Chapter 195

On the hillside of Kangshan, the difference is slow. It should be a pitch-black forest, but it has been sprinkled with a golden-red brilliance, which looks extremely beautiful.

And the object that swayed golden red brilliance was a fireball with a diameter of 10 meters!

“Yang Yi!”

Feeling that the sun has condensed to the limit, Luo Heng did not hesitate to throw it into the blood wheel organization base ahead!


The huge gate made of special alloy was directly burned out of a big hole under the golden red fireball!

Even the whole door melted open!

Rumble! ! !

Along with the shaking of the mountains, Yang fell into the base of the blood wheel organization and exploded suddenly!

The dazzling light rushed straight into the sky, dyeing the clouds into golden red.

Then, a huge mushroom cloud rose slowly.


There were a lot of electronic devices inside the Blood Wheel Al Qaeda organization. After the sunburst exploded, these devices also exploded!


Jiang Churan, who was leaning on his back, let out a murmur and opened his eyes in a daze, “Luo Heng, have we reached the bottom of the mountain?”

As soon as she asked, she saw the huge base in front of her that was shrouded in the golden red sun.

“so beautiful.”

The ruins of the dilapidated base, the dazzling and gorgeous golden red flames intertwined together, constitute a beautiful picture.

“Luo Heng, can I ask what your power is?”

After the amazement, Jiang Churan’s beautiful eyes were full of curiosity.

She hadn’t seen the power of fire, but it was the first time she had seen this kind of so dazzling, and with bright golden flames.

“The sun is really hot.”

A smile appeared at the corner of Luo Heng’s mouth.

“The sun is really hot?”

There was a puzzled expression on Jiang Churan’s face. Obviously, she didn’t recognize this kind of ability.

But there are so many kinds of abilities of the supernatural person, and it is normal that she doesn’t know it.

‘Look up later when you go back. ’

Jiang Churan, who was thinking this way, suddenly felt sleepy and yawned involuntarily: “Ha~~”

Then her soft voice sounded: “Luo Heng, can I continue to sleep for a while?”

Falling into a deep sleep was originally a protection mechanism after her superpower was overdrawn, so only more than ten minutes of sleep could not make her recover.

Moreover, Luo Heng’s back is so reassuring, she is a little bit reluctant to come down.

“Well, you can sleep at ease.”

Seeing Jiang Churan’s closing eyes, Luo Heng couldn’t help but smile, carrying Jiang Churan on his back, turning into an afterimage and rushing down the mountain.

The mountain road is rugged, there are many branches of trees on the road, and there are many vines under his feet, but he dodges them one by one.

In the process of evading, Jiang Churan on his back did not feel any discomfort, and he still fell asleep. This is enough to explain the horror of Luo Heng’s body skills!

Just when he rushed out, there was not much, suddenly, a huge beast appeared on the mountain road not far in front.

The giant beast is 5 meters tall, 3 meters wide, and carries a big knife behind him.

“Captain Yang?”

Luo Heng hurriedly stopped.

Yang Zhentian turned into a terrible bear, he was very impressed, so he recognized it at a glance.

“Luo Heng, it really is your kid.”

The bear’s face was shocked, and the huge bear body quickly became smaller and became a strong man about 1.8 meters tall!

This is the captain of Jiangning Snow Leopard Team, Yang Zhentian.

At this time, he was looking at Luo Heng with a weird look. In the middle of the night, he was still swinging on the mountain with a young woman on his back.

If he hadn’t known that Luo Heng was a hero who had saved more than 7,000 people, he would definitely treat him as a bad guy.

“Captain Yang, are you here to find this blood wheel organization base?”

Luo Heng understood the other party’s purpose at once.


Recovering his thoughts, Yang Zhentian nodded, and then asked, “How is the situation on the mountain base?”

“That base has been destroyed by me.”

Luo Heng quickly said: “But now there are still many biochemical animals that have been released by the people in the base.”


Yang Zhentian, who heard Luo Heng destroy the base before he was surprised, changed his face.

He found it according to the position where the golden red flame was lit, so he had not searched other places on the mountain, and he did not expect that a biochemical beast ran down.

“Snow Leopard team, half of them followed me down the mountain and half of them continued to enter the base according to the original plan.”

Yang Zhentian arranged for the communication watch on hand.

After speaking, Yang Zhentian looked at Luo Heng solemnly: “The situation is urgent now. I have no time to verify the situation of the blood wheel organization base. Let’s go down the mountain to save the people now!”

Although Luo Heng is unlikely to lie to himself, he still feels that it is impossible for Luo Heng to destroy a terrorist organization’s sub-base alone.

After all, the last time he saw Luo Heng, he was only at the second-order position, and in a sub-base, there will be fourth-order ability players!


Luo Heng nodded solemnly, and then rushed down the mountain with Yang Zhentian, who was once again transformed into a giant bear.

A huge gray bear, a tall man with a young girl on his back, this combination is as weird as it is…


At the foot of Mount Kang, Fengyuan Hotel.

Fengyuan Hotel, the closest hotel to the foot of Kangshan Mountain, is a more expensive hotel, and the decoration of the rooms is also more luxurious.

At this time, in room 104 on the first floor.

“Kiki, this Kangshan is really fun, this time you are on the right path.”

Lu Jiao came out of the bathroom and wiped her wet hair with a towel.

“Hmph, then don’t look at who I am?”

Yang Qi, lying on the bed playing with her mobile phone, smiled triumphantly.

“But it’s a bit of a legwork.”

Lu Jiao sitting by the bed rubbed her aching thigh.

“Tsk tusk, you are so cheap and good-looking. If I hadn’t brought you here today, would you be able to see the handsome guy? Can you see such a beautiful scenery?”

Yang Qi couldn’t help but scolded.

“That’s what I said.”

Lu Jiao quickly hugged Yang Qi’s arm and said coquettishly: “Do you think we will meet Luo Heng when we leave tomorrow?”

“Oh, it seems that our Miss Lu is tempted?” Yang Qi gave a smirk.


Lu Jiao did not deny, but picked up the hair dryer on the side and blew her hair, “Don’t you like it?”

The sound of the hair dryer was very small, so even if Lu Jiao’s rhetoric was not very loud, she could hear her clearly.


Yang Qi gave a dry cough, and a touch of blush appeared on her face, “Indeed, who wouldn’t like this powerful and handsome superpower?”

“Unfortunately, what’s the use of liking? We are not people in the same world, and we are not worthy of others at all.”

Lu Jiao sighed leisurely, “Maybe only people like Jiang Churan can match him.”

Thinking of the fairy-like woman, Yang Qi couldn’t help but sighed.



Suddenly, there was a roar outside, and it was accompanied by a hustle and bustle, as if there was a large person running outside.

“what sound?”

Lu Jiao reacted first.

Rumble! ! ! !

At this moment, the wall of their room was knocked down by a huge force!

The wall collapsed, revealing the scene of the crowd fleeing everywhere, and along with it, two eyes emitting scarlet light, the size of the hideous behemoth resembling a small tank!

“Alien beast?”

Yang Qi and Lu Jiao uttered in horror, their faces full of fear!

They never thought that they would encounter a strange animal here that can only be seen in textbooks! .

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