Chapter 180

Early the next morning, Luo Heng carried a tactical backpack and got in a taxi to the high-speed rail station.

Although he had bought a suspended sports car some time ago to play with Yao Muxi in the urban area, it is more convenient and faster to take the high-speed train to go to such a relatively remote place.

Today is Saturday, there are many college students and office workers who are going to go out for fun, so when Luo Heng entered the Jiangning High-speed Railway Station, he found a large number of passengers sitting in the waiting hall.

And most of them are couples.

“After this time, I must take Xiaoxi to relax.”

Looking at the pair of men and women, Luo Heng couldn’t help but think.

From the beginning of school to the present, he has been busy practicing, and the occasional rest is just taking Yao Muxi to the city, and he didn’t go far.

And this time, he was also looking for the extremely dangerous blood wheel organization sub-base, not for fun, so he didn’t take Yao Muxi with him.

Now when he saw the couple of lovers, he realized that he didn’t seem to have taken Yao Muxi to travel far away.

“The K train has arrived at the station. Passengers who take this train should check in and get on the train in time. The train will stop checking in 10 minutes.”

Listening to this announcement, Luo Heng carried his tactical backpack and walked to the ticket gate.

The check-in speed was very fast, and after a while, he got on the high-speed rail.

There are many people taking the high-speed rail today, and the aisle between the seats on the high-speed rail is very narrow, and Luo Heng is carrying a large tactical backpack.

So, after squeezing for a while, he found his place.

Putting the backpack on the luggage rack, Luo Heng let out a sigh of relief when he sat in his seat.

Traveling on weekends is really too much trouble.

Not long after he sat down, suddenly, a voice sounded like a natural sound from the side: “Hello, can you let me? My place is inside.”

Following the voice, she turned her head to look, and a girl with a face and body that was not inferior to Yao Muxi’s appearance appeared next to her, and looked at him with innocent eyes.

It was October, and although it was much cooler than September, there were still many girls wearing cool clothes.

The same goes for the young girl who appeared next to Luo Heng, with black short shorts and white short sleeves. She looked very youthful and beautiful, attracting the attention of many people around her.


Luo Heng smiled slightly, stood up and gave up a space.


The girl showed a stunning smile, and then sat down next to the window.

Although the girl looks very beautiful, Luo Heng didn’t mean to talk to each other. Instead, she closed her eyes and woke up, and began to feel the mood of fire in her own spiritual sea.

After waiting for a while, Jiang Churan was a little surprised when he didn’t wait to come up with a conversation.

She has been accosted more than ten times since she came to this blue star world last night.

Originally, after seeing a boy sitting next to her, she was ready to be struck up, but she didn’t expect the other party to have this idea at all.

‘He looks good and he is tall. It looks like he should be a superpower, but I don’t know what kind of power it is. ’

Jiang Churan couldn’t help thinking in his heart.

Originally, she didn’t pay much attention to boys, but somehow, after seeing Luo Heng, she had a special affection.

‘Is it because of the special aura on the other person’s body? ’

Jiang Churan secretly said.

It was a warm feeling that seemed to be illuminated by the spring sun.

Although she had some special feelings for this person, she didn’t show anything.

After all, she would not have reached the point where she wanted to strike up a conversation with others just because of this illusory goodwill.

After a while, accompanied by a loud noise, two people sat on the opposite side of Luo Heng. These two people were chattering, what they were talking about:

“Qiqi, this weekend, you have to take me to Kangshan. Isn’t it good to sleep in the dormitory?”

“Hey, it’s because of the last weekend that I have to climb the mountain and get close to nature. I tell you that my home is in Nanyang City. I have been to Kangshan several times, and I have a good time every time. ”

“But, I heard that my high school classmate said something seems to have happened over there?”

“Huh? What happened? Why don’t I know?”

“Loss, your home is still in Nanyang. The news is not as well informed by me. After you said you would take me to Kangshan last night, I asked a high school classmate I live in Kangshan, and he said that they A lot of weird things happened over there, such as the roar in the middle of the night, the horrible incidents of tourists disappearing on the mountain!”

“Haha, that’s all? There are beasts on Kangshan, and it’s normal to have roars. Moreover, there are many people who disappear on Kangshan every year because of getting lost. It’s normal and normal. As long as we don’t run around, we will be fine. Don’t worry. La.. ……..”

Hearing the content of the conversation between the two girls opposite, Luo Heng opened his eyes not long after closing his eyes.

He originally went to Kangshan to find the blood wheel organization sub-base, so as long as there were any related abnormalities, he would not let it go.

Just when he wanted to ask questions, the girl next to him spoke first: “Hello, can you tell me more about the abnormal situation in Kangshan?”


Luo Heng was a little surprised. Is this a student who went to Kangshan for a credit assignment?

Credit missions are available in many superb universities, and there are three superb universities in Jiangning City, so it is not surprising that there are students who go to Kangshan for exploration missions.

“so beautiful.”

The moment they saw the girl, the two people on the opposite side exclaimed at the same time.

Just now the two of them were patronizing and talking, and they didn’t even care about the person sitting across from each other.

Therefore, looking at the perfect face like an angel at this time, they couldn’t help subconsciously exclaiming.

“Excuse me, can you tell me about the abnormal situation in Kangshan?”

Jiang Churan, who was sitting next to Luo Heng, asked again without changing his face.

She has seen this situation too many times, and it is no surprise.

“Whoa whoa.”

The girl on the other side reacted and quickly said: “I heard what my high school classmates said. Recently, it seems that many supernaturalists have come near Kangshan, and they wander around Kangshan every day.

Since they came, Kangshan will have many strange calls at night, and some people have seen beasts with red eyes on Kangshan. ”

“The eyes glow red? Have you seen any beasts?”

It may involve biochemical animals, Luo Heng couldn’t help but ask.

“This is not so clear. My high school classmate just mentioned it to me a little bit.”

The girl opposite shook her head and said.

“That’s it.”

Luo Heng said thoughtfully.

The sudden gathering of supernaturalists, the trail of fugitives and the beasts with red eyes, how do they sound like the sub-base of the blood wheel organization.

But aren’t the sub-bases of the blood wheel organization generally very secretive? Why is it so obvious this time.

Could it be that there is something tricky in it? .

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