Chapter 147

“Every year, among the students graduating from Jiangnan University of Psychology, most of them are Tier 3 abilities, and the number of Tier 4 abilities is extremely small.”

“The weapons and equipment of every supernatural player needs to consume a lot of resources.”

“Our Jiangnan Supernatural University, although providing these resources for students, but these resources are not unlimited, you need to fight for them to obtain.”

“The school’s battle list exists for this reason. Among them, I won’t repeat the relevant knowledge about the battle list here. After you come down, you can ask your counselor about the situation, or you can check it in the school forum. To relevant knowledge.”

“Next, what I want to focus on is the school’s credit system, and the school’s resources can be obtained through the credit system in addition to those who are at the top of the battle list.”

“The student ID each of you got this morning is not only a school pass, but also a credential to log in to the credit system. The so-called credits can be understood as a currency of Jiangnan University. As long as there are enough credits, what do you want to buy? , You can buy anything!”

“The credits are obtained through some tasks issued by the credit system. Of course, these tasks are still a bit difficult, so I suggest that you take them until your sophomore year.”

After a pause, the principal Feng Keliang continued: “By the way, since the number of mentors above Tier 4 in the school is not enough to guide every student, there will be a competition for selecting mentors tomorrow.”

“The game adopts a melee system. As long as your performance is eye-catching enough, you will be favored by your tutor and become one of his students.”

After Principal Feng said these words, the following freshmen suddenly exploded:

“Competitive power list, credit system, and selected tutors, this Jiangnan University of Ability is so competitive!”

“Huh, of course, do you think the school’s resources will be provided to every student for free? That’s impossible!”

“Yes, our tuition fees are so low each year, and the school also provides so many channels to improve our strength, which is not bad.”

“I am a high school classmate who went to a third-rate university with supernatural powers. The school can’t provide any resources. Even the money for weapons purchases must be earned by ourselves. This Jiangnan Supernatural University has so many ways to obtain resources. It’s pretty good.”

“According to the words of Principal Feng, tomorrow we will have a mentor selection competition. Then students who have not attracted the attention of the mentor will have no mentor. `?”

“Yes, without a mentor, even if you want to improve your strength, you can’t improve it!”


Some of the students in the seats in the hall understood these operations of the school, and some were more confused about the tutor system, so the discussion became more frequent.

“Luo Heng, it’s going to be a match tomorrow, I don’t know if we will become opponents then.”

Yao Muxi, who held Luo Heng’s hand, said.

“Did you not listen to the principal, the game tomorrow will adopt a melee system, even if we are assigned to the same arena, then we can choose to cooperate. After all, the purpose of this game is not to defeat more classmates, just show it. Your own strength will do.”

Luo Heng, who touched Yao Muxi’s head, said with a smile.

“Well, that’s pretty good this way.”

A relieved smile appeared on Yao Muxi’s face.

If she is really an enemy of Luo Heng, she is afraid that she is a little frustrated.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from a group of people in the front seat: “Principal Feng, if students who cannot get the attention of their tutors in tomorrow’s game, will they not be able to get the tutor’s guidance? If so, what should those people do for the next four years of practice and study life?”

The man’s voice was not loud, but it still spread throughout the hall, obviously using some power.

“This classmate asked me well.”

Feng Keliang in the tutor seat nodded, and then said: “Indeed, if you fail to attract the favor of the tutor in tomorrow’s game, you will not be able to become a student of a certain teacher.”

“However, this does not mean that students who are not favored by their instructors will have no one to guide their practice.”

“The tutor will still give you lessons every day, but will only take some large public courses, and will not give private one-to-one guidance.”

“Furthermore, even if you are not favored by your mentor in this competition, as long as you are ranked higher in the battle list, you still have the opportunity to be a student of a certain mentor.”

“So, you don’t have to worry about spiritual guidance.”

“Principal Feng, I heard that a student who became a certain instructor can get a higher level of exercise. Is this true?”

The man asked again.

“Hehe, this classmate knows a lot about our school. It seems that he has worked hard before enrolling.”

Feng Keliang smiled slightly, “Indeed, every student of the instructor can get some cheats from the instructor. Even if you can get the approval of the instructor and truly become the disciple of that instructor, then what you get will be top-notch. Power training method!”

“Students who don’t have a tutor can only use the basic power training methods provided by the school and various basic practice secrets.”

Principal Feng’s words caused another commotion.

All weapons and equipment are things outside their bodies, and only the ability training method that can improve the ability is the most important.

At this time, it was heard that the students without a tutor would get the basic ability training method, and their mentality suddenly collapsed.

“Principal Feng, is this unfair to those students who have also entered the Jiang University, but cannot obtain the same power training method?”

The sound that sounded again won the approval of many students, and they suddenly became noisy:

“¨” Yes, it’s not fair, even the resources of weapons and equipment are forgotten. Why can’t such things as power training methods be provided to every student? ”

“That is, they are all students who have been admitted to Jiangda University. How can they be treated differently?”



Listening to the following discussion, Feng Keliang on the stage suddenly exploded with a very oppressive aura!

Under this imposing suppression, all the freshmen in the hall closed their mouths instantly.

“When did I say that our school is fair?”

Feng Keliang said word by word, while his gaze slowly scanned the seats below, and every new student who came into contact with his gaze seemed to have been pierced by a nail, and quickly lowered his head, not daring to look at him directly. .

“The country invests so many resources in our school every year, not to create a group of ordinary Tier 2 and Tier 3 abilities. What the country wants is to deter the top powers of one side!”

“Students who can grow into a deterrent to the strongest must be the best students!”

“He must have a firm will and superpower!”

“Then how can we unearth (Wang Hao) such a student?”

“In addition to the piling of resources, the more important thing is competition!”

“From an unfair system, compete to everything you want, including cheats, weapons, and equipment!”

“You want a high-level ability training method. It’s simple. Try to improve your strength and get the recognition of your instructor? Or work hard to complete tasks and earn credits. You can also redeem from the credit system, even the battle list. The top-ranked students can also get top power training methods. In short, there are many channels, depending on whether you can compete with others.”

After Feng Keliang said something, the freshmen fell silent collectively.

Facing this cruel competition system, for a while, they obviously had difficulty accepting winter.


ps: The last one!

I am also busy these days, and the time for codewords is relatively short, but after five shifts, it is five shifts! Even if I stay up all night, I have to do it. For the sake of my code word so hard, I will give a monthly pass~~

Tomorrow is five shifts, please support~~.

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