Chapter 182

After Luo Heng asked about the special situation of Kangshan, the girl also said more, but she still focused on the roaring in the middle of the night and the strangely disappearing tourists, and she did not ask how much meaningful information she asked. Come.

While inquiring about the situation, he also learned the names of the two girls opposite, Yang Qi and Lu Jiao, both of whom were students from a regular university in Jiangning City. They decided to go to Kangshan during the weekend. .

And the beautiful girl sitting next to him, in the process of exchanging information, he also knew that the other party was Jiang Churan.

Everyone is of the same age, riding in a car is very boring, and Luo Heng’s perception of fire has also fallen into a bottleneck, so after talking about the weird things about Kangshan, everyone started chatting.

“Jiang Churan, you should go to Kangshan to do the credit assignment.”

While talking, Luo Heng took out a bag of potato chips from his tactical backpack and ate it.

During the time that Wei Qing was hospitalized, he would visit every night after his practice, and every time he got there, Wei Qing was eating snacks, and even took him to eat with Wei Qing.

Over time, he formed a habit, which made him bring some snacks even when he went to the world of alien animals.

Therefore, now he is naturally accustomed to breaking up snacks when he is fine.

‘Credit assignment? Is it an academy mission on Blue Star? ’

Jiang Churan was puzzled, but still replied with a smile: “Well, yes, this is the request of the instructor.”

“Wow, your mentor is too perverted, and arranged for you to do such a dangerous task.”

Yang Qi on the opposite side couldn’t help exclaiming.

In the chat just now, they already knew that Luo Heng was going to Kangshan to find the traces of the fugitives.

And Luo Heng said that Jiang Churan was also doing credit assignments, so she took it for granted that they had the same assignments.

“Hehe, let me remind you again, Kangshan is likely to gather a large number of escape abilities, you’d better just stroll around in Nanyang this time, don’t go there.”

Luo Heng couldn’t help but reminded.

Judging from the current strange situation, even if there is no sub-base of the blood wheel organization on the Kangshan side, there is still a great danger.

Everyone meets in a peaceful water, this kind of reminder is still to be done.

“Kangshan is a scenic spot, and there are many guards nearby, and there are powerful supernatural beings like you, how could we have anything to do. `?”

While talking, Yang Qi snatched the potato chips from Luo Heng’s hands.

“Well, it’s delicious!”

After taking a bite of potato chips, Yang Qi couldn’t help showing a happy smile.

Your own snacks are not delicious, eating other people’s snacks is the most delicious!

“Hey, that’s mine.”

Luo Heng raised his brow and said.

“You are carrying such a big backpack, it is impossible to bring only a bag of potato chips? It is not as good as everyone is happy, what is wrong with sharing together.”

Lu Jiao smiled lightly, and put her hand into the snack bag that Yang Qi snatched.

Originally, they thought Luo Heng was an unsmiling and powerful person. As a result, in the previous contact, they found that although Luo Heng didn’t talk much, he was still very easy to contact, not the kind of difficult person to get along with. .

Therefore, she also joked with confidence.

“Girls should eat less puffed food, otherwise they will get fat.”

Luo Heng finally tried to make them give up their snacks.

“Don’t worry, I won’t rely on you if I gain weight.”

Yang Qi grabbed a handful of potato chips from the snack bag and ate it like a demonstration.

“You guys are so deceiving!”

Luo Heng was very angry, but there was nothing he could do with them, so he got up again and took a few bags of snacks from the tactical backpack and put them on the table.

“You guy, why do you bring so many snacks when you go out?”

After eating a bag of potato chips, Yang Qi picked up another bag again.

“You want to control?”

Luo Heng rolled his eyes.

Really, you have to talk too much when you eat other people’s food, it’s Damn it!

“Xiao Ran, do you want to eat?”

Lu Jiao said to Jiang Churan.

If Jiang Churan had not drunk a few sips of water before, she would have doubted whether she was a fairy from the sky!


