Chapter 187

“Tread, step…”

The corridor is very long. Luo Heng walked in the corridor after the battle, while observing the surrounding scenes.

There are only large-scale equipment on display in the laboratory. There is no one inside, let alone people conducting experiments.

“It seems that luck is not very good today.”

According to what has been observed, all the laboratories in the base today are not carrying out experiments for some reason.

Therefore, when he entered the base and said he was going to the laboratory to collect the body, he should have been seen through by the captain!


The weird roar echoed inside the fortress base and also reached Luo Heng’s ears.

“Is this the cry of a biochemical beast?”

Listening to this faint roar, Luo Heng in the corridor was a little puzzled.

The biochemical beasts evolved from the alien beasts. Judging from the biochemical beasts killed in the city stadium last time, the roar and the alien beasts are similar.

But the roar echoing in the base is obviously different from the roar of the biochemical beast!

“help me…”

Suddenly, a faint voice came from the nearby laboratory.


Luo Heng quickly entered the laboratory where he made a cry for help.

This laboratory is roughly the same as the laboratory next to it. They only have instruments and no experimenters. In one corner of the laboratory, a weird human is lying.

This person has blood-red eyes, two small horns on the top of his head, and his fingernails are unusually sharp!

Seeing someone coming in, this person’s survival instinct was aroused, and he called out again: “Save me, save me!”

But perhaps because of being weak for too long, his voice is still extremely hoarse and tiny.

“Who are you?”

Luo Heng, who entered the laboratory, looked at the man in the corner warily.

With red eyes and double horns, this person is very similar to the imperial alien puppet he encountered!

Although he was vigilant, he was not too nervous, because in his induction, the breath of this person’s life was about to dissipate, and it was not fear at all.

“I…I’m a tourist who came to Kangshan. After I separated from my relatives, I was caught here and forced to conduct experiments.”

As if returning to the light, this person’s face returned to a touch of ruddy: “When they left here yesterday, they looked at me as if they were dying, so they left me. They definitely didn’t expect that I have persisted until now!

Moreover, I also met you. `! ”

A gleam of hope appeared on this man’s face.

“How can I prove your identity?”

Although this person was wearing a travel suit, Luo Heng did not directly believe his words.

“Here, here, there is a document proving my identity in the pocket of my clothes.”

Perhaps because of the excitement, some blood even came out of the corner of this person’s mouth!

Luo Heng took out his ID card from his pocket and checked it.

The ID card of an ordinary person is different from the ID card of the ability person, so he can see that the ID card of this person is the ordinary kind.

This also means that he himself is an ordinary person.

The Blood Wheel Organization will not recruit members without powers, so this also means that he is indeed an innocent person.

The identity of this person was confirmed, but Luo Heng did not make the slightest move: “In your current situation, I may not be able to save you.”

His sun’s real fire has the ability to sense the life energy of others, so he can feel that the fire of the other person’s life is about to go out.

“Is this… this? I should have realized it a long time ago.”

The person’s face became paler, “But even if I die here, you must spread the news!

Blood wheel organization is undergoing tragic human trials!

In addition to the ordinary people who were brought in, they also used their own team members to conduct experiments!

After the experiment is successful, those people will become monsters like me!

And it will become infinitely powerful, and reason will fall into violent turmoil!

It is a semi-finished product like me that will not lose my mind. ”

The man’s face turned into an unhealthy flush, and his tone was very rapid, as if he wanted to say everything before he died.

“Human trial? Become a monster?”

Luo Heng’s eyes narrowed.

He knew this when he entered the base, but he didn’t expect that this human experiment would actually turn people into monsters!


This person nodded affirmatively, his flushing complexion suddenly became extremely pale, and the blood at the corners of his mouth became more!

“Ability…you…must…send this news…”

After the man said this sentence intermittently, he fell to the ground, no longer a trace of breath.

Looking at the non-human corpse in the corner, Luo Heng fell into silence for a moment.

He had seen the madness of the blood wheel terrorist organization a long time ago, but he couldn’t help feeling a little sad after seeing someone dying so miserably in human experiments.

After a long while, Luo Heng slowly said: “Don’t worry, the news, I will definitely spread it, and I will not let go of those who harmed you!”

As the voice fell, the golden-red sun was ignited, swallowing the corpse and burning it into a mass of ashes.

As he walked outside the laboratory, Luo Heng was thinking.

According to what he has discovered now, there is definitely a big secret hidden in the base of the blood wheel organization!

And judging from the bends on the head and the red eyes of the man just now, if it has nothing to do with the imperial alien puppet, he absolutely doesn’t believe it!


Just after Luo Heng walked out of the laboratory, a huge gray bear suddenly rushed over from the corridor in the distance!

This giant bear is about 4 meters high and about 2 meters wide. It charges with great power, just like a small missile attacking him!


With the sound of breaking through the air, the grizzly bear’s claws shot directly at Luo Heng!

“A Tier 4 ability person?”

Luo Heng let out a surprise, his figure flashed, and he left the place directly!

Bang! ! !

The bear claws hit the alloy wall of the laboratory, directly knocking down the alloy wall about 50 cm wide!

“¨” Boy, hide fast enough. ”

A grinning smile appeared on the face of the grizzly bear withdrawing his right paw.

“Nature is a Tier 4 ability person.”

Luo Heng’s eyes narrowed.

Only after entering Tier 4 can a person with natural powers transform into a beast, turning into a violent behemoth.

The giant bear in front of you should be a supernatural person with a natural c-level grizzly bear ability!

“Huh, it’s good to know that you are afraid, although I don’t know why the boss sent me such a Tier 4 ability to kill you, but as long as the task is completed, it will do.”

A dangerous light flashed on his face, and then he attacked Luo Heng again!

“Who said I was scared?”

Luo Heng raised his brows, and the flame sword in his hand condensed again!


Like lightning, but also like electric light, the golden red flame sword slashed directly at the huge bear that struck!

The giant bear that rushed forward, with his hands in front, seemed to want to block the knife with his rough skin!


The golden red flame knife directly cut through the grizzly bear’s thick arm, and red blood spewed out from the wound!


Feeling the sharp pain coming from the arm, the Grizzly (Nuohao) couldn’t help but let out a roar, stopped the charge, and looked at Luo Heng on the opposite side with fear.

After he became a grizzly bear, no matter whether it was a bullet or a careful missile, his power could not penetrate his thick skin. Unexpectedly, he suffered a loss on this battle knife!

Moreover, his original strong resilience doesn’t seem to work anymore, no matter how he activates it, the wound on his arm just can’t heal!

“Haha, Tier 4 ability person, that’s it?”

Luo Heng frowned.

The power of his true sun fire itself is extremely strong, and under the blessing of the higher fire mood, it has reached a terrifying power.

Therefore, dealing with some weak fourth-order ability players, it is not too simple.

“court death!”

Listening to Luo Heng’s contemptuous tone, the grizzly bear’s eyes were full of anger!

“Furious gesture!”

With a loud roar, the size of the grizzly bear expanded again, and a violent breath spread out from him!

The hideous face, scarlet eyeballs, and extremely violent aura, if there are ordinary people here, you might be scared to death by this giant bear!


ps: The first one~~.

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