Chapter 162

At the moment Luo Heng smiled, Zhao Ji was startled, as if he was being stared at by something terrifying!

“Ability, fight against the tyrant body!”

In desperation, Zhao Ji shouted, and directly used his own power!

I saw his body swell for a while, his body suddenly swelled up a circle, and the skin all over his body exuded a bronze luster, which looked very powerful!

Among the enhanced abilities, the most common and common one is the ability to strengthen some limbs, which are generally abilities below level b.

And the most rare is the ability to strengthen the whole body, generally only appear above the b-level!

For example, the enhanced type a-level ability bronze giant on the freshman arena before, and Song Xialan’s enhanced type s-level ability Fengtian Chalcedony, and Zhao Ji’s s-level ability is no exception, it also has a full body. Strengthen the effect of the battle against the hegemony body!

Zhao Ji, who used the power, felt that his whole body was full of power. Although the sense of oppression from Luo Heng’s body still existed, the impact was not that big anymore!

“Die to me!”

Zhao Ji let out a grin, clenched a fist as big as a casserole in his right hand, and hit Luo Heng directly!


From that fist, Luo Heng felt a feeling similar to his aura. It seemed that this was the side effect of Zhao Ji’s s-level ability.

“You want to hit me like this, you’re so whimsical!”

Although Zhao Ji’s fist is very powerful, in Luo Heng’s view, the speed of his fist is extremely slow, not even as fast as Tang Tian in the blood knife team.

Therefore, as soon as he withdrew a step back, he directly avoided the punch!

“Your fist is too slow, let me do it!”

Luo Heng made a fist with his right hand, and immediately, a golden red flame lingered on the fist!

His boxing skills have been upgraded to the master level in the previous training!

Therefore, I saw Luo Heng’s right fist at a speed that was several times faster than Zhao Ji, bringing up a burst of golden and red afterimages, and hit Zhao Ji directly!


With a dull sound, Zhao Ji was beaten back for several steps!


Feeling the pain in his chest, Zhao Ji took a deep breath, looked down, and found that the place on his chest where Luo Heng had hit, the clothes had turned to fly ash!

The exposed flesh was directly scalded, and there was a scorching brown sensation!

Moreover, there is a faint smell of meat in the air!

“It broke my battle tyrant body. `?”

Zhao Ji was extremely shocked.

His s-level ability has not been broken by other abilities of the same rank since the day he awakened.

Even today’s freshman game, no one can shake it, I didn’t expect it to be broken here.

“Tsk, it seems that we have to increase the power of the real fire of the sun a little bit, otherwise it really won’t move.”

Seeing the effect of his punch, Luo Heng was not too satisfied.

In order to prevent his own real fire from burning Zhao Ji to death, the real fire power he currently uses is controlled to only half of the original power.

But now it seems that it doesn’t hurt to hit the opponent.

“Huh, how strong do I think you are? That’s the power in the end?”

Zhao Ji let out a cold snort, and the wound on his chest started to heal slowly!

As an s-level ability, his battle tyrant body not only comes with some special auras, but also has super self-healing ability!

“Oh, is it so?”

Luo Heng stepped directly across a full distance of five meters!

“Then you try the power of this punch now!”

This time, Luo Heng directly increased the power of the real fire of the sun to 70%!

The real fire of the sun lingering on the right fist burst into a violent energy fluctuation!

But this time, his fist didn’t hit him from the front, but directly hit him from the right side of Zhao Ji!


Feeling the fist that was obviously stronger than the last time, Zhao Ji was horrified, but because the speed of the fist was so fast, he had no time to put his hands in the direction of his fist.

Bang! !

Zhao Ji felt a huge force coming from the cross of his hands, and under the action of this huge force, he flew directly!

There is a corridor on each floor of the male dormitory building, and the railing of that corridor is only about 1 meter. Zhao Ji, who was shot into the air, fell directly from the railing!

And below the female dormitory building opposite, someone noticed this scene:

“Look, someone jumped off the second floor opposite!”

“I’ll go, jump off the second floor, what do you think?”

“Maybe people are just playing around.”


Accompanied by a round of discussion and a bang, Zhao Ji fell directly to the ground, smashing the ground out of a small pit!

At this moment, another figure fell from the railing on the second floor, and the figure’s drop point was where Zhao Ji fell!

Bang! !

With a dull sound, the figure stood firmly on Zhao Ji’s body.

“Oh, sorry, I didn’t see anyone here.”

Luo Heng, who was standing on Zhao Ji, smiled slightly.


Zhao Ji opened his eyes wide and his expression looked terrifying.

When he stretched out his hands, he wanted to grab Luo Heng’s feet!

It’s a pity that Luo Heng moved a step faster than him, and went out of the way first, without being caught by him.


Zhao Ji stood up when he turned over, staring at Luo Heng closely, and said word by word: “You angered me!”

“What if I angered you?”

Luo Heng said with a smile on his face, not paying attention to him at all.


Zhao Ji got angry, and made a fist again with his right hand, only this time, there was a faint wave of energy on his fist!

“Warlord Fighting!”

With a loud shout, Zhao Ji, like a small calf, rushed towards Luo Heng not far away!

“That’s it?”

Luo Heng shook his head, “Fire knife!”

He still prefers to use knives than his fists. Although he didn’t have a war knife with him, he directly condensed one with the real fire of the sun!


The fire knife condensed from the golden red sun is extremely gorgeous and mysterious!

And Luo Heng, who holds a fire knife in his hand, exudes a strong aura!

“¨” Jueying! ”

The fire knife turned into a golden-red lightning, and it struck directly on the punch that Zhao Ji struck!


The fire knife and the bronze fist met, and there was a sound of metal collision, but immediately, a burst of blood poured out of the fist, which directly turned into blood-red steam under the high temperature of the real fire of the sun!


Zhao Ji let out a scream and quickly retracted his fist.

I saw a huge wound with a slightly scorched brown feeling on his fist, and the depth of the wound was actually faintly visible inside the hand bones!

“Take a fist to a knife, isn’t this a problem with your brain?”

Luo Heng shook his head.

This person doesn’t look very clever, knowing that he has a knife in his hand, he directly stubbornly put it on his head.

After Zhao Ji’s momentum disappeared, it was Luo Heng’s unilateral massacre.

As if hitting a sandbag, Luo Heng greeted Zhao Ji’s body with his fists carrying the real fire of the sun.

Originally there were more people entering and leaving the male dormitory building and (Zhao Hao) female dormitory building. At this time, two supernaturalists fought here, which naturally attracted a wave of people to stop and watch, many of them It is the person who watched the freshman match at the No. 1 martial arts competition this morning:

“Isn’t that the enhanced s-level ability player in the No. 4 game area? Why is it being beaten by others now?”

“Fuck, the person on the opposite side seems to be the fire-type supernatural power who swept the entire No. 6 game area! He also has an s-level power!”

“The two s-level ability owners fought, which is really interesting.”

“Fighting? I’m afraid it’s not a unilateral beating, right?”

“Is the strong or the fire-type superpower stronger? Use that enhanced super-power like a sandbag.”

“Aren’t you bullshit? Others are hunks who have swept a competition area, can they not be strong?”

“Except for the competition arena, fighting is forbidden in other places in the school. If they make such a big movement, I will be afraid that they will not be caught by the school guards.”


These people were talking while watching Luo Heng beating Zhao Ji unilaterally.

After all, such a hot fight scene, not every day. .

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