Chapter 159

“Luo Heng, we did it!”

Yao Muxi exclaimed in surprise, then opened his hands and gave Luo Heng a big hug directly!

Stroking the waist with amazing elasticity, feeling the softness of the two balls, Luo Heng couldn’t help feeling a little bit happy.

Regardless of how many people were there, he lowered his head slightly and kissed Yao Muxi’s white plump forehead lightly.

And beside them, the students with supernatural powers who were shrouded in cyan faint energy-were aggrieved.

If you lose, you lose, and you even ate dog food. It’s too heart-warming!

Above the auditorium, everyone watching this scene couldn’t help but sympathize with the people in the No. 6 competition area.

This is simply killing people!

“By the way, have any of you noticed that the light of this flame seems a bit familiar?”

“I also remembered what you said. The fire-type supernatural power who saved more than 7,000 people in the terrorist attack that broke out from the city gymnasium a month ago seems to use this kind of power!”

“Yes, this light is also very similar!”

“And the golden and red sword, isn’t it the one used by the person in the previous video.”

“I also remembered that at the long press conference at the time, the few people who left the country seemed to be from our school. If you put it this way, then the person below is probably the fire supernatural power! ”


The terrorist attack in the Jiangning City Gymnasium a month ago shocked the entire country of China, but also deeply remembered the mysterious fire-type superpower.

Therefore, even after a month has passed, many people still remember the characteristics of that fire superpower.


A corner of the auditorium.

“It’s over, Ling Shuang, it seems that you really have no chance. The friendship between others is strong now.”

Seeing Luo Heng and Yao Muxi hugging each other on the screen, Xiao Lu lamented.

“Xiao Lu, stop making trouble, I really don’t mean that to him.”

An Lingshuang, a girl with moles of tears, smiled heartily, but the smile looked a little bit sour.

She also knew that Luo Heng and Yao Muxi were originally a very good pair, but she couldn’t help but imagine that she was embraced by Luo Heng.


At the mentor seat on the summit platform, these mentors started to discuss:

“With the artistic conception of fire and the momentum, I seem to have seen the rise of a Tier 4 elementary powerhouse.”

“There is also the sharp sword technique, which should not be underestimated.”

“It’s only been three months since the awakening ceremony. How did this person practice? The artistic conception, momentum, sword technique, and even the level have reached the second-order high. This is unheard of in the past!”


Although there are relatively few elementary students in the students enrolled by Jiangnan University every year, there are hundreds of them.

However, among the students who graduated from Jiangnan University, those with elemental powers reaching Tier 4 are extremely rare!

In the past 100 years, there have only been ten such students!

There will be such a situation, on the one hand because of the difficulty of elemental powers, on the other hand, it is difficult to comprehend the original artistic conception.

As a result, some elemental students have reached the third-order high position, but because they cannot comprehend the artistic conception of entering the fourth-order, they can only fall into a bottleneck and get stuck there abruptly.

Moreover, this kind of bottleneck is the most difficult to break through, and it may not be possible to break through for the rest of your life.

At the same time, you can also see the greatness of this student from here.

In addition to feelings, some teachers also said:

“There are actually 3 S-level elemental abilities among the freshmen in this class. It seems that the funding of the Elemental Academy will be greatly increased in the next four years.”

“Yes, I probably took a look. In this year’s freshmen, there are a total of 9 s-level abilities, of which 4 are from the enhanced department, 2 are from other departments, and the remaining 3 are actually all Elemental.”

“Dean Lu, it seems that your Element Academy is really going to make a fortune this time.”

These tutors all smiled and looked at the one in the middle of the tutor seat.

The man was young, and he looked like he was in his forties. His figure was neither fat nor thin, just the same as an ordinary person, and his face was peaceful.

However, no one dares to despise him because of his ordinary appearance, because he is the dean of the Elemental School, a powerful fifth-order soil element, Lu Yuan!

Seeing Lu Yuan chuckled, he said, “You also know that the stingy spirit of Principal Feng, whether the funding can be increased, the key depends on the performance of these s-level little guys.”

After a pause, Lu Yuan continued: “Jiang Nian, Wang Wei, He Nian, you three, but you all have to teach your disciples well. If their progress in practice has not reached the ideal situation, I can I’m looking for you.”


The three Jiang Nian agreed at the same time.

“However, I am not too worried about Teacher Jiang Nian’s disciple Luo Heng.”

Lu Yuan smiled and looked at Jiang Nian in the seat next to him, “Teacher Jiang Nian, your disciple is so powerful, can you share with us your methods of teaching your disciples? Let us all learn.”

Dean Lu’s words fell, and the people around laughed and said:

“That is, what secrets Mr. Jiang has should be shared with us. The stronger our disciples are, the easier they will be recognized by the upper echelon when they graduate. By then, will the funding of our school continue to rise?”

“Yes, yes, Teacher Jiang, we are still waiting for you.”


“It’s not that I’m clumsy, my apprentice in Jiang Nian has always been more casual. Therefore, Luo Heng’s ability to have such a strength is entirely dependent on his own efforts.”

·· ·········Find flowers· 0

Listening to the words of the surrounding teachers, Jiang Nian said with a smile.

Indeed, in addition to giving some practice secrets, he only gave guidance on practice, and he didn’t worry about the rest at all!

“Yes, such students are no longer a question of teaching methods, they rely solely on their own talent and hard work.”

Listening to Jiang Nian’s words, Dean Lu also nodded in agreement.

“Okay, let’s continue watching the game. The No. 6 game area is over, and the other stadiums are not over. If you want to pick some good students, you have to see for yourself.”

“Yeah, I almost forgot about this. Hurry up and look at those who have better abilities.”

“I think the bronze giant just now sounds good.”

“The power-up player over there is also pretty good.”


.. ……. …

After hearing Dean Lu’s words, the instructors remembered their business one after another, and began to carefully observe the pictures on the screen.


In the dormitory of Chenggui University, Wang Dong pointed to the computer screen with excitement:

“Have you seen it? This is my brother Luo Heng, an s-level ability person! Swept the existence of hundreds of ability persons!”

“Knowing that, we will almost hear the cocoon in our ears.”

Wang Dong’s roommate looked at him helplessly.

But they were also very envious of Wang Dong having such a brother in their hearts. Even if something happened in the future, there would be backers to look for.


Fengming City, in Room 2 on the 6th floor of Guixiang Community.

“This…this is Xiao Heng? Why is there such a big change in body shape?”

Looking at the tall figure and the slightly familiar face on the TV screen, Zhang Qingyu said in a daze.

During this period of time, her contact with Xiao Heng was limited to phone calls, and there was no video, but she never expected Xiao Heng to have changed so much!

“Haha, isn’t that good? I said he was too thin before, but he has a pretty good figure now.”

Xu Wenqiang on the side laughed.

“And Xiao Heng didn’t tell me on the phone that he was in love, no, I must talk about him this time in the past!”

Looking at Yao Muxi who was embraced by Xiao Heng, Zhang Qingyu was a little angry and Xiao Heng refused to tell him the truth, but also a wave of relief.

Xiao Heng’s ability to find such a beautiful girlfriend shows that he is very attractive.

“I want to see pretty sister too!”

Xu Siyu’s soft and cute tone sounded.

“Well, well, I will take you to see it together.”

Listening to Xu Siyu’s words, both Zhang Qingyu and Xu Wenqiang smiled. ten.

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