Chapter 146

After the meal, Luo Heng and Wei Qing walked around the campus with curious Zhang Hao, and they walked to the No. 1 teaching building when it was almost 2:40.

Just as Luo Heng and his group were walking on the road, his mobile phone suddenly rang:

“Luo Heng, Sister Li and I are already at the entrance of the conference room in No.1 Teaching Building, where are you?”

“I’ll be there soon.”

“Well, then we will wait for you outside here.”


Luo Heng hung up the phone and took Wei Qing and Zhang Hao to continue to No. 1 Teaching Building.


At this time, in front of the lobby on the 3rd floor of Teaching Building 1, when many people entered the lobby, they looked at somewhere beside the passage with amazing eyes.

There, three beauties are standing.

Two of them are taller and the other is slightly shorter, but they are both very beautiful.

Especially the girl in the middle, who is about 1.7 meters tall, has big and energetic eyes, long eyelashes, and a small nose and lips, forming a beautiful face.

What is even more amazing is her figure, where the convexity is 28, the concave part is concave, and the curve is perfect.

Among the students passing by, whether boys or girls, most of them cast amazing eyes on her.

“Xiao Mu, every time I go out with you, I will encounter this situation. It seems that I can’t go out with you in the future, otherwise, no one will notice my beauty.”

Yan Long beside Yao Muxi smiled and joked.

“Sister Long, don’t laugh, you are so beautiful, it is impossible for others to ignore you.”

Yao Muxi showed a sweet smile.

“You little Nizi, your mouth is so sweet, I really want to see how sacred Luo Heng in your mouth is, and can attract us such a perfect little Mu.”

A look of expectation appeared in Yan Long’s eyes.

Because her mentor is so perverted, she spends every day in training from morning to night, and there is no chance of encountering Yao Muxi and her little boyfriend.

But now, finally let her have a chance to see the truth!

“No, just ahead, he’s here.”

Xu Sili next to Yao Muxi said with a smile.


Yan Long quickly followed Xu Sili’s gaze, and saw a group of people approaching not far away, a total of three people.

The man on the far left, who is a little over 1.7 meters tall, is a bit sturdy, but looks a little ordinary, so he passed away.

The man in the middle was a little handsome, but he looked lazy, as if he hadn’t been awake, and couldn’t even get her eyes, let alone Yao Muxi’s eyes, so he still passed.

In the end, all that is left is the boy walking on the far right. The boy is about 1.8 meters tall and tall. Even if he is wearing ordinary casual clothes, he has a particularly eye-catching aura.

It seems that that is Luo Heng!

With a flash of Yan Long’s eyes, he found Luo Heng from the three people walking side by side.


“Luo Heng, look, there are three beauties in front of us who are looking at us.”

Wei Qing’s eyes lit up and said in a low voice, “As expected of me, my charm is strong enough to attract three beauties at the same time!”

“Ha ha.”

Luo Heng chuckled, Wei Qing’s face is so thick, this is not the first time he has felt it.

Ignoring Wei Qing, Luo Heng went straight up.

“Hey, Luo Heng, what are you doing?”

Seeing Luo Heng walking up, Wei Qing suddenly panicked. What he said just now was just a joke. Why did Luo Heng go straight up?

“Sister Li.”

Luo Heng, who came up, greeted Xu Sili, and then looked at Yao Muxi next to him with a smile: “Finally, you are willing to get up? I thought you would just go to sleep today.”

“Huh, smelly Luo Heng, you know to bully me!”

Yao Muxi wrinkled her Qiong nose, and then took both hands, “Now I will punish you to hug me well!”

After speaking, Yao Muxi plunged directly into Luo Heng’s arms.

Hmm~~, the breath on Luo Heng’s body is still so comfortable!

Behind Luo Heng, Zhang Hao and Wei Qing stared at this scene at the same time.

Zhang Hao is okay, he is just amazed at the beauty of Luo Heng’s girlfriend.

But Wei Qing was truly deceived.

Isn’t Luo Heng’s girlfriend that Song Xialan? He has also seen photos in the forum.

So what is going on with this beautiful girl now?

Training every day, there is still time to talk about two girlfriends at the same time, this is too beautiful, right? ? ! !

For a while, Wei Qing was full of admiration for Luo Heng.

The master of time management is worthy of being a master of time management, and I underestimated him before!

“Xiao Mu, don’t you introduce this to me?”

Yan Long said with a smile.

To be honest, it was the first time that she saw Yao Muxi’s so cute side.

“Oh, yes, this is the busiest roommate in our dormitory, Yan Long.”

Yao Muxi let go of Luo Heng and introduced.


Luo Heng smiled and nodded. When he was about to introduce two of his roommates, Xu Sili on the side suddenly called out:

“Oh, it’s almost three o’clock, and the freshman meeting is about to begin.”

“Then let’s go in first.”

After speaking, Luo Heng and his party walked into the hall.

The area of ​​the hall is very large, even if nearly a thousand people have been seated, it is not crowded at all.

At this time, the seats in the front of the hall were full, so they found a back seat to sit down.

In the front of the hall is the tutor’s seat, where Luo Heng saw his teacher Jiang Nian and Yao Muxi’s teacher Wang Wei.

And sitting in the middle is a tall man, with the occasional light flashing in his eyes, and the faintly dangerous aura that exudes, which all show that he is a very threatening supernatural person!

Come to think of it, it should be Feng Keliang, the president of Jiangnan Supernatural University.

At three o’clock in the afternoon, the meeting started on time. I saw that Principal Feng on the stage did not use any microphone or other equipment, and directly said:

“Hello, all 3031 freshmen, I am Feng Keliang, the principal of this school.”

“First of all, you are welcome to be admitted to the Jiangnan Supernatural University. Our school is ranked third in the country. I believe that after four years of study and training, everyone will become a qualified supernaturalist.”

“The purpose of holding this meeting is that I want to see your freshmen in this year. The other is that I will tell you how to better practice, train, and acquire in Jiangnan University. More resources.”

Principal Feng’s voice was not loud, but in the hall filled with more than a thousand people, everyone could hear his deep voice.


ps: The fourth update, the last update may not be sent before 12 o’clock, but it will definitely be sent before one point. .

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