Jiang Churan’s eyes lit up and nodded.

She has never tried Blue Star’s snacks!

“Well, it’s delicious!”

After taking a bite of potato chips, Jiang Churan couldn’t help but let out a satisfied voice.

This is the taste she has never tasted in Juque City!

The table between the four seats of the high-speed rail is very small, so Luo Heng only put five bags of snacks, but Jiang Churan quickly finished eating these five bags of snacks!

“Are you a hamster reincarnated?”

Luo Heng touched the empty snack bag in amazement.

From just now to now, he has eaten a total of six bites, but it’s gone?

“Hey, people are growing up.”

Jiang Churan stuck out his tongue and looked extremely cute.

In just getting along, she found that Luo Heng, Yang Qi and Lu Jiao are all very nice people.

And she was not that kind of indifferent person, so after getting acquainted with them, she unconsciously revealed her lively and cheerful side.

“Eat more snacks to grow your body!”

Yang Qi and Lu Jiao seemed to have discovered a great secret.

Could it be that Jiang Churan’s hot body is so good because of snacks?

Although reason told them that it was impossible, they still took a chance, and quietly wrote down which snacks Jiang Churan had eaten, and tried to eat them after they were ready to go back to school!

I have to say that girls’ ability to associate is sometimes really outrageous.

“Well, I have some more here, so I’ll give it to you.”

Luo Heng smiled and took out all the small snacks in the tactical backpack.

I don’t know why, when I get along with Jiang Churan, I always have a touch of comfort. This feeling is very similar to when I was with Yao Muxi.

“¨” Luo Heng, you are so kind! ”

Jiang Churan cried out in surprise, and immediately entered the battle with snacks.

She will destroy all these things!

“Xiao Ran, save some for us too.”

Yang Qi and Lu Jiao, who suspected the slimming effect of snacks, also joined the battle.

There was only one face left, Luo Heng looked at them helplessly.

I don’t know, I thought they were eating some delicacies!


Nanyang City is about 250 kilometers away from Jiangning City. Even if there is a high-speed rail, it still takes more than 40 minutes to arrive.

Luo Heng, carrying a tactical backpack, and three girls stood outside the Nanyang High-speed Railway Station.

“Luo Heng, are you going to Kangshan with us?”

The strange Yang Qi asked, and Lu Jiao on the side also looked at him expectantly.

With Luo Heng who is tall and possesses abilities, they feel more secure.

“Well, it’s okay.”

Luo Heng smiled slightly. Anyway, he was going to Kangshan. It would be better to have locals lead the way.

“Then let’s go together.”

Yang Qi and Lu Jiao shouted in surprise, and they were about to leave the station with Luo Heng.

“Hey, have you forgotten someone?”

Jiang Churan at the back said with a bit of bitterness.

Fortunately, everyone has shared snacks together. It is too much to want to leave her after getting out of the car!

“Hey, didn’t the previous person named Wang Li telling you to wait for him?”

Thinking of the tall and thin man, Yang Qi was still a little scared.

“Hmph, I’m not in a hurry to hide from him, wait for him? How could it be possible!”

Jiang Churan wrinkled Qiong nose.

Whenever Wang Li was mentioned, she had a headache forever.

“Okay, then let’s go together.”

As Yang Qi said, she took Jiang Churan’s hand and walked far away with Luo Heng and Lu Jiao.

Not long after they left, a tall and thin figure also came here, it was Wang Li who had been pestering Jiang Churan!

“Jiang Churan, you really didn’t wait for me.”

Looking around, Wang Li’s complexion, who had not found Jiang Churan, became extremely gloomy.

After thinking of Luo Heng sitting next to Jiang Churan, an unnamed rage burst into his heart.

“Boy, don’t let me meet you again.”

A gleam of light flashed in Wang Li’s eyes. If Luo Heng had given up his seat at that time, there would be nothing to do! .

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