Chapter 188

The huge grizzly bear may make ordinary people or even ordinary people with supernatural powers feel scared.

But who is Luo Heng? He is a supernatural person who has entered the world of strange beasts many times, and has faced the third-order supernatural beast directly!

Therefore, even though the grizzly bear on the opposite side is extremely violent, Luo Heng still has a calm face and even wants to laugh a little.


After entering the violent state, the grizzly bear became more like a strange beast, and saw him attacking Luo Heng with a power that was several times stronger than before!

Not to be outdone, Luo Heng rushed towards this huge grizzly bear!

His current speed is close to 80 meters per second. At such a rapid speed, the flame knife in his hand has brought a very beautiful golden-red phantom in the air!

“Vajra Claws!”

The grizzly yelled, and a special metallic luster appeared on the bear paws the size of a fan, and they slapped Luo Heng with a striking power.

The natural c-level grizzly bear ability, the most important thing is the enhancement of the whole body’s strength and defense, although there are also speed enhancements, but it is extremely limited.

Therefore, it makes sense for the Grizzlies to choose to attack with the palm of their hands. After all, that is his strongest means of attack!


Luo Heng jumped up, the flame knife in his hand exuded a hot light, turned into a dazzling sun, and slashed directly at the neck of the grizzly bear!

“Do not!!!”

Feeling the astonishingly dangerous aura on the flame blade, Grizzly knew that if he took this trick forcibly, he would definitely die!

Therefore, he directly retracted his vajra claws and blocked them at his neck!

It’s a pity that even though he had tried his best to resist this move, the flame blade still cut his bear claws with great ease, and even cut his neck together!


The huge bear head fell on the ground and quickly changed back to a human head, then it was swallowed by the real fire of the sun and turned into ashes!

“Even if it is a Tier 4 ability person, if the ability level is too low, it will still be killed by the higher order.”

Seeing this grizzly bear turned into ashes, Luo Heng secretly said in his heart.

In the case of the same rank, the higher the ability level of the ability person, the stronger the power!

Luo Heng has the top-level s-level ability, Sun True Fire, and the opponent has only the c-level Grizzly Bear ability.

Moreover, he practiced top-notch power training methods and sword techniques, and the mood of fire was even more advanced!

Therefore, it was also in his expectation to be able to kill this Tier 4 ability person so quickly.

“It seems that the strongest in this base should be the Tier 4 ability person.”

Luo Heng thought to himself.

The strength of the members of the blood wheel terrorist organization is actually not high. The main reason is that they are highly secretive, so that they can repeatedly make waves in China.

Therefore, a Tier 4 ability player is already a top team member.

After all, surpassing Tier 4 strength, no matter which country he fled to a foreign country, he would be regarded as a guest of honor.


At this moment, a more intensive roar sounded from a distance!


With a flash of gaze, Luo Heng rushed over there.

The purpose of his coming to this base is to obtain power points. As a result, he hasn’t even seen a biochemical beast so far, so he is also a little anxious.


To the west of the base, a silver-white slim figure is constantly running away, and behind her, there are also many base members who have used abilities!

“One, two, three…”

Jiang Churan, who was fleeing, counted the number of team members behind him, “There are 25 in total, and we are ready to go.”

With a flash of gaze, Jiang Churan stopped running away.

Seeing Jiang Churan stopped, the people following also stopped about 100 meters away from her.

“Yo, girl? Don’t you run away? Are you ready to give up? No matter you give up, I can introduce you to our organization, but before that, you have to make us brothers feel good.”

The headed person scanned Jiang Churan up and down with wretched eyes.

This face, this figure, is simply perfect!

When the voice fell, the little brothers beside him also laughed wryly: “Haha, that is, little girl, give up resistance, as long as you enter our base, you can’t escape even if you plug in your wings. Why don’t you just listen? Our captain’s, let the big guys have a good time together.

Brothers, you said I was right! ”


The rest of the members responded, looking at Jiang Churan with fiery eyes!

Although these people have a fiery heart, none of them dared to take a step forward. Because, before that, Jiang Churan had killed nearly 10 of their members.

Therefore, they did not dare to rush on.

Listening to the nasty words of these people, Jiang Churan didn’t say a word, but took out his long sword from behind.

“Ability, Shengyao spirit combat body!”

With a soft cry, Jiang Churan used his own power!

After using the power, her whole body was enveloped with a faint radiance of Saint Yao!

If Jiang Churan’s beautiful face and hot body were still a bit irritating before using the power, after using the power, her enchanting charm disappeared completely, and she became a person who could not give birth to anything. Fairy of blasphemy!


Jiang Churan shook his small hand, and the long sword in his hand uttered a long roar!

Carrying the long sword, her figure flashed, bringing up a burst of afterimages, and then attacked those in front of them!




The long sword that exudes cold light, every time it is swung, it will take the life of one person. After a while, this place is full of corpses.

“Well, it’s too much trouble to kill one by one, it’s better to get together like this to kill.”

A smile appeared at the corner of Jiang Churan’s mouth.

In the evening, after entering Kangshan and discovering the anomaly here, she tried a way to get in, but she didn’t expect to find out about the King of Heart Control before she had time.

Therefore, she can only escape all the way in the base.

Fortunately, she was a low-ranking ability player of Tier 3, so until now, none of the team members in the base could keep her. Instead, she killed a lot of them.

“If I knew that this task was so troublesome, I wouldn’t take it at the beginning. As a result, Wang Li didn’t get rid of it. The task hasn’t been cleared yet.”

Standing in the middle of the corpse, Jiang Churan frowned slightly.

The blood and the corpse, and the beautiful and holy appearance are two irrelevant or even two extreme things.

But at this moment, the corpse and Jiang Churan in the same picture constitute an extremely harmonious picture.




At this moment, an abnormal roar suddenly came not far away!

“what sound?”

Jiang Churan’s eyes narrowed.

As a capable person living in the giant city of alien beasts, her dealings with alien beasts are countless.

However, she couldn’t hear what strange beast was making this roar!




The yelling became denser, the voice became clearer, and there was a slight sense of vibration!


Finally, a creature with an abnormal roar appeared in Jiang Churan’s field of vision!

“Imperial alien beast!”

Looking at this creature, Jiang Churan was horrified!

The horns on the head, and the tail wagging constantly behind him, although similar to humans, it is by no means human!

And this kind of creature is very similar to the royal alien beast mentioned in the textbook!


ps: Second, ask for a wave of flower tickets~~.

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