Chapter 158

The area behind the auditorium of the No. 1 competition arena.

“Quickly, quickly, analyze the information of that fire-type supernatural power person, I want the most accurate information!”

Mr. Li’s face was full of anxiety, and he was staring at a staff member in front of him.

The staff’s face was cold and sweaty, and he didn’t even dare to wipe it. His hands were struggling to tap something on the virtual keyboard projected by the energy analyzer!

Along with his tapping, messages began to appear on the virtual screen next to them, and they were still being refreshed.

And that person’s too fast hand speed actually left his hands with afterimages!

“Mr. Li, the analysis came out!”

Suddenly, the man screamed, and immediately fell to the side.

No way, he is too tired.

Many of the results of the energy analyzer need to be calculated manually. Therefore, he was operating frantically just now, so he can analyze it so quickly.

“Good job, I will give you a bonus later!”

An excited smile appeared on Mr. Li’s face, and he immediately looked at the analysis result of the energy analyzer:

Ability: Real Fire of the Sun (S-level)

Level: Second-order high

Limit temperature: 1400℃

Limit speed: 30m/s

The strongest attack: Card (normal level 3 mid-level ability player strength)

Note: The flame of the subject has special energy fluctuations, which is preliminarily determined to be the original mood fluctuation of the fire, and the intensity is medium.


“The s-level ability, the sun is really fire, the high temperature of 1400 ℃, the second-order high-level ability, the attack comparable to the third-order mid-level ability, and… the original mood of fire!”

President Li’s eyes became brighter and brighter, and he dialed a call without hesitation.

“Li Sheng, didn’t you say that it’s okay not to disturb me?”

The voice on the other end of the phone was slightly angry.

“Mr. Wang, listen to me, I have found a good seedling and cultivated him. Our group will definitely add another high-level elemental superpower!”

Li Sheng’s voice was slightly flattering.

“Oh? Didn’t you go to the Jiangnan Supernatural University? There will be any good seedlings that can reach the point of alarming me?”

“That’s it. I found a freshman with elemental s-level abilities, and his level has reached a high level of second-order. More importantly, he also understood that the origin of fire is already and aura!”

Li Sheng stared solemnly at those standing still on screen 6.

This situation will only appear when you are deterred by aura!

“Oh? You actually have both artistic conception and momentum at the same time? And it’s still elemental?”

The female voice on the other end of the phone finally got some interest.


Li Sheng said solemnly, “It’s certain that such an elemental power can enter Tier 4, so I think we should win him as much as possible!”

Li Sheng glanced at the people of the Zhilei Group over there, and continued: “Moreover, the people of the Zhilei Group are also here. Their energy analyzers are not worse than ours. They should have also discovered this fire power. The special of the person.”

“Well, then, I give you permission to allow you to sign him with the highest specification contract!”

The female voice on the other end of the phone seemed lazy.


Li Sheng nodded quickly in response, even if President Wang was not by his side, he looked extremely respectful.

“Little Ma, you go to the elemental counselor to find out the identity of this fire superpower. We must get to know all of his information before the group of people next to you!”


A person next to Li Sheng responded and left here immediately.

“The highest-level contract. This is the first time we have used such a top-level contract at Jiangnan Supernatural University. I hope you don’t let me down.”

Li Sheng stared straight at the screen on the No. 6 display, not knowing what he was thinking.


Magic City, the top floor of Xilinx Group Building, this floor is specially used by the multinational group Xilinx to receive the most distinguished guests.

At this time, the luxurious long table was filled with various foods, which seemed extremely rich.

On both sides of the long table, a man and a woman were sitting.

The woman seemed to be like a stunner in the world, with a gorgeous face and a plump body, and her smile could be breathtaking.

The man on the opposite side is strong, and the occasional light flashing in his eyes means that this is a powerful supernatural person!

“President Wang is really lucky. He was able to find an S-level supernatural ability person who understands both the artistic conception and the momentum at the Jiangnan Supernatural University.”

The man looked at the woman who had hung up the phone and said with a smile.

“Such a character used to appear at Magic City Supernatural Power University or Beijing Supernatural Power University. Now, Jiangnan Supernatural Power University has also appeared one, so I am indeed lucky.”

The woman took a sip of the red wine, her lips looked extremely delicate against the red wine.

“Haha, then I would like to congratulate Mr. Wang in advance that his group is about to add another high-level elemental superpower.”

The man raised his glass and said with a smile.

“Ha ha.”

The woman giggled, showing a stunning smile, and immediately raised her glass: “Then I wish us a happy cooperation.”


The No. 1 competition ground of Jiangnan University.

At this time, in the No. 6 competition area, a piece of cyan energy cover was lit up, and in it, one student after another was eliminated.


Luo Heng let out a sigh of relief when he stopped.

In just over a minute, he eliminated close to 60 students!

Eliminate one in an average of one second!

“You guys, do you want to continue fighting, or surrender yourself?”

Looking at those with supernatural powers who were not affected by his aura, Luo Heng said with a smile.

These people with supernatural powers are all students of Tier 2 and above, so they can break free from the influence of his aura.

“Luo Heng, don’t be too arrogant!”

One of the thin men snorted coldly, “Your ability has been used at a high frequency from the beginning, and it must be consumed very intensely now.

When you say this, it seems that we intend to let us admit defeat and keep our face, but in fact it is the performance that your abilities are about to be exhausted! ”

After speaking, he looked at Luo Heng with a gaze that I had already seen through you, and listening to his words, the eyes of the remaining supernaturalists around were also bright.

Also, he must always maintain the flames around him, and constantly wield his saber to eliminate the rest of the students, he must consume a lot of money!

Maybe it’s bluffing!

“Hehe, your brain is really big enough. I wanted to save some energy. It seems that I can’t do it anymore.”

Luo Heng smiled slightly, and then said to Yao Muxi at the back: “Xiaoxi, or else, let’s go together?”

He can see the strong desire to fight in Yao Muxi’s eyes, so Luo Heng, who has already secured the victory, doesn’t mind letting Yao Muxi play for a while.

Anyway, Li Hua is still fighting with a large number of abilities. It is still very early to clean up the entire No. 2 game area!


Yao Muxi nodded excitedly, and drew the dagger used for self-defense from the suit.

“Okay, let’s go!”

Luo Heng smiled slightly and rushed forward with Yao Muxi.

The cooperation between him and Yao Muxi was very good. At this time, the combined effect is more than two!

One, two, three… A total of seven Tier 2 ability players who broke away from Luo Heng’s aura, at this time, six have already been defeated!


Luo Heng yelled, and the golden-red war knife slashed at the last power-up player with a terrifying aura!

At the moment the blade struck, the cells in the body of the supernatural power were madly issuing warnings, reminding him of the terrifying energy fluctuations on the blade in front of him!

“I surrender.”

At the moment when the Yandao arrived, the superpower couldn’t hold on anymore, and he actually activated the protection mechanism himself.

With the last surrender’s surrender, looking around, in the entire No. 6 competition area, except for Luo Heng and Yao Muxi, the only ones left are the cyan protective shields!

Such a scene also means that the entire No. 6 game area was emptied by Luo Heng and Yao Muxi! .

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