Chapter 199

The next day, early morning.

Luo Heng, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes and turned on the phone.

“Is it ten o’clock? It seems that I was really tired yesterday.”

For a Tier 3 ability person, it’s not a big deal to not sleep for a few days and nights, but Luo Heng fought for a long time last night and consumed a lot of physical strength, so he slept until now.

After jumping up from the bed, Luo Heng began to dress and wash.

Three minutes later, he was carrying a tactical backpack, opened the door of the room and walked out.

The long corridor, one room after another, represents that his location is in a hotel.

Last night, although many hotels were damaged in the attacks of biochemical animals, there were still some intact hotels.

Therefore, after he left Fengyuan Hotel with Jiang Churan, he randomly found a hotel to stay in.

Of course, the two lived separately.

“Ding Dong.”

Luo Heng rang the doorbell in the next room and shouted at the same time: “Little lazy pig, you will have to bask after getting up in the sun.”

Soon after his voice fell, Jiang Churan, who was sleepy-eyed, opened the door: “Luo Heng, is it late now?”

“It’s already ten o’clock, by the way, you like kittens.”

Looking at Jiang Churan’s clothes at this time, Luo Heng couldn’t help but show a smile on his face.

This is a one-piece pajama, the shape is imitation kitty, the hat and two cute little ears.

And Jiang Churan, who was wearing this pajamas, looked very cute.


Realizing that he had forgotten to change his pajamas and opened the door, Jiang Churan groaned and said, “You wait for me outside, and I will come out immediately.”

After speaking, he closed the door.

After a while, Jiang Churan, who had finished dressing and washing, opened the door again.

Unlike the shorts she wore for the first time yesterday, she is wearing a short black pleated skirt and knee-high socks on her lower body, short sleeves with black and white stripes on her upper body, and a pair of casual shoes on her feet.

And the absolute area between the black knee socks on her slender thighs and the pleated skirt is even more stunning.

“Well, pretty girl.”

Facing this situation, Luo Heng couldn’t help but admire.

This was the first time he saw a girl other than Yao Muxi who could wear such a charming little fresh clothes.

“Glib, let’s go.”

Jiang Churan took a look at Luo Heng with an amorous look, then took his arm and left here.


The world of different animals, the city of Juque.

In a large conference hall, the floor of the conference hall is bright white and the walls are bright white. Even the huge round table is bright white. Only the five simple chairs are pure black, as if they can swallow everything. Black.

At this time, on the seats one after another, one after another was projected.

The six seats finally projected six figures, three of whom were Chinese, two were white, and the last one was black.

Although these people have different appearances, they can feel their strong aura even through projection.

If this scene is seen by a high-level ability person in Juque City, it will definitely be extremely excited. Because this is the legendary meeting of Juque City-the Supreme Council. Those who are eligible to participate are only the six 9th-tier congressmen who are responsible for the management of Juque City!

And these 9th-level powerhouses are guarded in different areas, so the convening of the assembly is carried out by means of holographic projection.

“This is the information from Blue Star about the King of Mind that was sent back by Blue Star last night. Everyone has a look.”

After the six figures were projected, a video started playing in the middle of the round table.

That video is exactly the scene of Luo Heng killing humanoid beasts and the puppet of the heart-controlling king!

“This is……??!!”

Looking at the humanoid beast with red eyes, these powerful men were shocked.

After the video was played, these strong men fell into silence one after another.

“According to the intelligence sent by the Blue Star World, the puppet of the King of Hearts conducted human experiments there, and finally this kind of humanoid beast transformed from humans appeared. What do you think about this?”

One of the strong men pointed to the humanoid beast on the screen and said.

“Heart Control King can only do some such methods. If he has the ability, let him face me head-on!”

One of the hot-tempered white people shouted, amazingly, he also spoke Chinese, and he was also very proficient.

“Lester, the ability of the King of Heart Control is biased towards supporting nature, how can it be singled out with you?”

Another white man couldn’t help but say.

“Three hundred years ago, when the alien animal channel came, they tried to transform our humans into a race like them, but they have not been able to succeed. They can only transform some animals. Unexpectedly, they have actually developed this kind of technology.”

·· ·········Find flowers· 0

Muffled words sounded, and everyone looked up and looked at the man in the middle of the three Chinese people.

He is the strongest person in Juque City, a 9th-level superpower with top-level S-level enhanced system abilities, Lin Xiao!

“Could it be that our peace that has lasted for 90 years will be broken again?”

Lin Xiao muttered to himself.

Hearing his words, everyone’s complexion changed.

If there is another war, it will surely be another fierce battle!

“The frequent activities of the imperial alien beasts must have their ulterior motives. This little intelligence is not enough for us to analyze their motives. We need more information!”

…. 0

Someone said.

“There are too few high-level abilities in the Blue Star world, and it is extremely inconvenient to search for intelligence. Why don’t we arrange for a group of high-level abilities directly to pass.”




Everyone responded one after another.

Suddenly, someone pointed to Luo Heng in the picture and said: “This person seems to have a top-level fire system S-level ability. The sun is really hot, right?”


After this person’s reminder, everyone was stunned, and then they realized that it was really the sun!

“It’s a pity that such a top-level S-level ability did not appear in our giant city.”

Someone sighed.

“Yeah, the last time the real fire of the sun appeared, it was decades ago, but unfortunately, before he could enter Tier 4 and come into contact with our Juque City, he had already died in the hands of a strange beast.”

“This time, let’s see if this little guy can touch our existence.”

Although they were surprised by the appearance of the top s-level ability, they didn’t care too much.

After all, it’s not a strong ability, you can definitely become a strong one.

If this person can’t enter the fourth level to get in touch with their existence, no matter how much attention they put in now, it will be useless.


ps: I’m so annoying. Every time I describe the figure of a girl, I will be banned. Is my writing really that pornographic? Or is the review too strict? ten.

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