drink, the golden red sun fire appeared in the room.

“Compared with before, there is more gold in the real fire of the sun, and the temperature of the real fire of the sun has reached more than a thousand degrees!”

Feeling the power of the real fire of the sun, Luo Heng was extremely excited.

Before, when he was a second-tier mid-level ability, under the blessing of the artistic conception of fire, the highest temperature of the real fire of the sun was only more than 900 degrees.

Now that he has been promoted, he has directly improved by more than a hundred degrees. How can this not make him excited?


Excited, Luo Heng began to check the system:

Name: Luo Heng

Level: Second-order high-level ability (+)

Ability: Real Fire of the Sun (S-level)

Power point:

Skills: The third layer of anode fireworks (beginner +), the fifth layer of Jidao Yandao (Dacheng +), Yangyu (Dacheng +), Xingan (advanced +), ordinary boxing (master), ordinary swordsmanship (master)

Law: The Artistic Conception of Fire (Weak)

“This time I was promoted and only spent two thousand power points, which is not bad.”

Looking at the still strong power points, Luo Heng was very satisfied.

This is the result of his hard work for a month. If he directly uses power points to increase his level, he must spend tens of thousands of power points! Even tens of thousands!

After being promoted, Luo Heng did not stop, but pressed the plus sign at the back of the rule column again!

This time, he promoted the mood of fire!

He seemed to be transformed into a tiny fire element once again, rippling in the ocean of fire elements, feeling the mood of fire wantonly.

In less than six minutes, Luo Heng could feel it, and his understanding of the artistic conception of fire deepened again!

“The sun is really hot, refactor!”

With a flash of eyes, Luo Heng began to reconstruct his own real fire according to his understanding of the concept of fire!


In less than three minutes, the real fire of the sun with a slightly changed face reappeared in the room!

“The temperature has reached more than 1,200 degrees, but my ability to control the real fire of the sun is a little weaker. It seems that this is another situation where the foundation is unstable. This situation must be completely eliminated before the school starts. !”

Luo Heng muttered to himself, and then checked his system in his mind:

Name: Luo Heng

Level: Second-order high-level ability

Ability: Real Fire of the Sun (S-level)

Power point:

Skills: The third layer of anode fireworks (beginner +), the fifth layer of Jidao Yandao (Dacheng +), Yangyu (Dacheng +), Xingan (advanced +), ordinary boxing (master), ordinary swordsmanship (master)

Law: The Artistic Conception of Fire (Middle)

“¨” It cost me 60,000 power points to change from the weak and medium fire mood to the medium fire mood? ”

Looking at the greatly reduced power point, Luo Heng’s eyes widened.

This mood of fire is too consuming power points.

Shaking his head, Luo Heng began to plan his training plan: “There are still five days left to study. During this time, the main exercise is to practice the real fire of the sun. Let’s put the knife aside.”

He still can’t completely control the real fire after promotion, so he must eliminate this unstable foundation as soon as possible.


In the next few days, Luo Heng devoted most of his time to the training of Sun Real Fire.

On the evening of September 4, in the training room No. 9 on the 12th floor of the training building, the entire training room was covered by a golden red light.

It was the clusters of golden-red flames that emitted the golden-red light.

At this time, Luo Heng was controlling his group of real sun fires to transform into various forms, appearing extremely skillful.

After a long while, Luo Heng stopped and let out a sigh of relief: “Finally, the day before school started, the unstable foundation was eliminated. Now, the real fire of the sun is completely under my control! ”


In the frightening wind canyon, there is no (Li Hao) creature in the violent wind that can survive, and a figure jumps in it, which is extremely relaxed and freehand.

In the end, with a jump, he left the windy area and stood on a boulder.

“Haha, the artistic conception of the wind, I finally realized it!”

The teenager laughed, “Tomorrow is the beginning of school, just right!”

After speaking, he turned into a phantom and disappeared here.


In a residence near Jiangnan University, an evil-faced teenager is watching a video of Luo Heng killing a strange animal on a 3D projection.

“The sun is really hot, Jiangnan Supernatural University, Luo Heng, we will be in the same school tomorrow. It’s really exciting to think about it.”

The boy licked the corner of his mouth, showing a wicked smile.

Under the shining of the light, his shadow began to change. The double horns that appeared on his head and the wagging tail behind him all looked strange.


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