Chapter 144

Entering the campus of Jiangnan University, there is a huge fountain surrounded by flowers of various colors, and behind that fountain is a huge square.

At this time, at the front of the square, a huge banner has been hung, and it says: “Welcome all new students to join Jiangnan University.”

Below the huge banner, there are two speakers, which are constantly broadcasting some words:

“All freshmen, please register according to the name of the college after entering the square.”

“If you encounter difficulties, you can ask for help from the volunteers in front of the square and the volunteers behind the service desk in the square.”


In front of the square, there are some seniors and seniors walking back and forth. The white clothes on their upper bodies are printed with the school badge of Jiangda University. If they want to come, they are the volunteers mentioned in the broadcast.

Under the guidance of the broadcast voice and volunteers, the students who entered the Jiangda campus also walked straight to the square behind the banner.

“This service is really thoughtful.”

Seeing this scene in front of him, Luo Heng couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

Three months ago, when he came to report, he even searched the map on the Internet by himself. How could there be such a good supporting service.

Shaking his head, Luo Heng also walked into the square.

Looking around, small shade tents have been erected in the originally empty square, and a 3D projector is placed in front of every few small shade shade tents.

There are 5 projectors in total. From the 5 3d projectors, huge fonts are projected. They are:

“Intensive Department Student Registration Office”, “Elements Department Student Registration Office”, “Natural Department Student Registration Office”, “Psychology Department Student Registration Office”, “Special Department Student Registration Office”

At this time, in this square, there were the most students dragging their suitcases in front of the strengthening department tent, which seemed extremely noisy.

There are fewer students in front of the other tents.

“Elements student registration office.”

Luo Heng swept his eyes and saw the element system check-in area in the middle of the square.

Without hesitating too much, he walked over directly.

“Students, are you going to register as a freshman in the Elementary Department?”

Luo Heng just walked to the 3D projection where the’Elemental Student Registration Office’ was projected, and suddenly a softly turned voice came.

Turning his head and looking, a volunteer girl wearing a white school badge shirt was standing behind the service desk.

There, she was the only one, and the school arranged to guide the freshmen to enroll when she wanted to come.

“um, yes.”

At this time, there was no one in front of the service desk. Luo Heng nodded and walked forward directly.

“Excuse me, what is your name? I can check the class information for you.” The volunteer girl said with a smile.

“Luo Heng.”


The volunteer girl smiled, and then tapped on the virtual keyboard. After a while, she raised her head: “Hello, student Luo Heng, you are a student of the first class of Element Academy, please take your identity Credentials, go to the first small tent next to register for school.”


Luo Heng walked to the first small tent next to him.

At this time, there were a few students dragging suitcases in a row. In the tent in front of them, there was a woman sitting there, registering something for them.

“Yo, buddy, are you in the same class?”

Seeing Luo Heng walking by, one of the men in the team had some beards on his chin, and his eyes lit up, and he said to Luo Heng.


Luo Heng, who was at the back, smiled and nodded.

This kind of classmates are familiar ones at first glance.

“Hey, I’m also in the first class, my name is Chen Yan, and everyone will be classmates in the future.”

Chen Yan laughed and patted the person in front of him on the shoulder, and said to Luo Heng, “This is Shi Xian, who is also in our class. We just met.”

“Hello, I am Luo Heng.”

Luo Heng greeted Shi Xian and Chen Yan.

In the future, everyone will be in the same class, and sooner or later they will get acquainted with each other. In this case, it would be good to get to know each other earlier.

“Dude, don’t you bring your luggage?”

Chen Yan looked at Luo Heng empty-handed, and couldn’t help being a little surprised.

“Well, my luggage is already in the dormitory.”

Luo Heng explained.

“You can enter school before school starts, then you must be a freshman who has registered in advance!”

Chen Yan said with some surprise, “Those who can report in advance are very promising new students, Brother Luo Heng, you will have to cover us in the future.”

“It’s easy to talk.”

Luo Heng said casually, then took out his mobile phone and dialed Yao Muxi’s number: “Xiaoxi, the sun is almost drying his butt, and I still get up?”

Yao Muxi has been doing high-intensity training for this period of time, but since the journal will arrive today, her aunt did not let her go for training.

Therefore, she rarely slept in.

“Um~~, let me sleep a little longer.”

From Yao Muxi’s lazy voice, you can know that she definitely hasn’t woken up yet.

“Okay, then you will report yourself later.”

Shaking his head, Luo Heng didn’t force Yao Muxi to get up either.

After all, the days of rest that are hard to get, of course, have to sleep well.

Luo Heng, who hung up his cell phone, looked to the front. Chen Yan just finished the registration and walked aside, revealing the real face of the counselor sitting at the table.

·· ·········Find flowers· 0

The instructor has a short, capable hair, and looks a little delicate. He doesn’t seem to be very old, just twenty-six and seventy-seven.

‘Such a young counselor? ’

Luo Heng was surprised, but he said, “Hello teacher, I am Luo Heng from the first element of the department, and I am here to report.”

“Hello, I am the instructor of your elementary department, and my name is Zou Qiong.”

Wu Qiong nodded, and then asked: “You said you are Luo Heng?”


Luo Heng nodded.

Hearing his response, Wuqiong’s eyes lit up.

Each class will be equipped with a counselor, this is Jiang Da’s rules.

The instructor of a class will accompany all the students in this class through the four years of university and then graduate.

.. …… 0

During this period, the results of the instructors are mainly reflected in the students’ excellence.

And she was a novice teacher who passed the assessment and entered Jiangda as a counselor this year.

Therefore, the first batch of students must bring their grades well.

And when she knew that her class had an s-level supernatural power named Luo Heng, she made up her mind, she must solve a problem in the student’s life, and let him devote herself to The improvement of strength!

“Ah, Luo Heng, please show your ID card.”

With a dry cough, Xu Qiong calmed down some excitement and chose to verify his identity first.


Luo Heng nodded and passed the ID card directly.


Xu Qiong took the ID card and passed it over an instrument on the table.

After confirming the identity of Luo Heng through the display on the computer, her face was full of smiles, and she handed over a black card: “Student Luo Heng, this student ID records your identity information and is bound to the iris. It’s used everywhere on campus. So please contact me quickly if you lose it.”

“Your dormitory has been allocated, so after receiving the student ID here, you will have to register.”

“By the way, at around 3 in the afternoon, we will hold a freshman meeting in the lobby on the 3rd floor of Teaching Building 1. Remember to attend on time when that happens.”


Although it was a little strange why the counselor had such a good attitude towards him, Luo Heng, who had obtained the student ID, turned around and prepared to leave directly.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a dangerous breath coming from behind him!


ps: The second one, ask for a lot of money.

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