Chapter 197


Luo Heng raised his brows, and he didn’t expect to meet Wang Li here.

But for such arrogant and domineering people who use their aura to suppress others, he doesn’t want to bother.

After a glance, he stepped on his footsteps, turning into an afterimage and rushing to the next place.

“Asshole, dare to ignore me!”

Wang Li stared at Luo Heng’s leaving figure with a green face, his eyes full of anger.

For him who came from Juque City, there are few peers in the Blue Star World who are better than him.

Luo Heng, who is in contradiction with him, is not only better than him, but also ignores him. How can he not feel angry?

“Huh, let’s just wait and see!”

With a cold snort, Wang Li disappeared here.


Thanks to the efforts of Luo Heng, Yang Zhentian, and other members of the Snow Leopard team, at 11 o’clock in the evening, nearly six hundred biochemical beasts raging at the foot of the mountain were all killed!

Those who survived the disaster gathered on the streets of Kangshan, waiting for rescue.

“D!” “D!” “D!”

One after another, blaring red and blue ambulances with sirens drove from afar, and one after another severely injured and dying tourists were picked up and sent to Lanyang City Hospital for rescue.

Those tourists who were uninjured and lightly injured were protected by gun soldiers and snow leopard superpower squads.

At this moment, a tall young man walked over from a short distance. The fierce aura and faint dangerous aura emanating from his body instantly attracted the attention of the people around him:

“He’s the fire type supernatural player just now, he feels so oppressive.”

“Nonsense, that’s a powerful person who cuts the alien beast into ashes with a single knife!”

“By the way, where’s his super handsome golden-red saber? Why didn’t you see him holding it in his hand?”

“It’s not a real war knife, but a condensed flame. You can tell at a glance that you haven’t been in contact with a supernatural player.”

“Hey, this person seems to be a bit like the fire-powered person I saw on the Internet before…”.


The people around him talked a lot, and their gazes at Luo Heng were full of respect.

Because they knew that in the rescue operation just now, apart from the gigantic grizzly bear, Luo Heng killed the most alien beasts!

After all, the ubiquitous golden-red flame is so dazzling at night, it’s hard for them not to pay attention!

“Luo Heng.”

At this moment, a beautiful girl wearing a silver-white tights ran out of the crowd and fell into his arms.

“So many people are watching, you don’t restrain yourself.”

Luo Heng helplessly touched Jiang Churan’s little head.

“I just want them to know that you are my person, otherwise it wouldn’t be good to have a few more competitors.”

Jiang Churan said playfully.

Just now, she had heard several girls saying that they would come to ask Luo Heng for contact information!

“You are such a clever ghost.”

Luo Heng smiled, and then asked, “Where are Lu Jiao and Yang Qi?”

“They are well protected by me, and now they are being comforted by professionals over there.”

The hideous and terrifying alien beasts, the corpse fragments everywhere, and the blood that has turned dark red are extremely terrifying to ordinary people, and it is easy to leave a psychological shadow.

Therefore, when arranging ambulance personnel to come, many psychological comforters were also brought.

“That’s good.” Luo Heng nodded.

At this moment, a Snow Leopard squad’s superpower came from nearby: “Brother Luo, Captain Yang invites you to go to the hotel lobby, saying that there is something about the blood wheel organization base and I want to know about it.”

As someone who has been to the City Gymnasium with Captain Yang, the Snow Leopard team members are well aware of the horror of the young man in front of him, so his tone is extremely respectful.

“Why am I still Luo brother.”

Looking at this player who was obviously much older than him, Luo Heng couldn’t help touching his nose, “Okay, which hotel is it?”

“I’ll take you there.”

While talking, the team member led Luo Heng and Jiang Churan to a hotel on the street.

Kaifeng Hotel, one of the most luxurious hotels at the foot of Kangshan, but at this time, the hall has become a temporary headquarters, and a large number of armed soldiers and supernaturalists are walking back and forth.

Among those people, the most conspicuous was a tall man, whose unintentionally exuding aura, even if it was 50 meters away, could be clearly felt.

At this moment, he was holding a cell phone and talking non-stop.

“Captain Yang, Luo Heng is here.”


Seeing Luo Heng and Jiang Churan walking by, Yang Zhentian put down his mobile phone and showed an apologetic look: “Luo Heng, you may have to wait for me. I have some urgent things to deal with.”

“Yes, I know.”

With such a big attack happening here, Yang Zhentian, as the captain of the Snow Leopard team, must have many things to deal with.

Therefore, Luo Heng did not feel neglected, and found an empty sofa in the lobby and sat down with Jiang Churan.

“¨” Fortunately, the Snow Leopard team came in a timely manner, otherwise more people would die this time. ”

Seeing the supernaturalists and soldiers walking back and forth in the hall, Luo Heng couldn’t help but sigh.

With more than six hundred strange beasts gathered together, it takes at least half an hour for him to solve all of them alone, but if he wants to kill all the scattered strange beasts alone, it will take at least one and a half hours!

Therefore, if you rely solely on him, you will definitely not be able to save many people.

“Are there many occurrences of this kind of alien beasts appearing in human gathering places?”

Jiang Churan on the side asked curiously.

In her impression, the Blue Star World is a safe and peaceful world without alien beasts. She didn’t expect that she had only been here for two days and met the puppet of the King of Heart Control and so many alien beasts one after another.

“It seems that it just started happening recently.”

Luo Heng thought for a while and responded.

Since the last time the biochemical animals appeared in the city gymnasium, he has paid special attention to the news of a (good Zhao) in this regard. As a result, he found that in addition to Jiangnan Province, other provinces and cities also appeared biochemical animals and spears.

“No wonder the instructor wants to arrange such a task for us. It turns out that there are so many abnormal situations in the Blue Star World.”

Jiang Churan murmured, and then looked at Luo Heng: “Luo Heng, how much do you know about the King of Heart Control?”


Sitting on the sofa, Luo Heng raised his brows, “Listening to your tone, you seem to know the existence of the King of Mind Control?”

“That is.”

Jiang Churan smiled complacently, and then stood up: “Get to know me again. My name is Jiang Churan. I am from Juque City and I am a freshman in Cylon College.”

Standing up, Jiang Churan’s perfect figure is exposed, with her sweet smile, for a while, she looks very youthful and beautiful.


ps: Chapter 194 has been restored, readers who haven’t read it can check it out~.

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