Chapter 145


Feeling the dangerous breath, Luo Heng frowned, turned his head, and saw a teenager with longer hair staring straight at him among the students waiting in line in front of the tent next to him.

He could feel that the long-haired young man was exuding a very dangerous aura, and it was still aimed at him.

“Luo Heng, what are you looking at? I have already checked in. Let’s go back to the dormitory first. I have heard that the dormitory of Jiangda University is very good. I can’t wait to see it.”

Chen Yan couldn’t help but shouted.

“Well, here it is.”

After answering, Luo Heng withdrew his gaze.

Although he didn’t know where the long-haired boy was hostile to him just now, even if the boy really wanted to do something, he just saw it.

With his current strength, there is no need to fear anyone at all!

“Shi Xian, he still doesn’t believe that Jiangda’s dormitory is so good, Luo Heng, you have been living in the dormitory for three months, so tell him what’s inside.”

“The dormitory is really good, all kinds of supporting facilities are quite complete…”

While talking, Luo Heng left here with Chen Yan and Shi Xian.

“Luo Heng, as long as you defeat you, you will be able to complete the task assigned by the teacher, haha, I really look forward to that moment.”

Looking at Luo Heng in the distance, Li Hua had a sharp smile on his face.


“Luo Heng, the two of us are in dormitory 210, then we will go there first, and we will meet the new students in the afternoon.”

“Well, go over.”

Luo Heng waved his hand on the second floor of the male dormitory, and Chen Yan and Shi Xian walked towards the dormitory deeper in the second floor dormitory.

His 201 dormitory is not far from the elevator, so he walked a few steps and entered the 201 dormitory directly.

“Huh? The last roommate arrived?”

Seeing the strange boy standing in the living room of the dormitory, Luo Heng was surprised and immediately relieved.

Also, for freshmen enrolled, it is not surprising that the last member of his dormitory arrives.

Seeing Luo Heng entering the dormitory, the teenager walked over and greeted, “Classmate, are you in this dormitory too?”


Luo Heng smiled and nodded.

“That’s great, we will be roommates from now on.”

The teenager looked a little excited, and then introduced himself: “I am Zhang Hao from Class 2 of the Intensive Department. What about you? What department are you from?”

“I guess you are in the intensive department just like me!”

Before Luo Heng could answer, Zhang Hao took the lead in guessing.

The powers of the strengthening system, because all of their strength lies in their own body, so the powers of the strengthening system will practice their bodies to the death to better adapt to their own powers.

As a result, players with enhanced abilities are generally stouter.

And the roommate in front of him is tall and tall, and it can be seen that he exercises regularly through the exposed arms that are larger than the average person.

Therefore, Zhang Hao concluded that Luo Heng is also a power-up player.

“You guessed it wrong, I am from Class 1 of the Elemental Department, and my name is Luo Heng.”

Luo Heng responded.

“It’s actually elemental?”

Zhang Hao’s eyes widened. Luo Heng’s answer was obviously unexpected.

“By the way, have you seen the other roommate in our dormitory?”

Luo Heng scanned the living room of the dormitory, but did not notice Wei Qing.

“I don’t know, there was no one in the dormitory when I opened the door and came in.”

Zhang Hao said after the astonishment.

“In this case, let’s wait for him to come back and meet, let’s go out to eat again.”

There will be a freshman meeting in the afternoon, so Luo Heng is not going to go to training today. It would be nice to get to know these new classmates and new roommates.

Not long after waiting, Wei Qing came back from outside: “Oh, the new roommate has arrived? Hello, this is Wei Qing.”

Looking at the strange boy next to Luo Heng, Wei Qing said hello when his eyes lit up.

Finally, a new roommate came in!

In the past three months, although there were two people living in the dormitory, most of the time he was alone in the dormitory watching movies.

Only the smart system Mi Yi could say a few words to him. If it weren’t for the temperature in the living room rising from time to time for a while, he would have some doubts whether he had hallucinations. In fact, he was the only one living in this dormitory. Luo Heng is the character he imagined!

“You…Hello, I’m Zhang Hao.”

Feeling the intensity of the start, and Wei Qing’s eyes shining everywhere as if seeing a beautiful woman, Zhang Hao’s eyes were full of alertness.

Isn’t this guy a gay guy?

“Okay, everyone is here, so let’s go out to eat, Jiangda’s cafeteria, I’ve long wanted to give it a try.”

Luo Heng said with a smile.

The student ID can be bound to his own bank card. Just now, he has already bound it, so he can directly swipe the card for consumption.

But on Yao Muxi’s side, she can only let her and Sister Li solve the lunch by themselves.

After all, it is impossible for them to stick together all the time.

“Well, let’s go.”

Wei Qing nodded, with a look of excitement on his face.

Indeed, it has been three months since he has lived in the dormitory of Jiangda University, and he has never eaten the school cafeteria once…

“Zhang Hao, let’s go, let’s be together.”

“Wait, my student ID is not bound to the bank card yet.”

“It’s okay, I’ll help you brush it later.”

Wei Qing pulled Zhang Hao and left the dormitory with Luo Heng.


At this time it was 12 o’clock at noon, and most of the people walking around the campus were in groups of three in dormitories.

Many of them looked at the buildings on the campus when they were walking around the campus, and they seemed very curious.

“At first glance, you are just freshmen.”

On the campus road, Wei Qing said to Zhang Hao, who was also looking around.

“You don’t seem to be talking about it.”

Zhang Hao snorted coldly.

“Hmph, of course, I have been in school for three months, of course I am not a freshman.”

Wei Qing said quite contentedly.

As one of the few students who were called by his tutor to report in advance, he does have some proud capital.

“Report in advance? Can Jiang Da report in advance? Why don’t I know?”

Zhang Hao asked suspiciously.

“It needs to be reported in advance under the arrangement of Jiang Da mentor.”

Luo Heng explained with a smile.

On the way out of the dormitory just now, he had learned that Zhang Hao was from a remote area of ​​Tongchuan City, Jiangnan Province. This time he came to Jiangda, and it was his first time out of Tongchuan City.

Therefore, he didn’t know this, and it was normal.

“Is that so?” Zhang Hao said thoughtfully.

“Okay, we’re in the cafeteria, let’s go eat first.”

Wei Qing couldn’t help but said.

When Luo Heng looked up, he saw a large building standing in front of him. On the front of the building, the three characters’Daoxiangyuan’ were written.

“It’s still very artistic.”

Luo Heng laughed, and walked in with Wei Qing and Zhang Hao.

In the dining hall hall, the decoration is very simple, except for the dining tables and chairs, there is nothing else.

At this time, the hall seemed very noisy, with students walking everywhere, and long lines in front of the dining window.

“Go, let’s try the food in the cafeteria.”

Luo Heng came up behind the line with the fewest people with a novel face.

Although his bank card has a balance of more than 20 million Chinese coins, he can easily eat everything he wants.

But he still enjoyed the feeling of lining up in the school cafeteria with his roommates for dinner.

After all, he hasn’t tried such a life for a long time.


ps: The third one, the last two are still working on the codewords, please ask for a favor~~.

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