Chapter 143

There are a total of eight universities in Jiangning City, of which there are three supernatural universities and ordinary universities. Among them, in the university town near the north of Jiangning City, there are two supernatural universities and three ordinary universities.

In the early morning of September 5, one after another large cars full of students arrived at the gate of the university town.

These are all students arriving from the Jiangning High-speed Railway Station.

Today is the official opening day of Jiangnan Supernatural University, and it is also the opening day of the other four universities in the university city.

Therefore, among the students who got off the big car, there are not only students from supernatural universities, but also many students from ordinary universities.

The weather in Jiangning City is still a bit hot in September, so the students who are dragging their suitcases wear cooler clothes.

Especially the girl wearing hot pants and short skirt, the white thighs are even more dazzling.

“Wow, is this the third-ranked Jiangnan Supernatural University in the country? It is really domineering!”

“Hurry up, let’s take a photo here.”

“I’m coming.”



These students from all corners of the world who have just entered the university are surprised by everything in front of them, especially the Jiangnan University, which is ranked third in the country.

Therefore, many students who are not Jiangnan Supernatural University also stood in front of the Jiangnan Supernatural University and started taking a group photo.

Due to the large gate of Jiang University, even with so many students, it is not crowded at all.

Some of them looked at the magnificent gate with complex expressions:

“Unfortunately, our awakened ability level is too low, and we can’t even enter the ordinary ability university, let alone this top ability university.”

“Hey, don’t be discouraged, even if we are in a normal university, our future salary will be able to exceed those who are born to die!”

“Yes, too, we don’t need to be so envious.”


The students of Jiangnan University are very proud of their school, but those students who can’t enter Jiangong University can only eat grapes and say grapes are sour.

At the gate of Jiangnan University, the students who came and went frequently looked in one direction, most of them were girls, and they were beautiful in their beautiful eyes.

“Look, that guy is so handsome, and he’s so tall!”

“Where, where?”

“I saw it, it looks so handsome, and it has a special temperament that makes people feel very comfortable!”


There was a person standing there where the girls were staring.

The man has short hair, is wearing gray short sleeves and slacks, and is wearing a pair of casual shoes. With his handsome face and tall figure, it is very eye-catching.

Most of the girls around were looking at him.

Feeling the hot gaze from the girls around, Luo Heng frowned, took out his cell phone, and dialed a call:

“Hey, Wang Dong, have you not arrived yet?”

“It’s almost here, I’ll get out of the car right away, not to mention it.”

Listening to Wang Dong’s voice on the other end of the phone, Luo Heng shook his head.

Wang Dong called him last night and said that he wanted to pick him up by himself, so early this morning, he arrived at the entrance of the university city.

As a result, Wang Dong was still as unreliable as before. He clearly said that he would be there within ten minutes, but he didn’t arrive after half an hour, which made him wait here in vain for a long time.

Although the girls and the white thighs are quite eye-catching, but the hot gaze feels more, and he can’t stand it.

Putting the phone back in his pocket, Luo Heng walked towards the place where the large bus parked over there.

At this time, one student after another was walking off the large bus that stopped.

Luo Heng who walked by saw Wang Dong who had just gotten out of the car at a glance.

However, there are too many students here, and it is difficult for him to go directly, so he just waited here and let Wang Dong come by himself.

I saw Wang Dong with his luggage, followed by a few young girls, walking here.

Wang Dong, who was dragging his luggage, looked around, as if looking for something.

“Wang Dong, this guy, I haven’t seen him for a holiday. Isn’t he shortsighted?”

Seeing Wang Dong searching for his figure, Luo Heng couldn’t help raising his eyebrows.

I was only 50 meters away from him, and I couldn’t see it at all, I was afraid it was not really blind.

“Wang Dong!”

Luo Heng shouted at Wang Dong over there, and waved his hand.

Hearing this voice, Wang Dong turned his head, although he hesitated, he still dragged his suitcase and walked over.

“Aheng, it really is your kid! I thought I was wrong.”

Seeing Luo Heng in front of him, Wang Dong’s tone was full of surprise.

How come this guy has changed so much, if Luo Heng hadn’t called him just now, he really didn’t recognize it.

“Wang Dong, why didn’t you see me in a summer vacation, you became shortsighted? You can’t recognize me after fifty meters away. We are still good brothers because of us.”

Luo Heng joked with a smile.

Wang Dong’s arrival made him feel happy.

“Who told you to have changed so much, I can’t recognize it anymore.”

Wang Dong smiled and hammered Luo Heng lightly in the chest.

“Hey, these strong muscles, you haven’t wasted the three months of summer vacation.”

Feeling the hard touch from his fist, Wang Dong couldn’t help but sigh.

He knew that Luo Heng arrived at school three months earlier. Now it seems that Luo Heng should have spent the three months in training.

“Wang Dong, who is this? Not to introduce us?”

Accompanied by a crisp voice, the young girls who were with Wang Dong just now also walked over.

It was one of the beautiful girls who were talking.

At this moment, she was staring at Luo Heng with bright eyes.

This man is so handsome and so temperamental!

“Haha, this is what I told you just now, my good brother at Jiangnan Supernatural University, Luo Heng!”

Wang Dong smiled triumphantly, and then introduced to Luo Heng: “A Heng, this is what I met in the car, my classmates from the same super university, Zhao Yan, Feng Zhou, Ye Chuxue and Fang Lu.”


Luo Heng smiled and said hello. It’s not bad that Wang Dong knows so many students from the same school in the car.

Especially Ye Chuxue, who is next to Fang Lu, a petite girl, is tall and well-groomed, with a sense of being tall and quiet.

“Student Luo Heng, hello, but we heard Wang Dong tell you about you in the car, you are very powerful because of the s-level ability, which is vying for by the three major colleges and universities.”

Fang Lu, a petite girl, had a brighter vision after hearing Wang Dong’s words.

She is so handsome and so strong, she admits, she is moved!

“Hehe, it’s all touted by everyone, I’m not so good yet.”

Luo Heng chuckled, and then laughed and walked towards Chenggui University with Wang Dong and others.

Chenggui University of Versatility, right next to Jiangnan University of Versatility, although the gate is not as domineering as Jiang Da, but it is also very beautiful.

At this time, many students dragging their luggage walked into the school gate.

“You should still have a lot of things to do at the beginning of school. Let’s get together when you are done in the evening.”

Luo Heng said to Wang Dong next to him.

“Well, that’s okay.”

Wang Dong nodded.

“Luo Heng handsome guy, can we come to meet you with Wang Dong at night?”

Fang Lu on the side asked boldly.

“Yes, how can’t I, I will bring you together then!”

Before Luo Heng could speak, Wang Dong, who was next to him, said first and gave Luo Heng one. You can look at me with confidence.

Seeing that look in Wang Dong’s eyes, Luo Heng couldn’t help but smile helplessly.

It’s because of you that I don’t worry about it!

“Luo Heng, then we will see you tonight.”

Wang Dong waved his hand and walked into Chenggui University with Fang Lu and others.

Seeing Wang Dong and his party going away, Luo Heng shook his head, and then walked into Jiangnan Supernatural University.

Today is also the day when Jiangnan University of Psychology opens the journal. He patronizes to pick up Wang Dong, and some of his own admission procedures have not yet been completed.

Therefore, he has to go back to go through some admission procedures now.


ps: The first one, because there are some things in the morning, the first one is late, but there will definitely be four remaining ones today. .

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