Chapter 184

On Kangshan, except for the few small roads that lead directly to the top of the mountain, the rest are undeveloped pristine areas.

The soft soil, there are many shrubs, trees and vines, and it is extremely difficult for ordinary people to cross, but Luo Heng is like a clever kitten, walking directly through these obstacles.

At this moment, if someone is by the side, you can clearly see him walking through the woods, and he hasn’t even touched a leaf!


Listening to the louder roar, Luo Heng, who was walking fast, slowed down and stepped on the soil cautiously, without making a sound.

He could feel that the source of the sound was not far away from him!

While sneaking carefully, Luo Heng also raised his feelings to the limit of 500 meters!

Within this range, as long as any creature appears, it will be sensed by him.


Suddenly, his heart felt that two figures appeared in front of him, and they were walking in his direction.

Luo Heng’s legs were slightly bent, and with his amazing physical fitness, he jumped directly onto the branches of the tall tree next to him, and stood firmly on it.

Soon after he jumped on the branch, two men in black blood wheel suits walked away-come over.

Through the moonlight, Luo Heng can clearly see the figures of the two people below. One is hideous and fat, and the other is a little thin and wretched.

“It is said that if you join the blood chakra, you can drink spicy food. Why do I have to do this kind of vigilant work as soon as I join? I have seen many people enter the experimental group, and they don’t need to come out to patrol the building. .”

The thin man walking in the woods couldn’t help complaining.

“Hehe, you should be fortunate that you are not in the experimental group.”

The obese man showed a mysterious smile.

“Huh? Why? Is there something tricky in this? Can you tell the younger brother?”

The thin man asked quickly.

As a person who just joined the organization, the more insider he knows, the higher his hope of survival!

“Hehe, I can’t be called the big brother, I just came a few days earlier than you.”

The obese man smiled and said: “At the beginning, I joined the blood wheel organization with another person. I was selected to go to the patrol group, and the other person was selected to the experimental group.

At that time, I complained like you did, but something happened later that completely changed my view. ”

“what’s up?”

The thin man asked anxiously.

“Initially, in addition to patrols, those of us in the patrol team were also responsible for handling some corpses.

That day, I was called to the laboratory to treat the corpse. Originally, I was wondering why I hadn’t met my companion. As a result, his corpse was found in the pile of corpses in the corner of the laboratory!

Had I not known that he had a big hemorrhoid at the corner of his mouth, I would never have thought that the non-human-shaped corpse would be my companion!

And it was through this incident that I learned that the so-called experimental group did not conduct experiments, but was used as experimental products to conduct experiments!

The person who came in with me died tragically there because of the side effects of the experimental drug. ”

The obese man said with some fear.

At that time, even he was frightened by the terrifying appearance of that person.


The thin man took a deep breath and murmured: “Fortunately, I was not assigned to the experimental group, otherwise, it may be the same consequence that is waiting for me.”

“Hehe, don’t mention those bad things, tell me you joined our organization because you committed something.”

The tall man looked curious.

Whenever a new person comes in, he likes to talk about these things with each other, and often, he can get some answers that excite him.

“It’s okay. I saw that one person was not pleasing to the eye, so I killed his whole family. After being wanted, I could only join the organization.”

The tall and thin man said indifferently, as if killing someone else’s family is a small thing.

“That’s it? I thought you did something serious, come, let you listen to Brother’s story.”

The fat man looked disappointed, and then he showed a perverted smile: “My, my favorite is those girls, so I like to follow those girls secretly, and use my powers in places where no one is. Beat them out, and then take them to a remote place, you can do whatever they want.

It’s a pity that those people don’t know how to play. Every time I don’t play for a long time, I’m killed. When I want to find more girls, I’ve been spotted by the Snow Leopard squad. In desperation, will join this organization.

Otherwise, who would be willing to those beautiful girls. ”

After finishing speaking, the obese man licked the corner of his mouth still intently.


