Chapter 189

“No, it’s not right, this is not a royal animal!”

Jiang Churan’s eyes flickered in his beautiful eyes, denying his conjecture just now.

The alien beasts of the royal family are like humans. Although they still retain some of the characteristics of alien beasts, they will definitely not flash with violent red light in the eyes of these creatures in front of them!


The humanoid monster who rushed out first opened his blood basin and bite directly at Jiang Churan!


The long sword slashed on the teeth of the humanoid beast, and there was a sound of metal crashing!

“Tier 3?”

Jiang Churan’s complexion changed drastically, with a holy light lingering all over his body!

Her supernatural power, Saint Yao spirit body, belongs to the s-level strengthening system. After using it, her physical fitness will be doubled, and her attack will have certain sacred attributes.

Therefore, her random blow can directly kill a monster below Tier 3.

And the humanoid beast in front of it, actually blocked her long sword with only the teeth, which shows that the strength of this humanoid beast is definitely above Tier 3!




Seeing the humanoid beasts coming from not far away, Jiang Churan’s eyes flashed with determination, and a sword flower danced out of the long sword in his hand and directly greeted him.

Tier 3 strange beasts, she still has the confidence to kill!


“What, the Tier 4 ability person actually didn’t kill him??!!!”

In the luxurious room at the core of the base, watching Luo Heng, who was leaving after killing the Tier 4 supernatural powers on the projection, the King of Mind was annoyed.

The high-level blood wheel organization who knelt down in front of him were even more trembling, and they didn’t dare to move.

“The top s-level abilities, even in their human giant city, have very few people.

Moreover, Luo Heng has been promoted so quickly, maybe he will grow into a character like Lin Xiao in the future, posing a huge threat to my holy race! ”

The control king’s eyes flickered.

Lin Xiao, is a 9th-level superpower with top-level s-level power in Juque City!

His strength is so strong that even his body dare not wipe the edge!

And Luo Heng, in just one month, entered the third rank from the second high position, and killed a fourth-order supernatural ability, which made him a little worried.

“Zhong Li, how many biochemical animals are there in our base?”

With a flash of gaze, the King of Heart Control looked at one of the people who was kneeling down.

“Our base has been established for about 3 years. There are a lot of biochemical monsters that have been hoarded. There are 400 creatures of Tier 2 and 200 of Tier 3!

These biological and chemical animals are sleeping under the base and can be activated at any time if necessary. ”

The man said tremblingly.

“very good.”

The King of Heart finally showed a smile on his face, “Wake up all the biochemical beasts and let them go down the mountain.

Today is Saturday, there are a lot of people in the hotel under the mountain, so let the biochemical beasts have a good time!

What was not done in the plan last time, this time, we must do it! ”


Zhongli nodded in response, then stood up and left here.

“Then how do we deal with this superpower?”

Someone below pointed to Luo Heng in the projection and asked.

Li Chang was already the strongest in their base. He died, and the rest of them couldn’t even kill Luo Heng.

If he allowed him to make trouble like this in the base, it might affect their plans.

“You trash, even a small Tier 3 ability person can’t handle it. In the end, don’t you want me to take action?”

The King of Heart Controlling hummed coldly, then narrowed his eyes and looked at Luo Heng in the projection:

“Luo Heng, I didn’t expect me to come and kill you in the end.”


The blood wheel base located inside the Kangshan Mountain is divided into two areas, one is the upper layer and the other is the lower layer.

The upper layer is used to organize members’ daily activities and experiments, while the lower layer is used to store equipment and biochemical animals.

The blood wheel organization is divided into the lower level of the base.

“Boss, do we really want to release all these monsters?”

A person wearing a black blood wheel suit asked his companion next to him.

They are now standing in front of a glass window, and in the room inlaid with glass windows, there are glass jars placed one after another.

In the glass jar, there is a light green solution, through that solution you can see that what is immersed in it is one after another hideous creatures!

As for the jars like this, in that room, there are many densely displayed, with no end in sight!

“Don’t talk nonsense, do you dare to listen to what the group leader said?”

The boss glared at him, “Even if these biochemical beasts are released, it will take about 1 minute to wake up, and after they wake up, they will directly rush down the mountain according to the opened channel. What are you afraid of?”

“Okay, then we turn off the device and leave as soon as possible.”

While talking, the man next to him and the boss entered the room.

In the room, all the glass jars were connected by a line to the huge machine in front.

And these two people are manipulating this huge machine.

“Dididi, the password is entered successfully, the permissions are passed, and the protection measures are lifted!”

Accompanied by this electronic alert tone, the light green liquid in the glass jar was quickly drained, revealing the hideous features of those biochemical animals.

“Okay, let’s go!”

Upon seeing this, the boss quickly left here with the person next to him!

And shortly after they left, in this dim space, pairs of scarlet eyes lit up one after another, like red lanterns hanging one after another!

·· ·········Find flowers· 0

Bang, bang, bang~~

Accompanied by the sound of glass being smashed, the pair of scarlet eyes also began to move, rushing towards the big open door next to it!


The western corner of the upper level of the base.


With a soft drink, Jiang Churan used a long sword to chop down a humanoid beast to the ground, but shortly afterwards, another humanoid beast rushed towards her!

This time, her long sword was too late to withdraw to block the attack!

block! ! !

The attack of this humanoid beast did not work, but there was no ochre light blocking it outside.

“I have used one of Tier 4 enchanting equipment. If I support this one a few more times, the energy will be exhausted! But there are still a lot of humanoid beasts around. What should I do?”

.. ……… …….

Jiang Churan’s pretty face was full of fatigue and anxiety.

Although her sacred spirit body abilities can absorb energy from the air and strengthen her own endurance ability, but these humanoid beasts are all third-tier mid-range.

Moreover, it is much stronger than the ordinary third-order mid-position monster!

Therefore, even though she, as a Tier 3 inferior ability person, used her whole body’s strength to kill these humanoid beasts, she did not kill a few of them. Instead, she consumed almost her own physical strength!

block! !

Another humanoid monster’s attack was blocked by the enchanted equipment.

After this blow, the light shield produced by the enchanted equipment flickered and disappeared into the air!

“What?!!! The energy of enchanting equipment is consumed so quickly?”

Jiang Churan was horrified.

At this moment, a humanoid beast suddenly attacked her!

Feeling the hideous face of the alien beast, and his own exhausted energy, Jiang Churan’s face was full of despair: “Is it over like this? If I knew I would die in this mission, I shouldn’t be so easy today. Is separated from Luo Heng.”

A sad smile appeared on Jiang Churan’s beautiful face.

From the moment she became a supernatural person, she was ready to die in the hands of a strange beast.

But when this moment really came, what she regretted most was that she didn’t chat with Luo Heng for a while this morning.

Perhaps, for Luo Heng, she was really moved.

“Unfortunately, it’s all too late.”

Looking at the sharp claws close at hand, Jiang Churan, who knew what he wanted, closed his eyes and prepared to face death.

At this moment, a deep voice suddenly sounded: “The sun is really hot!”


ps: Third, ask for a wave of flower tickets~~10.

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