Chapter 200

Training Room No. 9 on the 12th floor of the Training Building, Jiangnan University of Ability.

Standing in the training room are two beauties, one big and one small. The big one is luxurious, has a nice face, and is dressed in casual clothes.

The little one was only about eighteen or nineteen years old, wearing a tight-fitting jersey, tall and handsome, and was talking to the phone.

These two are naturally Wang Wei and her niece Yao Muxi.

“Well, I know, tell me when you are about to arrive at school, I will pick you up.”

After speaking, Yao Muxi hung up the phone.

“Why, that little boyfriend of yours is out?”

Wang Wei couldn’t help asking.


Thinking of Luo Heng, Yao Muxi smiled happily.

“You little girl, is Luo Heng floating now? He just entered the top 50 in the battle list. I haven’t seen him in the training room recently, and he went out to play alone without bringing him. To you,”

Wang Wei couldn’t help frowning.

“Auntie, Luo Heng has business affairs, so he didn’t take me, and he is not lazy, he is now a Tier 3 ability person.”

Yao Muxi said braggingly.

After Luo Heng left the world of alien beasts the day before yesterday, Luo Heng told her that he had entered the third rank.

“Is it in Tier 3?? How is it possible??!!!”

Wang Wei’s eyes were full of incredible.

I think back then, when she entered the third rank, she was still in the third year of entering the university of supernatural powers.

But thinking that her niece couldn’t lie to herself for no reason, she couldn’t help but said, “Xiao Xi, if Luo Heng has really entered the third level, then you should look good on him.”

“What are you looking forward to?”

Yao Muxi asked blankly.

“Usually you are so smart, why are you so emotionally stupid?”

Wang Wei said anxiously: “It’s only been a month since I left school. Even the most talented student of Magic City University, with the accumulation of a lot of resources, is only a second-tier high.”

“And this boyfriend of yours, who is only 18 years old, has already entered the third rank, and he has even realized his momentum and artistic conception. What kind of enchanting is this?”

“This kind of high-quality boys, if you don’t look at them, maybe they will be snatched away by other women!”

At this time, Wang Wei couldn’t wait to teach Yao Muxi how to guard her boyfriend.

“He won’t be taken away by other girls.”

Yao Muxi said with blazing eyes, his tone full of confidence.

“Then what if Luo Heng is more carefree and wants more than just your girlfriend?”

Wang Wei said with a flash of eyes.

For people with supernatural powers, the national law has preferential treatment. Both male and female superhumans can have multiple spouses.

Therefore, it is normal for Luo Heng to have that kind of thought.

“He wouldn’t be like this.”

Yao Muxi smiled slightly.

After a pause, she continued: “However, if Luo Heng really likes other girls, I don’t mind.”

Although she had always been wary of Luo Heng contacting other girls before, if Luo Heng really had such an idea, she would not stop her.

After all, whether it was Song Xialan, An Lingshuang, or other girls, Luo Heng did not have the slightest heartbeat. This is enough to show that he is not a casual boy.

So, if he really likes other girls, it means that the girl really moved his heart.

As long as Luo Heng really likes it, she is not unacceptable to share her boyfriend with others.

“It’s over.”

Seeing Yao Muxi’s reaction, Wang Wei couldn’t help holding her forehead.

The strong have multiple spouses, which she does not object to, but she still wants her niece to be able to guard her boyfriend.

However, I didn’t expect my niece to have such a Buddhist mentality.

“Forget it, it’s up to you.”

Regarding Yao Muxi’s decision, Wang Wei didn’t have much choice.

After speaking, she leaned to Yao Muxi’s ear and talked about something…

“Auntie, what are you talking about, he and I are not there yet.”

Listening to the strange words said by the auntie, Yao Muxi’s little face turned red in an instant.

“You young people, don’t you get that step sooner or later? My aunt is good for you.”

Wang Weiyu said earnestly, “If Luo Heng really has several girlfriends in the future, this can also be your killer.”

“Is that so.”

Yao Muxi thoughtfully.

After a pause, he blushed and said, “Auntie, you can continue to tell me.”

“That’s right, it’s not because of these tricks that your uncle has been tightly tied by me these years.”

Wang Wei chuckled, and then reached Yao Muxi’s ear again.


