Chapter 181

Although realizing that this trip to Kangshan might hide some tricks, Luo Heng did not flinch at all.

If he can be beaten, he will be hit, and if he can’t be beaten, he will run. With his current strength, no one can keep him unless he is shot by a Tier 5 supernatural power.

And now that most high-level abilities have gone to Juque City, how many Tier 5 abilities can Blue Star have?

Therefore, he doesn’t need to be afraid at all.

However, the most important thing at the moment is to confirm whether there is really a sub-base of the blood wheel organization there.

Just as Luo Heng wanted to continue to ask questions, a low voice sounded: “Hello, can you swap positions with me?”

Along with the voice, a tall and thin man who appeared to be about twenty years old appeared.

After seeing this person, Jiang Churan frowned: “Wang Li, why are you here?”

“Oh, it turned out to be Miss Jiang. What a coincidence, I can meet you here.”

Wang Li pretended to be surprised, and then looked at Luo Heng: “Look, we both know each other. Let’s switch positions.”

He repeated it again, and this time, his tone became a little harder!

Obviously, Luo Heng did not immediately give up his seat just now, which has already made him somewhat dissatisfied.

“Excuse me, I have something to do now, and I can’t exchange it with you.”

Glancing at him, Luo Heng said calmly.

He also wanted to continue to ask what happened in Kangshan, how can he make room for others?

Besides, if you want to exchange positions with others, why do you use this condescending tone?

Think of yourself as the emperor of the Weifu tour?

“Toast and not eat fine wine!”

Wang Li obviously didn’t expect Luo Heng to reject him, and with a cold snort, an aura exploded from him!

Under the influence of this momentum, the two girls next to them who were still talking and laughing instantly turned pale!

“Hey, don’t you know that you can’t use aura on ordinary people?”

Seeing the reaction of the two women, Luo Heng raised his brows, and an aura of suppressing everything burst out!

The aura of a supernatural person is extremely dangerous when applied to ordinary people, ranging from chest tightness for a period of time, to severe psychological shadows!

Therefore, he did not explode like Wang Li’s wanton momentum, but concentrated on Wang Li!

“This…this is?”

Feeling this powerful aura, Wang Li’s face was full of horror.

This is as turbulent as a river, and his weak aura can’t be resisted at all!

Seeing his figure swayed slightly, it was difficult to maintain his aura!


The momentum dissipated, and the two girls on the opposite side seemed to have just woke up from a nightmare, panting heavily.

“Unexpectedly, I can also meet a powerful person here.”

Standing still, Wang Li looked at Luo Heng with a gloomy expression.

Aura has an impact on ordinary people, he knows this, but what about?

Just a few ordinary people, why should we consider them?

It’s just that now his aura is suppressed by the same man with aura, which makes him very unhappy!

The momentum can’t be compared to the opponent, just use the strength to compare it!


His right arm was flashing with thunder, and he began to switch to an animal’s arm!

It looks like it is about to become a sturdy tiger arm!

“Wang Li, this is not a place where you can go wild. If you really use the power, you have to consider the consequences!”

Jiang Churan’s soft drink made Wang Li frowned.

Fighting is strictly forbidden in the high-speed rail car, even if it is a supernatural person!

In front of each section of the car, there are official ability players. Once he uses the ability, he will definitely be arrested!

At that time, even if he can get out on his own identity, it will take a lot of time.

It is not good to delay the progress of one’s own task for the sake of a small person.

Thinking of Wang Li in this way, the thunder light on his arm disappeared, and his arm began to return to normal.

With a flash of gaze, Wang Li looked at Luo Heng: “Boy, you are lucky.”

After a pause, he looked at Jiang Churan again, completely ignoring the impatience on the other’s face: “I’m waiting for you at the gate of the station.”

After speaking, he turned and left here.

“I don’t know who was lucky.”

Luo Heng murmured to himself.

If the opponent took the lead just now, and he took the shot again, it would be equivalent to a legitimate defense and would not be punished.

“I am sorry to trouble you.”

While Jiang Churan apologized to the side, he was also a little surprised.

She had felt Wang Li’s aura before, but she was actually flat in front of this person.

It seems that the strength of this person should not be underestimated.


Luo Heng said with a little regret.

For this kind of person who doesn’t put others in his eyes, he actually doesn’t mind teaching each other.

It’s a pity that the man ran too fast.

“Did that person come with you just now? How do you feel that he is so fierce.”

The girl sitting opposite asked with lingering fear.

She didn’t know what aura was, but when the opponent’s aura broke out just now, she felt like she was being stared at by a fierce beast, it was terrifying!

“Kiki, this is the privacy of others, how can you ask like that?”

The girl next to her couldn’t help but stop.

She had already seen something wrong between the man and the girl just now.

“It’s nothing, it’s okay to tell you.”

A look of anger flashed across Jiang Churan’s pretty face: “I didn’t come out with him. On the contrary, I came out just to avoid him. Unexpectedly, he still followed.”

“Tracking? Then don’t you call the police to catch him? Even a supernatural person can’t be so arrogant!”

The girl named Qiqi couldn’t help but say.

Seeing such a beautiful girl being treated like this, 290 she was inevitably moved with compassion.

“My family and their family are family friends, it is impossible to call the police.”

Jiang Churan was a little helpless, and then smiled slightly: “But don’t worry too much. If I ignore him, it will be fine. He doesn’t dare to do anything to me. He is a supernatural person, and I am also a supernatural person.”

Jiang Churan smiled sweetly, looking very charming.

In the Juque city, aristocratic families are in all directions. In order to strengthen each other’s position, many aristocratic families will choose to form alliances.

And their Jiang family and Wang family happened to be like this, so she would be so patient with Wang Li.

To be an ordinary person, according to her personality, she was beaten up a long time ago!

“By the way, I am also a little curious about what you just said, can you continue to tell me?”

Jiang Churan blinked and asked curiously.

What happened to Kang Shan is related to her academy mission, so you can’t be sloppy at all.

Luo Heng on the side also brightened his eyes when he heard the words, and looked at the two opposite people expectantly.

“Uh, all right, I’ll tell you more.”

Seeing the curious eyes of Luo Heng and Jiang Churan, the two girls were dumbfounded, and immediately began to tell the strange things that happened in Kangshan.


ps: The previous chapter was judged to be a dangerous chapter. I can’t see it. Now it has been changed. If you haven’t read it, you can jump back and have a look. .

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