Chapter 160

Since the competition in the No. 6 competition area is over, the energy shield covering the entire circle area begins to slowly disappear, and the energy shield on the eliminated person also begins to disappear.

“Luo Heng, I remember your name, when I enter the second-order high position, I will challenge you again!”

The original boy with a bronze giant stepped up, his tone full of war spirit!

“Okay, I’ll wait for you.”

Luo Heng frowned.

This person is still a bit interesting, and his abilities are also relatively resistant to beatings, and it would be pretty good to use him to practice hand skills at that time.

“Haha, Luo Heng, you are very good. When you say it, you really emptied the entire No. 6 competition area.”

With a burst of hearty laughter, a phantom came from a distance and stood in front of Luo Heng. It was Tang Shi.

At this moment, he was looking at Luo Heng with admiration.

In every freshman competition, most freshmen will form a small group, and the strength of these students is similar.

Therefore, at the end of the game, it will develop into a situation where no one can do nothing.

It is extremely rare for Luo Heng to sweep over a hundred new students with just two people!

However, this can also show that Luo Heng’s strength has reached the level of overwhelming the rest of the freshmen!

It’s a pity that such a supernatural player is not from the enhanced system, otherwise he would be able to accept him as a disciple.

“It’s just a little competition, it’s nothing.”

Luo Heng said with a smile.

This is indeed the case. Among these freshmen, the bronze giant who is slightly stronger is the second-tier mid-level.

Most of the rest of the freshmen are in the first order, and very few have reached the second order.

Therefore, it is very reasonable to achieve such results.

“Haha, domineering enough!”

Tang Shi patted Luo Heng on the shoulder, “Although you should be considered a winner now, let’s take a look at Li Hua’s situation first.”


While talking, Luo Heng looked at the No. 2 display on the summit stage.

The No. 6 competition area is several kilometers away from the No. 2 competition area, so it can only be seen with the help of a giant screen.

Competition area No. 2.

Li Hua led his team and was fighting with another team.

“Damn it!”

After the blow, Li Hua retreated, staring angrily at the figure in front of him who was about 2 meters tall and his whole body made of rocks.

“Li Hua, with your strengths, you still want to sweep the entire No. 2 game area. Isn’t that funny?”

The rock man said with disdain, and he looked extremely ridiculed with his huge earth-yellow face.


Li Hua’s face turned red, but he couldn’t say anything to refute it.

Indeed, he overestimated his own strength and underestimated the strength of these freshmen.

He is now a second-tier mid-level ability player, and the opponent is also a second-tier mid-range player, but his wind system abilities are restrained by the opponent’s rocky body!

Even if you continue to fight, you will be able to win, but in this case, it will take too long!

“Captain, look over there!”

The companion in the team suddenly pointed in one direction and exclaimed.

“What are you doing?”

Li Hua, who was very annoyed, cursed angrily, and immediately looked in the direction the person was pointing.

Not far away, one of the huge hemispherical blue and quiet energy shields was slowly dissipating!

“Someone has won?”

Li Hua was surprised.

There are only two situations in which the energy shield dissipates. One is that the freshmen in the competition area can do nothing about it, and it will automatically dissipate 1 hour after the start of the game.

And the other is that there are super characters in the competition area, all the participants are eliminated, and the competition is over! In this way, the energy shield will dissipate.

And now only six minutes have passed since the start of the game. Obviously, it cannot be the first case. Then, only the second case can explain it.

“Could it be… Luo Heng?”

Thinking of this, Li Hua hurriedly looked on the huge No. 6 screen on the summit stage.

On the screen, the freshmen in the No. 6 competition area have already begun to exit, while Luo Heng and his little girlfriend are talking to Dean Tang about laughing.

Seeing this scene, Li Hua’s tail vertebra suddenly let out a chill, and went straight to his forehead!

His head became a little confused.

“He actually won?”

Li Hua murmured tremblingly.

He couldn’t believe the scene he saw. He was still fighting hard, and others had already swept the entire competition area. What a huge gap!

“Dare to look at other places while fighting, it’s really looking for death!”

With a loud shout, the rock man slapped Li Hua who was distracted!


Accompanied by a dull sound, one of the team rushed out and helped Li Hua stop the blow, but he was also hit and flew out. Before landing, a burst of blue light appeared, protecting him. Got him so that he was not injured.

“Brother Hua, what are you doing? We are still playing!”

A player couldn’t help but uttered his voice.

“Hehe, Luo Heng has already won, what else is it better?”

Li Hua said dazedly, his face full of depression.

Luo Heng’s victory was a huge blow to him!


“It seems that Li Hua has lost confidence.”

Tang Shi, who had been paying attention to Li Hua through the No. 2 display, said, and then shook his head.

“Luo Heng, let’s go, it’s still early to the end of the game, let’s find a place to sit down…”

With that, Tang Shi took Luo Heng and Yao Muxi to a corner of the audience.

There are many seats in the auditorium, and most people sit closer to the summit stage in order to better watch the screen on the summit stage.

Therefore, the place where Luo Heng sits casually is less crowded, and there is no discussion.

“Luo Heng, how many do you think the students in the freshman competition field will be able to become high-level abilities when they graduate?”

Suddenly, Tang Shi asked.

Luo Heng didn’t expect Dean Tang to ask himself this question. He hesitated and said: “If you use Tier 4 as the criterion for judging the higher-level, there should be dozens of them no matter how you say it.”

This is still his conservative estimate. As the third-ranked supernatural university in the country, the students taught should easily reach the fourth rank.

“Ha ha.”

Tang Shi let out a hearty laugh, “Luo Heng, you really look at our school very highly. It is not bad that there are 15 students who graduated in each class to reach the fourth level.”

“Moreover, most of these people are students of the intensive department. In recent years, among the elementary students who graduated, none of them have reached the fourth level!”

“how so?”

Luo Heng was puzzled.

According to what he has learned, most students are already third-order in the third year. Although it is difficult to reach fourth-order in the fourth year, some students should be able to reach it. How can the total amount be so small?

“Haha, the bottleneck of Tier 3 to Tier 4 is enough to stump many abilities.”

Tang Shi explained with a smile, and then looked at Luo Heng and Yao Muxi: “Of course, I am very optimistic about you. I hope that your arrival can break the curse of our school that there are no Tier 4 graduates of the element.”

“Okay, I’ll go to the abbot on the summit platform later, so I won’t tell you more.

I have seen your performance in this freshman competition. I will report to the principal. So, whether you can participate in the closing ceremony later, it’s up to you. ”

After speaking, Tang Shi stood up, his body moved, turned into a black phantom and left here.

“Luo Heng, shall we participate in the closing ceremony?”

Yao Muxi asked.

“Participate, it’s interesting to stay here and watch other people fight anyway.”

Luo Heng said with a smile.


Yao Muxi showed a sweet smile and nestled beside Luo Heng.

It’s also nice to stay together quietly like this~.

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