Chapter 190

“Die, die for me!”

After killing the Tier 4 ability person, Luo Heng ran all the way in the direction where the weird roar came from.

In the process, he also used the real fire of the sun to kill all the members of the organization he saw on the road!


Listening to the increasingly clear roar, Luo Heng stepped on his feet and jumped out 20 meters away, seeing the source of the strange roar!

That is a humanoid beast that resembles the Heart-Controlling King puppet one after another!

It’s just that those alien beasts are still wearing some human clothes, and, unlike the heart-control king puppets, their eyes are exuding a violent scarlet light!

In addition, among them, there is a girl with a slender figure and a beautiful face, who is about to die under the claws of a humanoid beast!

“Jiang Churan?”

Seeing the girl’s face, Luo Heng was startled, and immediately used his own power: “The sun is really hot!”

After entering Tier 3, his true solar fire has been able to appear within 30 meters around him.

Therefore, the golden red sun was so hot that it directly swallowed the humanoid beast that hit Jiang Churan!


The humanoid monster burned violently all over.

Feeling the sudden high temperature in front of him, Jiang Churan opened his eyes, and immediately saw the humanoid beast that had attacked him, with golden-red flames all over his body, and soon turned to ashes!

“How is this going?”

Jiang Churan looked surprised, and immediately saw the humanoid beasts around him looking in one direction.

Following the eyes of those humanoid beasts, she saw a tall figure standing not far away!

“Luo Heng?”

Looking at the familiar figure and face, Jiang Churan hesitated.

Is it that he is dead, but this is the world after death? Otherwise, why did Luo Heng appear here?

“Ah, it hurts.”

Jiang Churan couldn’t help squeezing his face, but he felt a pain.

“I’m really not dead!”

Jiang Churan couldn’t help being surprised, and hurried to Luo Heng not far away.

And Luo Heng, who was not far away, after killing the humanoid monster, looked at the prompt in the interface of his mind with a weird expression: “Ding, kill the puppet of the third-order middle-ranked royal clan monster, + ability point.”

The humanoid alien beast he killed just now, although very similar to the imperial alien animal puppet, but the violent blood red eyes could not appear on the wise imperial alien animal puppet.

“This, is it the so-called card bug?”

Luo Heng said inwardly.

According to this situation, this should be an error in the system’s identification, and these experimental items were identified as puppets of the King of Heart Control!

At this moment, Jiang Churan’s voice suddenly came: “Be careful!”


When Luo Heng came back to his senses, he saw a humanoid beast rushing towards him!

“court death!”

With a flash of gaze, the golden red sun’s real fire engulfed this humanoid beast and turned it into ashes!

“Kill the third-order royal puppet, power point +”

Listening to the lift in his mind, Luo Heng looked happy.

Sure enough, killing these humanoid beasts can add power points!

“Luo Heng!”

Suddenly, there was a soft drink from the side, and a soft body plunged into Luo Heng’s arms. It was Jiang Churan who was born after the disaster!

She understood her intentions just now, and was saved by Luo Heng again. For a while, such actions are inevitable.


Feeling the bumpy figure in his arms, Luo Heng looked blank.

What’s the matter with this little Nizi, how can she suddenly become so enthusiastic.



At this moment, the surrounding humanoid beasts roared again, but they did not immediately pounce on it.

Although their intelligence is low, they are still sensitive to danger. For Luo Heng who suddenly appeared and then killed two of the same kind of Luo Heng, they still did not dare to go immediately.

Therefore, they can only yell deterrently and test Luo Heng.

Listening to the roars around, Jiang Churan, who was in Luo Heng’s arms, remembered that they had not escaped the danger!

“Luo Heng, how many times can your enchanted equipment be used? Can it support us to escape?”

Jiang Churan asked anxiously.

He regarded the golden red flame as being emitted from Luo Heng’s enchanted equipment!

Then she sighed again and said: “This top-level enchanting equipment that can kill Tier 3 monsters in seconds can only be used three or four times at most. There are so many humanoid monsters here. Even if you use it a few more times, it will only die soon. The difference of death.

Forget it, let’s wait for death together. Anyway, we can make money if we die together with you. ”

While talking, Jiang Churan nestled in Luo Heng’s arms, his beautiful face filled with satisfaction.

Although I don’t know why Jiang Churan suddenly relied on him so much, Luo Heng smiled slightly at the satisfaction on her face: “Don’t worry, we will not die.”

After speaking, he gently pushed away Jiang Churan in his arms and walked forward.



The golden red real fire of the sun entangled around the war knife in a special pattern, instantly turning the war knife into a dazzling golden red!

“True Fire Barrier!”

These humanoid beasts all have tails behind them. In order to prevent their sneak attacks, Luo Heng also used a real fire barrier!

The dazzling golden red light and the scorching high temperature radiated from the real fire of the sun!

And Luo Heng, who is holding a flame knife and haunted by the real fire of the sun, is so gorgeous and mysterious!

“It turns out that he is not using the enchanting equipment! The golden red flame is his ability, and he is also a third-order ability!”

Jiang Churan, who was about to catch up, stood dazedly, with a huge wave in his heart!

The Blue Star World is different from Juque City. The Blue Star World has a low level of tutors, poor practice skills, and lack of resources for practice…

In this case, the ability of the same age in the blue star world is far inferior to the ability of the city of Juque.

These are the original words of her mentor!

And now, what did she see?

It is a supernatural person who is the same age as her, but has also reached the third rank!

What a talent it is to achieve this level!

“Luo Heng, be careful!”

Although Luo Heng’s strength surprised Jiang Churan, she couldn’t help shouting.

She has tried the strength of these humanoid beasts herself. Although she could kill a few quickly at first, she will soon fall into a dilemma of exhaustion due to the exhaustion of the alien energy!

Listening to Jiang Churan’s caring words, Luo Heng couldn’t help but smile at the corner of his mouth, and replied indifferently: “Reassure, I kill them, it’s like slaughtering a dog!”

It’s just a third-order imperial beast. Isn’t that a single blow?

He stepped on his footsteps, and the ground cracked with a boom, and he shot out like a cannonball, carrying a burst of golden red phantoms, and rushed into the group of humanoid animals!

“Power point, here I am!”

Looking at the humanoid beasts close at hand, Luo Heng looked excited: “Dawn!”

The golden-red light of the knife flashed, and the three humanoid beasts in front of them were decapitated, and the entire body was engulfed by the real fire of the sun!

“Ding, kill a puppet of a third-tier mid-ranking imperial clan alien animal, + power point.”

“Ding, kill a puppet of a third-tier mid-ranking imperial clan alien animal, + power point.”

“Ding, kill a puppet of a third-tier mid-ranking imperial clan alien animal, + power point.”


The reminders sounded like a sound of heaven in Luo Heng’s mind, and he worked harder to kill these humanoid beasts!

The gorgeous knife light, the hot sun and the real fire, one after another humanoid beasts that they could not kill on their own have died one after another under Luo Heng’s fierce sword technique!

Not far away, Jiang Churan who watched this scene couldn’t help but feel a little silly.

As expected of the man I’m fond of, so strong!


ps: This is yesterday’s fourth shift, today’s fifth shift may be a bit difficult (crying).

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