When Luo Heng on the tree heard this, a burst of anger surged into his heart, and he jumped off the branch directly!


Luo Heng, who landed on the ground, did not pause at all, holding a war knife, directly attacked the obese man!

In the dark night, the use of real fire from the sun is extremely conspicuous, so he just uses the sword technique purely.

But even this is enough to crush these people.


The alloy sword under the moonlight radiated cold light, as if cutting tofu, it directly cut the fat man’s throat!


Blood rushed from the severed throat, and the fat man fell directly to the ground before he could even say a word!

Luo Heng’s method of starting is extremely skillful. He did not choose to cut off the opponent’s head directly, but chose to cut his throat, just to let him die in despair and pain!

In this way, it can be regarded as getting some justice for the girls who died under him.

And the thin man standing next to him was as if locked by a ferocious behemoth, he didn’t dare to move, he couldn’t even make a sound!

“Now, I said, you answer, if you dare to shout out, then your fate will be worse than him!”

Luo Heng said coldly.

He is now suppressing the opponent with his own aura, so he doesn’t worry that the opponent will yell at all.

Looking at the fat man who fell at Luo Heng’s feet with a distorted expression and has not completely died, the thin man nodded frantically, obviously not wanting to end up like this.

“Are you from the blood chakra organization? Is there a branch of the blood chakra organization here?”

·· ·········Find flowers· 0

Luo Heng asked, reducing his momentum a little.


Feeling the chill in the other’s eyes, the thin man said quickly.

It’s just that Luo Heng’s momentum was suppressed, his voice seemed a little hoarse, and the volume was extremely low.

“Is your base over there?”

Luo Heng pointed to the source of the roar and said.


“What is the roar inside the base?”

“do not know.”


Listening to this person’s answer, Luo Heng’s eyes suddenly became cold!

“I… I really don’t know.”

The thin man said cryingly, “I only joined the organization today. I don’t even know what the roar is.”

Listening to this man’s words, Luo Heng frowned.

From the conversation just now, he also knew that the qualifications of this person must not be as high as the qualifications of the person next to him.

But what the obese man did really annoyed him, so he still gave priority to killing the obese man.

.. ……… …

“Is there any way to enter your base?”

Luo Heng asked again.

Even if he has confidence in his own strength, he will not rush in stupidly. At least, he must first ascertain the situation inside before he can make a decision!

“Just have a pass.”

The thin man swallowed with difficulty.

“As long as you have a pass? It’s that simple?”

Luo Heng’s eyes were full of doubts, and the turbulent momentum strengthened again!

“This…it’s true. Recently…too many people have joined the blood wheel organization, and they…only issued one…passport… they can’t recognize them at all. people…”

Under this imposing suppression, the thin man’s voice was somewhat intermittent.

“Oh? You seem to be quite obedient, then I won’t embarrass you.”

Luo Heng’s eyes narrowed, and then a bright smile appeared, “It’s better to make your death easier.”

Originally, the thin man thought that the other party had let him go, but after hearing the second half of the other party’s words, his expression suddenly changed, angrily trying to break free from Luo Heng’s momentum.

It’s a pity that he, whose level is too weak, can’t break free of this control at all.


With a flash of light, the head of the thin man was cut and flew away!

The corpse, which had lost its head, fell straight on the soft soil without making a sound. At the same time, a pungent bloody smell permeated.

Facing the headless corpse, Luo Heng didn’t feel any discomfort. He fumbled in the pocket of the opponent’s clothes and found the pass. After putting on the blood wheel suit, he left here directly.

For him, these two people were no longer humans at the moment they spoke of their crimes, but were equivalent to irrational beasts!

Therefore, he didn’t have any psychological burden when he killed him, and he even had some pleasure in his heart.

These people are more than guilty!


ps: Recently worked overtime, the update is a bit less, and the amount of updates will be increased on weekends (if you don’t work overtime) 10.

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