On the other side, Luo Heng, who was sitting on the high-speed rail, hung up his phone and fell into deep thought.

“What are you thinking about?”

Jiang Churan on the side couldn’t help asking.

“I’m thinking about how to introduce your existence to Xiaoxi.”

Luo Heng sighed.

Regarding Jiang Churan’s existence, he didn’t want to hide from Yao Muxi.

Although the law does not prohibit male supernatural beings from having multiple girlfriends, he is really uncertain about how Yao Muxi will react when he learns the news.

“Don’t worry, sister Xi and I will get along in harmony.”

Jiang Churan, who was nestling in Luo Heng’s arms, said confidently.

As a woman, she knows the attractiveness of Luo Heng very well.

Therefore, she believes that any girl who wins Luo Heng’s favor will not give up the opportunity to be with Luo Heng!

“hope so.”

Luo Heng nodded, then closed his eyes and opened his system panel:

Name: Luo Heng

Level: Third-tier high-ranking ability person

Ability: Real Fire of the Sun (S-level)

Power point:

Skills: The fourth layer of anode fireworks (Dacheng+), the eighth layer of Jidao Yandao (Dacheng+), Yangyu (Dacheng+), Xingan (master), ordinary boxing (master), ordinary swordsmanship (master)

Law: The Artistic Conception of Fire (High)

‘The biochemical monsters killed last night added a total of 250,000 power points, which is not bad. After going to the world of alien beasts a few more times, you should be able to enter Tier 4…’

Luo Heng said inwardly.

Since knowing that he can stay in the world of alien beasts for a long time after entering Tier 4, his power points have been used to increase his level, and his artistic conception has only been upgraded once.

The purpose is to enter Tier 4 as soon as possible, cultivate the Qingling Secret Art, and be able to stay in the world of alien beasts for a long time, and then gain more power points and improve one’s own strength.

Get good results in the subsequent national power exchange competitions, enter the Cylon Academy, which is ranked number one in Juque City, and get top power training methods and knife skills!

At that time, the ability training method and the sword technique are top-notch, and there is a steady stream of strange beasts that can provide him with power points.

Then he has reached the pinnacle of the superpower, isn’t it a matter of grasping it?

“I don’t know what the Juque city is like.”

Luo Heng muttered to himself, and then suddenly remembered that Jiang Churan next to him was from Juque City.

So he asked, “Xiao Ran, can you tell me what your Juque City is like?”


Jiang Churan showed a sweet smile: “Juque City, at first, it was indeed a city, but it has grown bigger and bigger in the future. The entire Juque City is developing rapidly, and its current scale is almost the size of your Jiangnan Province. And it’s still expanding rapidly.”

“It turns out that Juque City is not a city, but the size of a province.”

Luo Heng couldn’t help but be speechless, and then asked in confusion, “Is there enough people in such a large area?”

“Of course there is.”

Jiang Churan raised her eyebrows, “At the beginning of the establishment of Juque City, most of the high-level abilities on the Blue Star moved in in the past, and in these 90 years, those high-level abilities have also multiplied. Family.

Some people in these families have successfully awakened abilities, while others have not awakened abilities and are still ordinary people.

But even ordinary people need 1.0 to thrive, so it’s okay to develop to the scale of a province. ”

“Isn’t there no concept of the country?”

Luo Heng was puzzled.


Jiang Churan smiled and said, “So, after you go in, you will often see some mixed-race children, but in order to maintain the purity of blood, many families in China will not marry anyone other than China, such as our Jiang family. And the Wang family of Wang Li.”

“It turned out to be so.”

Luo Heng suddenly realized, and then asked again: “By the way, are the Tier 9 supernatural beings who sealed the alien beast passage still there?”

“Of course it is, the life level of the 9th-order supernatural being is completely different from that of ordinary people, and it is more than enough to live for more than a thousand years.”

Jiang Churan said.

“Yes, even ordinary Tier 3 ability players can live to many years old, not to mention these Tier 9 ability players.”

Realizing that he had asked a silly question, Luo Heng couldn’t help scratching his head.

In this way, Luo Heng asked many questions about Juque City and the world of alien beasts, and Jiang Churan patiently answered them one by one…

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