Chapter 183

Kangshan is one of the famous scenic spots in Nanyang, so there are many vehicles directly to the scenic spot.

The four of Luo Heng got into a taxi casually, and within half an hour they approached the Kangshan Scenic Area.


Along with the sound of brakes, the taxi stopped at the centralized drop-off point at Kangshan Scenic Spot.

After a while, a man and three women got out of the car.

The man is handsome and tall, and the three girls are also young and beautiful.

Among them, the tall girl who wore short shorts and exposed her slender thighs in the air attracted the attention of most of the tourists around her.

Suddenly, the people around him quietly envied the boy in their hearts.

One man and three women are really beautiful!

“When I get here, the air feels a little fresher.”

Luo Heng, who slowly scanned the surrounding circle, couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

Their current location is at the foot of Mount Kang, and not far in front is the majestic Mount Kang!

With the verdant green trees on the mountain and the cloud-filled tip of the mountain, you can feel the breath of nature here.

“That is, Kangshan is the sign of our Nanyang City. Can it attract so many tourists if there is nothing special?”

Local Yang Qi smiled complacently, and then looked at Luo Heng and Jiang Churan: “Luo Heng, Xiao Ran, do you want to play with us for a while before doing the task?”

She and Lu Jiao originally came out to play, and it would be more fun if there were more people.

Besides, Luo Heng and Jiang Churan are both supernatural beings, so it’s good to get close.

“Let’s separate here. My task is a bit urgent and I need to act immediately.”

Luo Heng said with a smile.

Judging from the situation learned on the train, this Kangshan is definitely tricky, so he must act early.

Otherwise, it will be miserable when something bad really happens.

“Me too, the task arranged by the instructor needs to be completed immediately, otherwise the task will fail.”

Jiang Churan also nodded and said.

Although she was still a little bit dissatisfied with these friends, it was time to part with each other.

“Okay, then we’ll see you later.”

Although Yang Qi and Lu Jiao were reluctant, they waved their hands and waved goodbye to Luo Heng and Jiang Churan, dragging their suitcases and walking to the hotel they had booked.

“It’s not so urgent to detect the trail of the fugitives? You can play with them for a day first, maybe you can find clues to those fugitives in the process of playing.”

Luo Heng said to Jiang Churan next to him in surprise.

Although most of the credit quests of the Supernatural University are relatively dangerous, the danger is controlled within a certain range.

For example, in this detection mission, you only need to detect the trace of the suspicious person, and then report it. It doesn’t require much effort at all.

“Hehe, the instructor is more urgent, and I can’t help it.”

Jiang Churan said helplessly, but the description of this task in the college’s task system at the time emerged in his mind:

‘The puppets of the high-ranking royal family’s heart-controlling king appeared everywhere in the Blue Star world. This is very abnormal, so it is necessary for students to ascertain the purpose of the heart-controlling king.

If the mission is completed, 30 million credits will be awarded, and if the mission fails, 5 million credits will be deducted. ’

She would never even take a look at the task of going to the Blue Star World, but in order to avoid Wang Li, she took it.

If you accept the task, if you don’t complete it, in addition to deducting credits, you will also lower your ranking on the academy task list.

Taken together, it is equivalent to losing 10 million credit points, which is equivalent to one month of cultivation resources for her, so she must complete this task and then return to Juque City.

“Okay, then we’ll see you next time.”

Although he had a special affection for this girl, Luo Heng did not hesitate too much, waved goodbye to Jiang Churan, and walked in the direction of Kangshan.

“Goodbye? I’m afraid I will never see each other again this time.”

Jiang Churan muttered to himself, with a trace of reluctance on Qiao’s face.

Since childhood, countless people have pursued her in Juque City.

There are various types of boys, tall, talented, handsome…

But she hasn’t been moved, but this time, facing Luo Heng, she admits that she does have some slight affections.

“Forget it, don’t think about it so much. The task is the most important. Let’s see if we can find a clue to the Puppet of the King of Heart Control.”

A trace of determination flashed in Jiang Churan’s beautiful eyes, and he walked away from the place with his slender thighs.

Regarding the news that the heart-control king puppet may exist in Kangshan, she only got the news after entering Blue Star through her mentor’s original relationship with Blue Star.

Therefore, she must try to find the puppet of the King of Heart Controlling here, and if she can’t find it, she must find another way to complete the task earlier.


In the Kangshan Scenic Area, the main way to play is to climb the mountain and enjoy the beautiful scenery during the climb.

At this time, it was around ten o’clock in the morning, and the people marching towards the top of Kangshan were struggling on the twisted mountain road.

There were also some tired and sweaty female tourists with bamboo poles, but they found that a man in black with a backpack was like a vigorous cheetah. He quickly jumped from behind and disappeared quickly. In their sight.

“Why do you run so fast? Don’t you come to climb Kangshan to enjoy the fun of climbing?”

“That’s it, running so fast, I won’t have any energy soon after the meeting.”

“Let’s climb slowly, and slowly admire the beautiful scenery along the way is the best way to tour.”

The passengers who were walking slowly on the mountain road could not help but deceive themselves.

Kangshan, a total of about 3400 meters high, can be regarded as a relatively high mountain in Jiangnan Province.

Ordinary people, it takes about four hours to climb to the top of the mountain, but Luo Heng only took ten minutes to reach the top of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, there is a hotel. Opposite the hotel is an observatory. From there, you can see the beautiful scenery in the distance.

“What a nice view.”

Leaning on the railing of the observatory, Luo Heng couldn’t help exclaiming.

The observatory faces the east, so at this time, the brilliance of the huge sun in the sky shines on the surrounding clouds, turning the entire cloud into a pale gold.

Coupled with the fog and the faintly visible green pine on Mount Kang, this place becomes like a fairyland.

However, Luo Heng did not come here to appreciate the beautiful scenery, but to better discover the movement on Mount Kang.

Once there was any strange movement on Mount Kang, he could quickly lock that position from the top of the mountain.

After waiting until around 8 o’clock in the evening, Luo Heng didn’t notice any special movement.

But he wasn’t discouraged either. The special roar that Lu Jiao said would only appear at night.

It’s just now entering the dark night.

At 9 o’clock in the evening, most tourists entered the hotel on the top of the mountain to rest, and Luo Heng was the only one standing on the observatory.


At this moment, a faint roar suddenly came.

Although the roar was far away, it was still heard by Luo Heng.


Luo Heng’s gaze condensed, and he went straight down from the observatory, transformed into a black phantom, and soon disappeared into the dark night.

Fortunately, there are no people around the observatory at night, otherwise, someone will definitely exclaim that someone has jumped into the mountain!


ps: The recent plots are a bit flat, but they are all paving the way for the future development of the plot, and a climax will soon be ushered in. .

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