Chapter 148

“Principal Feng, this is to give us a good start when the school starts.”

Looking at Wei Qing and Zhang Hao who were also in silence next to them, Luo Heng smiled slightly.

Jiang University’s students come from all parts of the country and are geniuses in that place. It is inevitable that they are arrogant, and it is reasonable to question some of the school’s systems.

Principal Feng’s remarks this time are to make them realize that after entering Jiangda, you are no longer a genius who needs special treatment. All of this requires you to fight for and compete. !

In fact, many students think that the system is not very fair. In Luo Heng’s view, it is quite fair.

In Jiangnan University of Psychology, among the abilities that are recruited every year, two kinds of abilities are the rarest, one is the s-level abilities, and the other is the c-level abilities.

If the s-level ability is the top existence of Jiang Da, then the c-level ability is the bottom existence in Jiang Dazhong!

And his brother Mao Minquan, who is just a c-rank supernatural being, was able to gain the approval of Teacher Jiang Nian in his junior year and became his disciple. What did he rely on?

It relies on the hard training and practice day after day, even if it only uses the basic power training method, there is no complaint, but to strengthen my belief 263, and polish my power and knife skills.

In the end, in the junior year of the junior year, he successfully entered the top of the battle list!

Among the top five hundred in the battle list, c-level ability players are extremely rare, let alone be named ahead of time.

Therefore, in the end Jiang Nian accepted him as his own disciple and taught “Anode Fireworks”, and Brother Mao Minquan, who obtained the top power training method, soared to the sky and entered the top 100 of the battle list!

Senior Brother Mao Minquan, who possesses c-level abilities, can rely on his own efforts to gain the approval of his instructor. Isn’t it possible for the students present with a-level and b-level abilities?

After all, it depends on whether you work hard enough.


On the tutor stage, a group of tutors were talking and laughing: “Principal Feng will come to this set every year when freshmen enroll in school. It seems that the effect is pretty good.”

“Haha, it’s true that Principal Bong is true. The student who questioned him in the seat just now, I have watched him talk to Principal Bong like this year after year, and I almost recognize him, so Principal Bong can’t ask the question by another person. ?”

“Haha, this is a means to motivate students to work hard to compete and struggle. Don’t pay attention to the details. You see, the students below are mostly motivated to fight?”


This scene, which takes place in the lobby on the 3rd floor of the No. 1 teaching building, is staged every year and can be regarded as one of the traditions of Jiangda University.

And those freshmen, after being promoted to a higher grade and learning the truth about this incident, invariably remained silent, and did not disclose any information about this incident on the Internet.

After all, what Principal Feng said was straightforward, but it was indeed for their benefit.


After Principal Feng said these words, the instructors behind also said something, nothing more than information on how to practice and learn in Jiangdali and how to use only the public resources of Jiangda.

It wasn’t until five o’clock in the afternoon that the entire meeting ended, and the students in the seats began to walk out sparsely.

Since there is more than one entrance to the entire hall, even if thousands of people go out together, it doesn’t seem very crowded.

Luo Heng and his party also followed the flow of people and walked out of the lobby on the 3rd floor. They were separated from each other under the No. 1 teaching building.

Wei Qing and Zhang Hao said they were going back to the dormitory quietly, Yao Muxi was called away by her aunt, Xu Sili and Yan Long also left together.

“Really, I was the only one left in the end.”

Shaking his head, Luo Heng walked to the gate of Jiang University.


Luo Heng, who had eaten with Wang Dong and others, returned to his dormitory at nine o’clock in the evening.

“Huh, Wang Dong, the amount of alcohol is so good, if I hadn’t digested part of the wine with the real fire of the sun, I would really not be able to drink him.”

Rubbing his dizzy head, Luo Heng sitting in the chair turned on the computer on his desk.


With a soft sound, a screen was projected.

“Credit system, credit system.”

Luo Heng searched for the credit system described by President Feng on the official website of Jiang University.

“Yes, that’s it.”

After clicking to confirm on the virtual keyboard, a login interface appeared in Luo Heng’s eyes.


Looking at the login prompt on the page, Luo Heng swiped his student ID in the induction area of ​​the computer before logging in.

The interface of the credit system is very simple, with his information on the upper left:

Name: Luo Heng

Age: 3031 class 1 student of the element department

Credits: 50.

In addition to basic information, the main interface is divided into two areas, one is the task area, and the other is the item exchange area.

The item exchange area has a series of exchangeable items:

“Resource Redemption Directory:

Common genetic medicine: 10 credits/bottle

First-order genetic medicine: 20 credits/bottle

Second-order genetic medicine: 40 credits/bottle



Tier 1 alloy weapons: 2 credits/kg

Tier 2 alloy weapons: 10 credits/kg



Strengthening Department:

“Hundred Refining Combat Body”: 1000 credits/book, can be purchased in tiers.

“Indestructible Strengthening”: 0 credits/book, can be purchased in tiers.


Department of Spirit:


There are many things in the resource exchange catalog. Luo Heng even saw his own “Anode Fireworks” and “Jidao Yandao”, but the prices of these two books are more than hundreds of thousands of credits.

“Jiangnan University is really rich and powerful. Every student can get 500,000 yuan after enrollment, which is very good.”

Based on the price of the sword, Luo Heng estimated the value of the credits, and the value of each credit is about 10,000 Chinese yuan.

However, because many items in the resource exchange catalog are difficult to buy from outsiders, the actual value of 1 credit is much higher than 10,000 Chinese coins.

In addition to the item exchange area, it is the mission area:

“Catch Li Yao, a fugitive terrorist organization, 10 credits.”

“Chang Yuan, 100 credits for arresting a fugitive terrorist organization with supernatural ability.”


“Find the strong and join me to join the team to enter the world of alien beasts, 20 credits!”

“Purchase fresh corpses of alien beasts and give credits according to rank!


In the task area, in addition to some tasks issued by the school, students at school can also post tasks on it.

There are a lot of credits for the task rewards, and some are few, but basically all of them require a certain amount of strength to complete.

“Apart from training, it’s pretty good to complete these tasks.”

Looking at the tasks in the task area, Luo Heng showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

In actual combat, you can test your own shortcomings, so after training, it is also a good choice to lay a solid foundation through actual combat.


ps: The first one.

It’s so uncomfortable for Carvin, only one chapter came out in the morning, so let’s keep working hard in the afternoon. .

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