Chapter 191

There were nearly 30 humanoid beasts in the west of the base, but these humanoid beasts were slaughtered clean in front of Luo Heng in just over a minute, leaving only a place of ashes.

Name: Luo Heng

Level: Third-order lower-level ability (+)

Ability: Real Fire of the Sun (S-level)

Power point:

Skills: The fourth layer of anode fireworks (Dacheng+), the eighth layer of Jidao Yandao (Dacheng+), Yangyu (Dacheng+), Xingan (master), ordinary boxing (master), ordinary swordsmanship (master)

Law: The Artistic Conception of Fire (High+)

“Unexpectedly, more than 400,000 power points have been added!”

Looking at the huge numbers behind the column of ability points, and the plus signs, Luo Heng holding the Yan Knife was very excited.

Last time, he stayed in the power world for 15 days to the limit, but only gained 100,000 power points.

And now, just killing these dozens of humanoid beasts, they all added more than 400,000 power points!

It can be said that this operation is very successful!

“Luo Heng, you are great!”

A fragrant wind hit, Jiang Churan, who had survived the rest of his life, fell into Luo Heng’s arms again.

At this 28 moment, she just wanted to hold Luo Heng well!


Feeling the slender and soft body in his arms, as an energetic 18-year-old young man, and still has a good affection for Jiang Churan, how can Luo Heng withstand her repeated teasing?

So he kissed directly.


Feeling the strong masculine breath and the softness of his mouth, Jiang Churan couldn’t help groaning, and then plunged into it with all his heart.

After a long while, the two people separated.

After the separation, Jiang Churan’s eyes were rippling with autumn water, and there was a touch of shyness on his face like an immortal, and it was extremely charming and moving.

“Well, it’s a crime.”

Seeing Jiang Churan in his arms, Luo Heng scratched his head and sighed.

From the moment Jiang Churan didn’t refuse his kiss just now, he knew that Jiang Churan was completely in love with him.

However, I already have a girlfriend.

In this world, the offspring of high-level powers have a higher probability of awakening powers.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for the strong to have several wives.

However, the many wives of those strong men are generally ordinary people, and there are very few women with supernatural powers who serve one husband together.

“What? Not satisfied with me?”

Looking at Luo Heng who sighed, Jiang Churan said with a stare.

“Um, Xiao Ran, I already have a girlfriend.”

Luo Heng said with a wry smile. I don’t know how Jiang Churan reacted after hearing the news.

You know, women with supernatural powers like this are generally more arrogant and will not share their boyfriends with others.

After hearing this sentence, Jiang Churan in his arms blinked without any reaction, and then said, “Is there a girlfriend? What then?”


Jiang Churan’s reaction surprised Luo Heng, “Is it not enough to have a girlfriend to make you angry?”

Luo Heng asked suspiciously.

“Why are you angry?”

Jiang Churan was also confused.

In Juque City, the strong are very popular, and it is not unusual for a strong to have five or six wives.

“Do you have many girlfriends?”

Jiang Churan asked suspiciously.

If there are too many girlfriends, it is indeed a bit troublesome, but also to fight for favor!

“Uh, there is only one.”

Luo Heng touched the handle, Jiang Churan’s reaction was completely beyond his expectation.

“That’s not right.”

Jiang Churan showed a sweet smile: “With us, it is nothing for a strong man to have five or six wives. For example, Wang Li, who came with me, although he is only 19 years old, he is already 19 years old. He has 6 girlfriends, and those of his girlfriends are still supernatural beings.”

“This is one of the reasons why I don’t like Wang Li.”

Jiang Churan said angrily.

In Juque City, there are actually many people like Wang Li, who rely on the strength of their family to mess around.

She looks down on people like this altogether.


Listening to Jiang Churan’s words, Luo Heng wanted to ask, what exactly is your place?

“So you can rest assured, I won’t mind sharing my boyfriend with others.”

Jiang Churan nestled in Luo Heng’s arms with a look of contentment.

It turns out that being held in the arms by the person you like is so warm!

Since other girls have said so, what else can Luo Heng hesitate?

So he hugged Jiang Churan’s delicate body tightly and kissed him again.

At this moment, a violent voice came: “Luo Heng, you actually killed all my experimental subjects?!!!”

Accompanied by the voice, a middle-aged man walked out. At this time, his eyes were full of anger!

These experimental subjects are all special individuals who have survived under his alien power!

He was still going to train for a while, but he didn’t expect that in just a few minutes after he rushed over from the core area, Luo Heng would kill him!

“The King of Heart Control?”

Luo Heng, who let go of Jiang Churan, looked at the middle-aged man suspiciously.

The faint breath of a strange beast is exactly the same as the heart-controlling king puppet he encountered in the school a month ago!

Listening to Luo Heng’s words, Jiang Churan in his arms showed doubts.

What’s the matter, didn’t the instructor say that the blue star world has not reached the fourth-order supernatural beings that they don’t know the existence of the giant city and the royal beasts?

What happened to Luo Heng?

“Huh, Luo Heng, you killed a puppet of me a month ago, and now you are wreaking havoc in my base. Today, I must kill you!”

The heart-control king’s deep words sounded, and at the same time, his form began to change!

Along with a burst of bloody mist, a pair of hideous horns grew on the middle-aged man’s head, a layer of scale armor exuding cold light grew on the exposed skin, and a wagging tail appeared behind him.

The tip of the tail looked extremely sharp, radiating cold light under the light of the base!


Feeling the breathtaking breath, Jiang Churan exclaimed.

You know, a fourth-order ability person and a third-order ability person have completely different concepts!

Basically, after entering Tier 4, every ability person will have a qualitative leap in strength, which is at least ten times stronger than before!

Moreover, this person is still the puppet of the Heart Control King, and with the blessing of the imperial alien beast’s strength, his strength is even more terrifying!

This time it’s a big trouble!

A look of worry appeared on Jiang Churan’s pretty face.

“Sure enough, it’s you.”

Luo Heng’s eyes were very solemn.

Although this heart-controlling king and the person just now are both Tier 4 ability players, there is a huge gap between the dangerous auras they exude!

The breath of a heart-controlling king is at least three times stronger than that of the grizzly bear!

Even if he is now, he has no confidence to deal with it!

“Now you know how to be afraid.”

The Controlling King snorted coldly, “Last time, in order to get into your university, it was parasitic on a Tier 2 ability person, and the strength that was finally displayed was only Tier 3 upper rank.

And now, my parasitic host was originally a third-tier high-ranking, but with the increase of my alien species, it has reached the fourth-tier mid-ranking level!

This time, I see how you die! ”

After speaking, the King of Heart Control looked at Luo Heng with an expression of expectation.

Under this desperate scene, Luo Heng’s collapse must be very interesting!


ps: Yesterday’s fifth update, Jiang Churan has been taken down by the hero~~

Ask for a wave of flower tickets~~

The recent update is indeed a bit weak, maybe because I want to write better, I am not satisfied every time I write it, so every chapter will spend a lot of time to revise.

Hey, let me try my best to update it. Poor writing is really troublesome. .

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