Chapter 186

“Tread, step…”

In the gloomy corridor, a man with a gun and a tall man who looked young were walking forward together.

The footsteps of the two reverberated in the quiet corridor.

“Isn’t there yet?”

Luo Heng asked, it has been more than ten minutes since entering the fortress.

And the distance he traveled was almost one-third of the entire fortress!

“It’s coming soon, why are you so anxious? Collecting corpses is not collecting gold.”

The man in black with a gun smiled and said with a joking expression on his face.

Seeing this person’s smile, Luo Heng smiled slightly:

“Really? Then I will collect the corpse for you now! The sun is really hot!”


Before the words fell, the real fire of the golden-red sun ignited from the man in black with the gun.

And the man in black had no time to make a scream, and he turned into a fire man!

However, in the blink of an eye, it turned into a pile of ashes, and even the gun was directly turned into a ball of molten iron, corroding the ground into a small depression.

“Unfortunately, I can’t collect your corpse for you.”

Glancing at the ashes on the ground, Luo Heng took out his alloy sword from behind: “Yan knife!”

The golden red Tai 28 Yang real fire entangled on the alloy saber!

One layer, two layers, three layers, four layers…there are eight full layers before it stops!

The silver-white war knife, under the entanglement of the real fire of the sun, directly turned into a dazzling golden red!

Even the red is almost gone!

“Hehe, don’t hide from the people in front, come out.”

Luo Heng, holding a flame knife, chuckled and looked at the end of the corridor.

When he stepped into this corridor, his feelings had already sensed the corner at the end of the corridor, hiding a large number of gunmen!

Only then did he know that he had been exposed, so he acted first.

“Haha, I was discovered by you, brothers, come out!”

At the corner of the corridor two hundred meters away from Luo Heng, dozens of gunmen walked out.

Moreover, the guns they held were very weird, like a small bazooka.

The one who spoke was the team leader Luo Heng met when he entered the base just now.

“Fortunately, I am more mindful. I didn’t do it the first time when I discovered your abnormality. Otherwise, I might be the one who died.”

The captain looked at the handful of ashes on the ground with some palpitations, and then squinted at the flame knife in Luo Heng’s hand.

This golden-red fire type ability is really terrifying, and it directly burned a person to ashes!

“How are you sure that you will not die next?”

Looking at the people at the end of the corridor, Luo Heng jokingly smiled, looking extremely arrogant.

Before being brought here just now, he had already tried his heart and soul. In this base, most people were second-order abilities, and even if there were third-order ones, there were very few.

And Tier 3, to him, is just a one-shot thing.

“With the miniature laser weapon in our hands!”

The captain patted the gun in his hand, then shouted: “Shoot!”



One after another dazzling laser shot from the guns in the hands of these people, and the target was directed at Luo Heng on the opposite side!

However, Luo Heng was prepared for this!

“True Fire Barrier!”


The golden red sun fire appeared around Luo Heng’s body, radiating dazzling light and heat wantonly.

Entering the third stage, his true solar fire temperature reached 4000 degrees, and the condensed true solar fire reached 4200 degrees!

And under this astonishing high temperature, the air around Luo Heng began to become distorted!


Luo Heng, who was enveloped by the real fire of the sun, turned into a golden red phantom and struck forward!

Boo~ Boo~ Boo~

The laser shot on the golden red sun’s real fire, and it made a soft sound, and then disappeared directly into the air.

“How can it be?”

The captain watched this scene in horror.

This is a weapon imported from country m, even if it is a Tier 3 elemental ability, it should be able to kill directly!

“How can it be impossible?”

The distance of 200 meters is just a blink of an eye for Luo Heng. Therefore, at this time, he has already arrived in front of the captain!

“breaking Dawn!”

The golden-red flame knife drew a beautiful angle in the air, directly splitting the person in front of it in half!


Because the temperature of the Yandao was too high, this person burned instantly after being chopped.

Before the people around him reacted, this person was directly turned into a mass of ashes!

“Now, it’s your turn.”

Luo Heng, who had been killed by the captain, looked at these people in front of him and showed a smile.

“Evil… Devil.”

Looking at the smile on Luo Heng’s face, some of the remaining people were shocked and stood there, while others dropped their weapons directly and used their own powers to go to the corridor. Flee on the other side!

For a while, the whole scene was chaotic!

“Escape? Can you escape?”

A bloodthirsty smile appeared at the corner of Luo Heng’s mouth, holding a flame knife, and rushing forward.

One, two, three…

At this moment, the golden red flame knife turned into the death god’s sickle, and every knife lighted up would take away one person’s life.

It didn’t take long for the whole corridor to be filled with a strange smell, that kind of smell, as if feathers were charred.


Accompanied by a scream, the person who had fled the farthest was directly enveloped by the real fire of the sun, and instantly turned into a handful of ashes!

As the last person was killed, the entire corridor returned to calm again, and Luo Heng also retracted the Yandao and stood among the ashes.

“It’s really good that the temperature is higher, but it’s a pity that the smell is fierce.”

Sniffing the strange smell in the air, Luo Heng frowned.

“Extreme Flame Sword” entered the eighth level, and even the real fire of the sun that can be wound on the flame blade reached the eighth level!

The more the Sun’s real fire is wound, the higher the temperature, the eight-layer alloy war knife, the temperature has reached an astonishing 4600 degrees!

If it weren’t for his sword made of special high-temperature resistant alloy material, after he used it, it would melt directly!

The high temperature of 4600 degrees will directly evaporate the water in the body at the moment of cutting into the human body.

Moreover, under the action of the real fire of the sun, the whole person will be directly reduced to ashes.

In this way, although there is no such tragic situation of corpses spreading across the wild, there will be a strange smell of burning human bodies.

Just when Luo Heng was about to leave, suddenly, he kicked something hard.

Looking on the ground, a firearm similar to the shape of a bazooka appeared in his sight. It was the miniature laser weapon held by those people just now.

“Laser weapon? But so!”

Looking at the laser weapon lying on the ground, Luo Heng smiled contemptuously, crushed it with one foot, and left here coolly.

The laser light emitted by a laser weapon is also light. If it is light, it will be distorted.

The real solar fire with a high temperature of 4200 degrees will heat the surrounding air, and the air density will become smaller, forming convection with the surrounding cold air.

Air at different temperatures has a different refractive index, so the surrounding air will produce a sense of distortion.

In the same way, after the laser is shot, it will be refracted, and the refracted laser will lose its power.

That’s why he was able to defend the laser burst so easily.


ps: I’ve been working overtime recently, so I don’t have much time to write novels, and I’ve been working on Cavin again, so the update and plot are a little bit tight.

But no overtime on the two days of the weekend, so it will be five shifts in these two days!

Moreover, the next plot will usher in a wave of climax, so I asked for a wave of flower tickets in advance~~.

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