Chapter 156

The moment the fireball exploded, the golden-red light radiated from the center of the explosion!

At this time, the No. 6 display screen in front of the summit platform was already covered by a piece of golden red.

This dazzling light also attracted the attention of the students in the other competition venues:

“Damn it, is this Luo Heng’s ability? Is it so strong?”

In the No. 2 competition area, Li Hua surrounded by wind blades was frightened and angry.

He knew that Luo Heng was also an s-level ability, but he didn’t expect that Luo Heng had developed his s-level ability to such an extent.

Even if he was two kilometers away from the No. 6 field, he felt a palpitation!

“Quickly, hurry up, we must clear out everyone but us in the No. 2 competition area before Luo Heng!”

Li Hua shouted anxiously, and with his four teammates, he rushed into the student supernatural powers.

After a while, the huge golden and red fireball disappeared, and the explosion site in the No. 6 game area was also revealed.

Originally, there were at least dozens of students there, but now, a piece of cyan energy cover appeared there. It was the student who had triggered the protection mechanism and was eliminated!

If the protection mechanism is not triggered, under this bombardment, they will be directly burned and there is no slag left!

Except for the students who triggered the protection mechanism, the most conspicuous is a giant with a bronze lustre all over his body, a height of 3 meters and a body width of 1.5 meters!

Behind him, there are three companions who are protected by him!

“Oh? It’s interesting that there are still people who can not be eliminated under my sun.”

Luo Heng not far away looked at the standing bronze giant with interest.

Because the field in the competition area is a bit large, and these ability players are not as dense as alien animals.

Therefore, in his plan, almost 30 students can be eliminated by this sunburst. This estimate is based on the consideration that no one can survive the sun’s fall.

As a result, it seems that there are still students who can resist his abilities.

His real sun fire, the current temperature is close to 1,200 Baidu, which has not triggered the protection mechanism of the opponent’s body, which shows that the high temperature of his real sun fire can’t help the opponent.

Yes, after all, it is the Jiangnan Supernatural University that has gathered outstanding students from all over the world, and it is not surprising that there are some powerful supernaturalists.

“It can withstand such a strong explosion temperature, this ability is very powerful.”

A student exclaimed in the auditorium closer to the No. 6 competition area.

“A-level enhanced bronze giant with abilities, and it seems to be a second-tier or higher abilities, otherwise, it’s not so easy to resist this kind of explosion.”

The knowledgeable student recognized the man’s abilities.

“Look, the bronze giant is about to attack.”

Hearing this, the person next to him hurriedly looked at the No. 6 competition area.

“Come with me!”

I saw that the bronze giant on the opposite side stepped on his feet and let out a loud roar, leading the four people behind him, stepping forward, and rushing towards Luo Heng!

With a height of 3 meters and a body width of 1.5 meters, the giant running is extremely powerful!

Under his leadership, the teammates who were a little slumped were also cheered up, and their faces were full of fighting spirit again!

“Shi Qiang, you find an opportunity to eliminate the light-type supernatural power, and the rest, follow me to deal with the fire-type supernatural power!”

The bronze giant obviously also knows that Yao Muxi exists as Luo Heng’s support. Therefore, he also knows that as long as Yao Muxi is eliminated, Luo Heng’s strength will drop a little. At that time, maybe he will be able to defeat Luo Heng. Heng eliminated!

Listening to the words of the bronze giant, a person running behind him slowly disappeared into the air.

Obviously, this is an ability person with stealth ability!

“Good job!”

Seeing the bronze giant and others rushing up, Luo Heng was not surprised but was overjoyed.


With a loud roar, the golden red sun fire directly wound around the alloy saber, and quickly wound up seven layers!

After being entangled for seven layers, the flame sword turned into a golden red color, and it radiated high temperature arbitrarily to the outside.

Even the surrounding air is a bit distorted under the high-temperature radiation!


Luo Heng snorted while holding the Yandao, feeling that his head suddenly became heavier, and his reaction seemed to be a little slow.

“Spiritual ability person?”

Luo Heng’s eyes flashed and he saw a girl who was protected by the bronze giant and the other three teammates.

It seems that she is the one who uses mental powers to interfere with him!

“Luo Heng, are you okay?”

Yao Muxi, who noticed the strangeness of Luo Heng, asked quickly, frowning on his face.

Although she is confident about Luo Heng’s strength, she still can’t help but worry about Luo Heng.


Luo Heng waved his hand.

At this moment, accompanied by a strong wind, a big bronze hand waved towards Luo Heng!

Seeing the big hand coming, Luo Heng stepped back and dodged to the side.


Suddenly, a sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a round of cyan wind blades hit Luo Heng’s landing spot!

It turns out that Wind Blade is their ultimate move?

“Hehe, I want to play this trick by surprise in front of me, you are still a little tender!”

Luo Heng snorted coldly, and the real fire of the sun lingering around his body rose sharply!

In the world of alien beasts, many of the tails of alien beasts are offensive, and they will be abruptly showing you at some point.

At first, Luo Heng was also a little uncomfortable with this kind of sneak attack, but after developing the real fire barrier, he no longer had this trouble.

No matter how powerful a sneak attack is, after being blocked by the real fire barrier, its power will be greatly reduced.

At that time, it became very easy to defend against this trick.

It was the same now, the moment the wind blade touched the real fire of the sun, it began to dim.

In the end, even the real fire barrier hadn’t broken open, because of insufficient stamina, it dissipated into the air.

“That’s it?”

Luo Heng couldn’t help laughing weirdly.

He really did not expect that the opponent’s wind blade could not even break his real fire barrier.


The wind power supernatural person next to the bronze giant obviously did not expect this result, and his voice was full of horror.

“Now, it’s my turn!”

Luo Heng’s eyes flashed, his feet pressed hard, his figure turned into a black phantom, and he rushed towards the bronze giant!

In his right hand, the flame knife that was held tightly drew a graceful golden red curve in the air, which looked really good-looking.

Unlike Zhou Yu’s ability, Yao Muxi’s ability range is sufficient to radiate a distance of thousands of meters, so even if he is a little farther away from Yao Muxi, there is no need to worry about not getting the increase.

Just as Luo Heng rushed out, a dagger suddenly appeared next to Yao Muxi, and he attacked her directly!

And at the moment when the dagger struck, Yao Muxi seemed to have expected the attack, and his slender legs stepped aside and avoided directly!

“Ah, someone finally attacked me, I’m almost boring.”

Yao Muxi smiled and said, his eyes seemed to have seen through the disguise of the sneaker.

And the supernatural person sneaking in the air couldn’t help but sweat, and he could feel the bad intentions in the girl’s eyes!

Not far away, a smile appeared on the corner of Luo Heng’s mouth during the assault.

Although Yao Muxi’s light system is more auxiliary, under the guidance of her aunt, her combat effectiveness is still extremely strong. It is a piece of cake to deal with this Tier 1 stalker who lacks combat experience!

“While looking at other places during the battle, it would be too dismissive of us, right?”

A deep voice sounded, and the giant bronze hand struck again!

“Hehe, what if I just don’t put you in my eyes?”

Luo Heng, who turned his head, showed a smile, looking very mad!


ps: Three shifts every weekday, ask for a wave of flower tickets~~.

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