Chapter 163

“D!” “D!” “D!”

In front of the boys’ dormitory, a group of people had not been onlookers for long. Accompanied by a piercing sound of whistle, a team of 6 in blue school badge uniforms rushed over, and the leader of the team screamed:

“Private fights are prohibited in the school area! Please stop immediately!”

Looking at the uniforms on those people, people around immediately started talking:

“Such a big movement really attracted the school guards!”

“The guards are specially arranged by the principal to supervise the students’ behavior. After these two are caught, they are afraid that they will suffer.”

“Suffer? Are you kidding? Two s-level abilities, is the principal willing to punish them? At best, it’s a painless demerit.”

“Yes, s-level superpowers are good, they have privileges to fight in school.”

Listening to the words of the captain, Luo Heng in front of him smiled slightly, then released himself and grabbed Zhao Ji’s right hand: “Okay, I’ll stop.”


With a dull sound, Zhao Ji, who was loosened and grabbed by Luo Heng, fell directly to the ground weakly like a puddle of mud.

The bronze color of Zhao Ji who fell on the ground has disappeared, and his figure has returned to the way it was before using the power.

He looked a little miserable now, his whole body was full of scars, and the coagulated blood formed a layer of blood on his body!

Moreover, the wounds were all scorched.

273  Not only did Luo Heng not have the slightest sympathy for his tragic situation, but he felt extremely happy!

Wei Qingdu was severely wounded and was dying. Now he is still soaking in that huge pot for treatment and rescue. Zhao Ji can be blamed for this.

“Being beaten so badly?”

Seeing Zhao Ji’s misery on the ground, the leader of the team frowned.

On the campus of Jiangnan University of Psychiatry, because they are all students with abilities, and they are at a healthy age, conflicts are also normal.

But the other party was unilaterally beaten up like this, and it was the first time he saw him.

“Because the two of you seriously violated the school’s discipline order, we now need you to go to the teaching building with us and be interrogated by the director!”

Although a little shocked by the tragic situation of the other person, the captain said according to the process.

Although they are directly in charge of Principal Feng, under normal circumstances, what happens is handled by the director of teaching Lu Yuan.

Generally, there are no big things, and Principal Feng will not come forward.


Luo Heng showed a genial smile, as if he was not the one who beat Zhao Ji violently just now.

“But, are you sure you don’t send him to the medical building first?”

Luo Heng pointed to Zhao Ji who fell on the ground and said.

Seeing Zhao Ji lying on the ground in a miserable manner, the captain groaned for a moment, and then said:

“Xiao Wang, Xiao Li, you send the man on the ground to the medical building, and the rest, take him to the teaching building with me.”

Under the arrangement of the team leader, Zhao Ji was carried to the medical building, and Luo Heng was also taken by the team leader to the teaching building.

Just when Luo Heng was sent to the teaching building, a post titled ‘Exposing the Identity of the Mysterious Person Who Swept the No. 6 Competition Area’ began to circulate quietly on the school forum.

Female dormitory room at Jiangnan University.

Like other dormitories, this dormitory also accommodates three students.

At this moment, there are three girls sitting on the sofa chatting, one of them is tall, and her thighs in shorts can be seen to be very slender even when sitting on the sofa.

“Lanlan, why don’t you live with your dad, but come back to live in the dormitory?”

One of them asked, “Your father’s side is much more comfortable than the dormitory.”

“I have been living at home from elementary school to high school. I finally managed to live out this time. Of course I have to live in the dormitory.”

Song Xialan explained with a smile.

Since her parents are not worried about the safety of her accommodation in the school, she has been living at home since she was a child.

It was because she had awakened her own power and entered the Jiangnan Power University under the eyes of her parents.

Therefore, she got the opportunity to live with the rest of the people.

“Lanlan, come and see, is the person on this post you?”

Suddenly, a girl playing with a mobile phone next to Song Xialan was surprised.

“Huh? What is it that I am?”

Song Xialan said suspiciously, and then leaned in to look at the girl’s mobile phone screen.

On the screen of the phone, there is a picture showing the figure of a man and a woman.

The man is tall and about 1.8 meters tall, while the girl is slender and tall, and the top of her head is above the boy’s chin.

It looks like it should be about one meter seven.

“Lanlan, this should be you.”

The girl said jokingly, “Apart from my Lanlan, who else has such a hot body?”

“Also, Lan Lan, why are you alone with a boy? Is he your hidden boyfriend?”

The girl looked suspicious.


Song Xialan groaned, and then carefully observed the picture.

Indeed, this is her back.

But she hadn’t had any contact with other boys during this period of time except for the brothers.

Moreover, when you are with the senior, there will be other senior sisters, and there will be no such a scene where two people are alone in the same frame.

And this tall back figure, unlike any of his senior brothers.

“Look at the decoration of this hall, it looks a bit like the school’s strange animal trial building.”

Song Xialan murmured, and then his eyes lit up: “I remembered that my virtual stealth cabin broke down that day, so I went to the Alien Beast Trial Building where I met Uncle Jiang’s apprentice Luo Heng.

Because I wanted to know how he obtained the s-level rating, I walked along with him for a while. This photo should have been taken while walking out of the alien beast trial building together. ! ”

Song Xialan remembers Luo Heng who received an s grade in the Alien Beast Trial Building very clearly.

Moreover, she met Luo Heng at Beiting base the next day, so her memory is even more profound!

It’s just that because time is a bit far away, and she is looking at the back, so she didn’t remember it for a while.

“But why did the photos of Luo Heng and I appear here?”

Song Xialan looked confused, and then asked: “Xiaoju, where did you see this picture?”

“Just on a post on the school forum, I saw a post with the title’Revealing the Identity of the Mysterious Person Who Swept the No. 6 Competition Area.’

I looked very interesting, so I clicked in and took a look, but I didn’t expect to find your little secret~”

Xiao Ju had a smirk on her face.

According to the post, Song Xialan might still be the other party’s rumored girlfriend.

“What little secret?”

Strong curiosity prompted Song Xialan to take out her mobile phone, enter the school forum, and start searching.


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