Chapter 161

The freshman competition in the No. 1 martial arts competition was over an hour later. Tang Shi came to the stage to encourage some freshmen and announced that the result of the tutor’s selection would be announced two days later, and the whole freshman competition was over.

Li Hua, who had agreed with Luo Heng, ran away in despair after the game.

Luo Heng also accompanied Yao Muxi to the cafeteria for lunch after receiving 20 million text messages.

When I returned to the dormitory after lunch, it was already one o’clock at noon.

“Zhang Hao, why are you alone in the dormitory? Where is Wei Qing?”

Luo Heng asked with a smile.

In the living room of the dormitory, Zhang Hao was alone, but Wei Qing, who had always liked to lie on the sofa, disappeared.

“I don’t know, I will be the only one when I come back.”

Zhang Hao shook his head.

“Then he might be looking for a girl.”

Luo Heng said with a smile.

Wei Qing, this guy, looks lazy all day, but when he sees the girl, he is very excited.

In today’s game, all the freshmen went to the No. 1 competition field. If he hooked up with any girl, it would be normal.

After all, he is still a little handsome.

28 “jingle bell~~”

Just as Luo Heng was about to enter the room, his mobile phone rang suddenly.

Looking at the three words “Mr. Zou” displayed on the call, Luo Heng answered the call:

“Ms. Zou, what’s the matter?”

“Luo Heng, do you have the contact information of Wei Qing’s parents?”

“No, has something happened to Wei Qing?”

“Wei Qing was seriously injured in the freshman competition in the morning! He is now lying in the school’s medical building!”


Luo Heng was surprised and asked quickly, “Which ward is Wei Qing in? Let’s come now.”

“Room 124 on the first floor!”

As soon as the voice fell, Luo Heng called to Zhang Hao and ran to the school’s medical building together.


Jiangnan Supernatural University, because all students are supernaturalists, it is extremely easy to cause one party to be injured when there is a conflict between students.

In order to treat the students in time, Jiangnan University has built such a medical building.

Room 124 on the 1st floor.

This ward is different from an ordinary ward. There are many instruments in it, the most conspicuous of which is a cylindrical transparent jar surrounded by electronic machinery.

The jar was filled with green liquid, and a naked figure could be vaguely seen between the liquid.

And beside the electronic machine wrapped in the transparent jar, several doctors in white coats were busy.

“This is Wei Qing?”

Looking at the figure in the transparent jar in front of him, Luo Heng said uncertainly.

“It is indeed Wei Qing.”

Zou Qiong on the side said, “I couldn’t believe it when I was notified by the school medical team, but it was indeed him.”

“Why was he hurt so badly?”

Luo Heng frowned.

Wei Qing arrived at school early, just like him. Although he looks like a salted fish every day, his strength is still good, and his current level should look like a second-tier lower rank.

Moreover, his ability is still the most defensive earth element in the element system, how could he be beaten like this?

This huge electronic medical machine and that strange green therapeutic liquid, at first glance, are the kind that can only be used when the injury is very serious.

“He was in the game area No. 4, and there seemed to be an s-level supernatural player named Zhao Ji who had been chasing Wei Qing to fight, and finally he was seriously injured.”

Zou Qiong said uncertainly.

“Isn’t Zhao Ji the same high school classmate of Wei Qing? Why do you start so ruthlessly?”

Zhang Hao on the side was surprised.

“Zhao Ji?”

A cold light flashed in Luo Heng’s eyes, and there was a suppressed anger in his tone.

During the three months he spent with Wei Qing, although he didn’t communicate a lot, he felt that this roommate was pretty good.

At least, there are free snacks to eat when watching a movie leisurely with Wei Qing.

But now, Wei Qing was beaten like this, how could this not make him angry?

“Ms. Zou, have Wei Qing’s parents contacted?”

Luo Heng asked.

“Well, I learned the phone number of his parents from the teacher who enrolled at the time, and I have already contacted them. They are rushing to the school.”

Zou Qiong nodded slightly sadly.

Although fighting is not forbidden on the Jiangda campus, Wei Qing is injured in this way, and she will definitely bear some responsibility when that happens.

“That’s good, Teacher Zou, please help watch Wei Qing here, and I’ll leave first.”

After speaking, Luo Heng turned around and left medical room 124.

“Luo Heng, where are you going?” Zhou Qiong asked quickly.

“Beat someone!”

Luo Heng said without looking back, seeing his leaving figure, Zhang Hao quickly followed.


The male dormitory building, 210 dormitory seems a bit noisy.

“Haha, being able to beat Wei Qing today is really a breath of anger at me!”

Zhao Ji’s face was cheerful.

“Hehe, dare to fight our brother Zhao, then Wei Qing is really looking for death!”

The roommate on the side could not help shouting.

“That’s it, when I left in the morning, I dared to speak up, but when I was on the field, I didn’t even know my mother who was beaten up!”

Another roommate also mocked.

After being assigned to the same dormitory yesterday and seeing Zhao Ji’s powerful S-level abilities and rich family background, they regarded Zhao Ji as a big brother.

In the morning, their eldest brother was humiliated like that, and they felt angry. Now that the eldest brother beats each other violently, they naturally feel extremely happy too!

“Hmph, when he was in the No. 4 competition area today, he still didn’t trigger the protection mechanism by himself. He had to be severely injured by me. It’s really cheap!”

Zhao Ji snorted coldly, looking very happy.

After being suppressed for three years in high school, I finally gave it out today!

“Brothers come with me, I will take you to a good meal!”

Zhao Ji yelled, obviously in a very good mood.

“Brother Zhao is atmospheric!”

The other two roommates looked happy, and then walked out with Zhao Ji.

As a result, as soon as they walked out the door, they were stopped by one person.

I saw that the person was 1.8 meters tall, he looked very tall and strong, and exuded a slight sense of oppression!

“Are you, Wei Qing’s roommate?”

Looking at the tall man standing in front of him, Zhao Ji said uncertainly.

He seemed to watch this man walk out of the dormitory with Wei Qing this morning.

“You beat Wei Qing seriously?”

Without answering Zhao Ji’s question, Luo Heng asked directly, with anger implied in his tone!

“So what? That guy Wei Qing, I wanted to clean him up a long time ago, but today is just to teach him a lesson.”

Zhao Ji smiled contemptuously, looking extremely arrogant.

Next to him, the two younger brothers also laughed at the same time: “My brother Zhao is an s-level supernatural ability, and I cleaned up Wei Qing, but it was easy!”

“That’s right, Wei Qing, dare to fight my brother Zhao, he is simply tired of life!”

The voice hasn’t fallen–

Bang! Bang!

Two dull voices sounded, and in an instant, the two of them flew upside down two meters away!

And the two who fell on the ground had an extra fist mark on their chests!


Zhao Ji was frightened and furious. He didn’t expect Luo Heng to shoot so quickly, and as soon as he shot, he directly beat his two roommates to the ground!

“Hehe, the irritating flies are gone, we can settle the bill.”

Luo Heng grinned at the corner of his mouth, revealing an extremely bright smile. .

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