Chapter 196

“Kiki, what should we do? We are not going to die here, are we?”

Lu Jiao’s voice was a little bit crying.

“No, no, all of this is an illusion, we just show up and play, how can we meet this kind of thing.”

Yang Qi comforted herself stiffly, but the tears that kept flowing from the corner of her eyes also showed her fear and horror at this time.


The two-headed biochemical beasts roared and bit at the two girls with their mouth wide open. The hideous beast’s face shone with a strange light, and it seemed to be excited about the prey that was about to arrive!

“do not want!!”

Faced with such a horrible scene, Yang Qi and Lu Jiao were so scared that they closed their eyes at the same time!

“The sun is really hot!”

Suddenly, a deep voice came, and accompanied by a violent high temperature, the two hideous biochemical beasts directly turned into ashes in the air!

“Huh, fortunately I rushed over in time.”

Luo Heng outside the room breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, in the morning, he already knew the hotel where the two girls were staying.

Otherwise, I’m afraid it’s too late to save them both.

“Luo Heng??!!! Xiao Ran??!!!”

Lu Jiao 28 and Yang Qi, who sensed the movement, opened their eyes and saw Luo Heng and Jiang Churan standing outside.

At this time, Luo Heng, surrounded by golden-red flames, looked extremely gorgeous and mysterious.

Jiang Churan, who woke up after getting off Kangshan, leaned against him with an affectionate expression on his face.

“You two are…?”

Although Yang Qi and Lu Jiao, who had survived the rest of their lives, were still a little frightened, they still felt shocked when they looked at the intimacy of the two opposing people.

“It’s too late to elaborate, follow us, it’s dangerous here now!”

After speaking, Luo Heng and Jiang Churan led Lu Jiao and Yang Qi across the collapsed wall and walked to the street outside.

“Da da da da, da da da…”


“The animal suffers death!”


On the streets at this time, not only were the people from the superpower squad dealing with the alien beasts, but also the ordinary soldiers with guns.

And around them, there are hideous biochemical beasts one after another!

On the street on the ground lay the corpses of some humans and other animals, and the blood flowing from the corpses dyed the surrounding ground dark red!

Even the air has a bloody smell.


Looking at the stumps and corpses on the ground, Lu Jiao and Yang Qi were vomiting with nausea at the same time.

Moreover, when they thought that if Luo Heng hadn’t arrived in time just now, they had already become one of them, and they vomited even worse.

“Xiao Ran, how much do you recover your physical strength now?”

Luo Heng asked, frowning.

“Recovered a little and a half, enough for me to use my own power.”

Jiang Churan nodded and said.

She slept on Luo Heng’s back for nearly twenty minutes, so her physical abilities have recovered a lot.

“That’s good, you take them to the Snow Leopard team, I will solve those biochemical animals.”

While talking, Luo Heng took a bracelet from his hand and handed it over: “This is a Tier 3 enchanted equipment. It can be triggered directly when it is in danger.”


Jiang Churan nodded solemnly, and then left with Lu Jiao and Yang Qi.

She was not worried about Luo Heng’s safety.

After all, Luo Heng is a man who can kill Tier 4 Heart Control King!

These biochemical beasts are simply not dangerous to him.

“Huh, I can finally do a good job now”

Luo Heng breathed a sigh of relief, then let out a low growl: “Yandao!”

Seeing his right hand held in the void, the real fire of the sun began to condense, condensing into a golden-red long knife with a mysterious pattern!

And the hot temperature and dazzling light emitted by this long knife, even those with supernatural powers and ordinary soldiers who are hundreds of meters away from here are aware of it!

Slowly glanced around and found a place where the situation was most critical. Luo Heng rushed past with a burst of afterimages.

“breaking Dawn!!!”

The golden red flame sword looked so gorgeous and dazzling on the slightly dimly lit street.


The knife light lit up, and several biochemical beasts that had been chopped off turned into black ashes at the same time, drifting away in the wind.

And around Luo Heng, those supernaturalists and ordinary soldiers and soldiers looked at him with longing eyes.

This simple and neat way of killing is so handsome!

“Ding, kill a middle-ranked monster of Tier 3, +2500 power points.”

“Ding, kill a Tier 3 lower monster, +2000 power points.”


“Four-headed Tier 3 biochemical beast, not bad.”

Listening to the pleasant prompt sound from the system interface, Luo Heng’s eyes flashed, and he rushed towards the next place where there was a biochemical animal.


In the corner of the street, a tall and thin figure was surrounded by dozens of biochemical animals.

“Why are there so many alien beasts here?”

Surrounded by dozens of heads, Wang Li’s expression was extremely gloomy.

An hour ago, after seeing Jiang Churan entering the huge base exuding danger on the mountain, he retreated straight back.

After all, it’s not worth taking your own life for a woman.

I was thinking about seeing if Jiang Churan could come back alive the next day. I never expected to encounter so many strange beasts on this street!


At this moment, a biochemical beast roared and rushed over.

“Thunder Tiger Hand!”

Wang Li’s right hand was shining with thunder light and turned into a tiger arm, instantly piercing the head of this biochemical beast!

This biochemical beast that had lost its head rushed out several tens of meters with inertia before it swayed and fell to the ground.

Although he killed a biochemical beast in a straightforward manner, Wang Li didn’t have any excitement. Instead, a shadow of haze flashed through.

As a person who deals with alien beasts all the time, he can sense the breath of these alien beasts in front of him.

These strange beasts, the lower-level ones, are around the second-order high position, while the higher-level ones are around the third-order middle position.

For him who possesses the A-level natural lightning sword and tiger ability, he may be able to deal with two or three third-tier monsters at the same time, but as long as there are more than three, it is basically a dead end!

Unfortunately, there are now more than six Tier 3 mid-range monsters in front of him!

“There is really no way, I can only lead these strange beasts to ordinary people.”

A trace of cruelty flashed across Wang Li’s face.

For him, his life is much more noble than ordinary people on these blue stars.

It is also an honor for them to sacrifice their lives in exchange for their own survival.

Just as he was thinking about it in secret, a phantom lingered by golden-red flames suddenly rushed from not far away!

It can be vaguely seen that it is a tall man holding a sword!

That figure, like lightning, rushed directly into the group of alien animals!

The sharp and gorgeous blade light, every flash, will take away the lives of several strange beasts.

Therefore, in less than a minute, all the strange beasts died under the golden and red saber!

And the tall man who was haunted by the flame also withdrew his abilities and revealed his face.

“Huh? Is it you?”

Looking at that familiar face, Wang Li, who was about to step forward to thank you, said in horror! .

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