Chapter 185

At 9:30 in the evening, Luo Heng, wearing a black blood wheel suit, walked slowly in the direction where the roar came from.

Tall trees, dead leaves everywhere and young saplings growing.

When Luo Heng reached the source of the roar, he saw this scene.

“Holographic disguise?”

The current technology is extremely advanced, and it is not surprising that the blood wheel organization has such a technology.

Therefore, Luo Heng did not hesitate and stepped straight forward.

Without taking a few steps, the scenery in front of you changed suddenly!

The original dense trees and shrubs disappeared, replaced by a huge fortress!

Through the moonlight, you can also see the metallic gun barrels protruding from the fortress!

Obviously, if Luo Heng hadn’t been wearing a black blood wheel suit, there would be bullets waiting for him!

In front of the fortress, there was a huge iron gate, which was tightly closed at this time.

Under the gate, there is a two-meter-high small door. Next to the small door, there is an electronic device that flashes green.

“It should be from here to enter.”

Luo Heng walked over directly, took out his pass, and swiped it on the machine.

“The entry of Tang Bo, a member of the elementary organization, was detected, and the permission was passed.”

Accompanied by an electronic and mechanical sound, the two-meter-high door opened, and Luo Heng walked in directly.



As soon as I walked in, a stronger roar came from the depths of the base, and the roar was extremely dense!

“This is the sub-base of the Blood Wheel Organization? It looks like it should have been established for a long time.”

Luo Heng, who scanned the surrounding circle, said inwardly.

The inside of the fortress and the outside of the fortress are completely different worlds.

Inside the fortress, it was like a research institute. The ground was extremely clean and tidy, and some huge instruments full of technological sense were placed not far away.

A large number of people wearing black blood wheel suits and protective clothing were walking around inside the fortress.

“Members, please show your pass.”

Just when Luo Heng was about to walk in, a team of black blood wheel suits armed with guns came over.

The leader of the team looked at Luo Heng with suspicion.

There are too many fugitives who have joined the organization recently, and most of them have not scanned their faces, so they must strictly investigate suspicious personnel!

Listening to this person’s words, Luo Heng directly handed over the pass in hand.

“Number, name Tang Bo, newly added today.”

The captain swiped the pass on an instrument, and Luo Heng’s message appeared.

Suddenly, he changed his color and roared: “Tang Bo, you should be patrolling outside at this time. Why do you want to enter the fortress?”

The captain’s voice fell, and the surrounding members pointed their guns at Luo Heng as if they were facing an enemy!

Facing the sudden situation, Luo Heng said with a constant expression: “I was notified to deal with the corpse in the laboratory.”

Seeing Luo Heng’s calm and composed look, the leader of the team’s eyes flashed, and then he cursed:

“Damn, how did the laboratory consume so quickly? I just cleaned up a wave of corpses yesterday, but they are going to be cleaned again today.

If this continues, the recruits will not be enough for them to experiment! ”

After spitting fiercely, he said to one of his team:

“The newcomer doesn’t know where the laboratory is, Xiao Li, take him there. Remember, it is the innermost laboratory!”


A gunman walked out of the team, leading Luo Heng to the depths of the fort.

Seeing the two leaving, the captain showed a cruel smile at the corner of his mouth: “Go and inform the brothers that there is another mouse coming in. We are going to fight the mouse!”

Listening to the captain’s words, the surrounding team members showed sullen smiles, and some team members left here to inform others that they had gone.


In the core area of ​​the blood wheel base fortress, there is a very luxurious room. At this time, five or six members of the organization are kneeling in it.

In front of them, sitting a handsome middle-aged man, he also held a red wine glass in his right hand, the red wine in it was being swayed constantly by him.

No one in the room spoke, and the atmosphere seemed very solemn.

After a while, the middle-aged man in the seat slowly said, “You said you don’t agree with what I did?”

The middle-aged man’s voice is very magnetic and it sounds very comfortable.

However, those people who were kneeling could not help but breathe out a chill, and they could hear the dissatisfaction in this tone.

“Yes, I just don’t agree with what you did.”

Someone among them gritted their teeth and said in a trembling voice: “The organization wants to grow, and there is nothing wrong with recruiting people, but why is it necessary to recruit people with such fanfare? Maybe the official has noticed us and is about to encircle us!”

“Moreover, most of the new recruits you recruited died in the experiments you arranged. I don’t understand. What’s the point of recruiting new recruits in this way?”

“If this continues, even if you are someone from the headquarters, I have to ask if the headquarters supports this approach!”

Listening to the words of the following person, the middle-aged man smiled slightly:

“The headquarters knows what I did. Don’t worry about this. Moreover, our action will begin tonight. Even if the official people notice us, it will be too late…”

After speaking, the middle-aged man took a sip of red wine, revealing a very intoxicated look.

Sure enough, the wine of the human world is delicious.


Someone exclaimed, obviously didn’t expect it to be like this.

“What? Do you have an opinion?”

The middle-aged man frowned and looked at the man with cold eyes.

“No…no comment.”

The person was full of cold sweat on his forehead, obviously nervous to the extreme.

For this ruthless man who killed three high-level branch bases as soon as he came over, he was afraid that the other party would kill himself in a fit of anger.

At this moment, a person suddenly walked in from outside the room and knelt down in front of the middle-aged man and reported: “My lord, a few rats have entered the base. Should we kill them directly or catch them for interrogation?”

While talking, this person took out an instrument, and the instrument extended a small probe, projecting two pictures in the air.

One of them is a picture of a person walking forward with another tall man, and the other is a picture of a figure swiftly walking through the base. Judging from the slim figure, it should be a girl. .

“Luo Heng??!!!”

Looking at the familiar face of the man in the picture, the middle-aged man stood up and said in a harsh tone:

“Luo Heng, I didn’t look for you, you dare to come to me!”

He was deeply impressed by the man who killed himself a puppet.

“Li Chang, you go and kill that man, and the other woman, let the surviving experimental products deal with her, just to try the power of these experimental products.”


Among the kneeling people below, one stood up, his figure flashed, and disappeared here.

“Luo Heng, the strength of the third-tier high position could not kill you last time, this time, the strength of the fourth-tier is always okay.”

The middle-aged man showed a cruel smile.

Compared with Tier 3, Tier 4 can be said to have more than ten times its strength!

Therefore, he is not at all worried that Li Chang will not be able to kill Luo Heng.

After all, it has only been a month since he killed Luo Heng last time. Even if Luo Heng’s strength has improved, it will not improve much! .

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