Chapter 157


The bronze giant snorted coldly, and the attacking giant immediately wanted to pinch Luo Heng!


The giant bronze hand collided with the Yandao, making a clear impact.


There was a burst of white smoke from the part where the flame blade and the giant bronze hand were connected, and the giant hand actually began to melt!


Feeling the sharp pain in his hand, the bronze giant’s complexion changed drastically, and he retracted his right hand like lightning.


The bronze giant looked at his slightly deformed right hand in horror.

After using his bronze giant power, his whole body will become indestructible as bronze!

Moreover, the melting point is also extremely high, about 1400 Baidu!

But why did the bronze giant that didn’t melt under the explosion just now melt under this slash?

He couldn’t figure it out.

“The guy who dared to pick up my Flame Sword with his bare hands, besides the alien beast, you are the first one!”

Luo Heng, holding the Yan knife, smiled slightly.

The sun’s meteorite formed by the real fire of his sun, after the explosion, the highest temperature is about 1300 Baidu.

And the temperature of the flame knife wrapped around the seven-layer real fire of the sun has reached 1,400 Baidu!

It can be described as his strongest killer move right now, so it was also his expectation to be able to melt the right hand of the bronze giant!


Without hesitating too much, Luo Heng held the Yandao in both hands and slashed forward!

In an instant, the bronze giant seemed to see a golden-red lightning strike at him!


Before I had time to react, the protection mechanism that sensed that the student was threatened with life was triggered!


The flame blade collided with the cyan energy shield, and there was a sound that seemed to be a mixture of gold and iron!

“I lost.”

Looking at the Yandao that was blocked by the cyan light rays, the bronze giant smiled sullenly, and then dismissed the ability, his body quickly became smaller, and finally turned into a tall and thin boy.

When the Bronze Giant was eliminated, on the other side, Yao Muxi also eliminated the supernatural player with stealth ability.

“Do you take the initiative to trigger the elimination mechanism? Or should I help you?”

Luo Heng smiled and looked at the remaining mental powers and the other wind powers.

The two looked at their teammates who were enveloped by the blue light, with a desperate expression on their faces, and then pressed the protection button on their right hand.



Accompanied by two soft sounds, the blue ray of light enveloped the two of them to protect them from being hurt by others.

“This is good. ` .”

Luo Heng gave a satisfied smile.

At the moment Luo Heng defeated the bronze giant, all the students with supernatural powers around him looked at him with guard.

The huge fire ball just now, although they felt the hot temperature and dazzling light, but because they were far away, the power of the explosion could not blow them up, so they did not feel how much the fire superpower was. Great.

Now, a team with bronze giants, wind powers, spirit powers, and special stealth powers has been defeated by the same person.

This makes them have to pay attention to it.

“Luo Heng, what shall we do next?”

Yao Muxi’s beautiful face showed a look of eagerness as he walked up.

Now she has fallen in love with the feeling of fighting, which is much more interesting than fighting with ferocious beasts!

“Let’s make a big one next!”

Luo Heng touched Yao Muxi’s little head, then turned to look at the nearby supernaturalists:

“Dear students, my name is Luo Heng, I’m sorry to say to you first, because next, I will eliminate you all!”

After speaking, Luo Heng showed an extremely bright smile.


“Isn’t this the kid who just clamored to sweep the No. 6 game area? How crazy?”

“But just defeated a few abilities, what’s so arrogant?”


The students who can enter the Jiangnan University are all Jiao Zi. At this time, Luo Heng looked so lightly, and instantly became angry!

Just as they were discussing angrily, suddenly, an aura of suppressing everything burst out from Luo Heng’s body and swept around!

At this moment, all the student abilities in the No. 6 competition area felt that they were being stared at by a fierce monster, their calves were soft, their faces were sweaty, and even the abilities were somewhat unstable!

Only a few powerful abilities have broken away from this control:

“This is like the oppressive feeling on Dean Tang just now!”

“Although it is a little weaker than Dean Tang’s sense of oppression, it is still heart-palpiting enough!”


If they were a little frightened by Luo Heng’s words just now, then now there is only jealousy on their faces!

Behind Luo Heng, Yao Muxi looked at him with beautiful eyes.

Luo Heng, who unscrupulously released her momentum, made her infatuated.

After thinking that this was his boyfriend, Yao Muxi showed a happy smile on his face.

“Xiao Xi, take care to protect yourself, I will come as soon as I go!”

Before he finished speaking, Luo Heng, holding a flame sword, turned into a golden red phantom, rushing to the student supernatural person in front of him!


Accompanied by a golden red knife light, the protection mechanism on that supernatural person sensed that the student’s life was threatened, and it was automatically triggered!


Accompanied by a soft noise, a quiet energy mask suddenly appeared, protecting the student!


Luo Heng’s figure didn’t stop at the slightest, and he rushed to the next superpower again!

His speed was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of the supernatural person next to him.

Seeing the attacking Yandao, that person’s desperate expression immediately triggered the protective cover by himself!

“Very conscious.”

Luo Heng smiled slightly, and once again attacked another superpower not far away.

Golden red phantom, gorgeous knife light!

Every time the golden red knife lights up, it is accompanied by the elimination of a student supernatural power!


At this time, in the auditorium of the No. 1 martial arts venue, most people’s eyes were on the No. 6 display screen.

On that screen, a tall figure holding a knife still enters no one’s land, madly weeding out other students.

“¨” Why are those people standing still? Are those people stupid? ”

“Are you stupid? Don’t you know the aura of the supernatural being?”

At this time, some knowledgeable people disdain.

“This senior, I really don’t know what momentum is, can you explain it to me?”

The ridiculed person didn’t feel uncomfortable at all, but asked directly.

“At the first glance, you are a freshman who has just been promoted from the freshman year. I’ll talk to you.”

Those who know how to do it laughed complacently, “Aura is the external manifestation of one’s own Tao. Everyone’s Tao and aura are a little different, but the similarity is that after erupting their own aura, they will have a strong impact on the creatures around them. A sense of oppression!

Those students who were unable to move in the competition area on the 6th could only do so because they were oppressed by the aura of the fire-type superpower! ”

“Qi (Zhao’s) is so strong, then why haven’t we heard from the instructor before, and we can’t learn!”

Some students complained around.

“Hehe, this is your sophomore course. It will be taught at the beginning of this semester. And, do you think the momentum is so easy to understand?

In the early stage, time wasted on comprehension of momentum, no time to exercise abilities, slow level upgrade, and you will have to blame your mentor at that time. ”

The knowledgeable person rebuked.

“According to what you said, the following fire-type supernatural power person has just started school and realized his aura, is it very powerful?”

Some students asked Daoli.

“This is no longer a question of whether it is too powerful or not, it can be regarded as an evildoer!”

Hearing that person’s words, everyone was startled, and then looked at the figure on the screen with complex expressions.

Once, they were also the pride of the sky. After entering the Jiangnan University and accepting the beatings by the big guys, although they were unwilling, they also accepted the reality that they were not actually geniuses.

Now, after seeing Luo Heng’s vigorous posture and vigorous appearance, they couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

Back then, I was so beautiful. .

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