After ending the interview and sending Fang Bingbing away, Su Yu also told her to rest more and stop fighting so hard.

When he returned to the office, Su Yu’s mind came up with the information obtained by the last person information detection subsystem launched by Fang Bingbing.


Name: Fang Bingbing

Age: 23

Height: 170cm

Weight: 49kg

Appearance: 96

Stature: 91

Purity: 100

Character: 94

Health: 86

Favorability: 85

Fang Bingbing’s favorability towards him went directly from 79 to 85, so is this a fan girl meeting a male god?

Su Yu thought about it and decided to contact Fang Bingbing more in the future.

Three o’clock in the afternoon.

After dealing with the affairs of Tianyu Investment, Su Yu left the IFC.

When driving a Lamborghini out of the South Block of the IFC, Su Yu looked at the conspicuous words “HSBC Building” with a delicate expression.

Then Su Yu drove directly to Binjiang Yipinwan, I don’t know if Zhao Yuejing woke up.

When Su Yu came to Binjiang Yipinwan, it was less than three ten.

Take the elevator to the mansion on the top floor above, and after passing the fingerprint system detection, Su Yu entered inside.

found that Zhao Yuejing was sitting on the sofa in the living room watching TV, which is a current hit fairy tale drama.

Zhao Yuejing heard the sound, turned her head and looked, and immediately showed surprise.

“Here you are.”


Su Yu walked over, held Zhao Yuejing in his arms, looked at the TV, and found that Zhao Yuejing was looking at him stunned.

Su Yu couldn’t help but laugh and said, “Why don’t you watch it?” ”

“You’re better than the TV series.” Zhao Yuejing chuckled.

When Su Yu heard this, he kissed her forehead.

Then Zhao Yuejing fought back.


After a while, Su Yucai asked, “Do you still want to go out today?” ”

Zhao Yuejing shook her head, she preferred to be quiet.

Su Yu rubbed his forehead helplessly, what can the two of them do at home?

“Yue Jing, how about we play the game?” Su Yu thought about it and said.

“Bah, I don’t, it’s still daylight.” Zhao Yuejing’s face turned red and said twistedly.

Su Yu was slightly stunned, and then said with a smile, “You little dirty girl, where do you want to go?” ”


Zhao Yuejing’s red lips opened slightly, only to react that he was thinking wrong, and couldn’t help but hammer Su Yu’s chest with a small fist.

“It’s all to blame on you, bringing people to ruin.”

“Good, good, it’s all my fault.” Su Yu said with a smile.


Zhao Yuejing turned her face to the side, and the deer bumped.

“Yue Jing, will you play King Glory?” Su Yu quickly changed the topic.

Zhao Yuejing shook her head.

“Are the others playing or interested?” Su Yu asked again.

This time, Zhao Yuejing nodded and said, “Usually bored, I will play Go for a while.” ”

Su Yu looked at her in surprise, but she didn’t expect that she still had such a skill.

Zhao Yuejing saw Su Yu’s expression, quite proud, and felt that there was finally a little gap in this regard.

Su Yu looked at her appearance and knew what Zhao Yuejing was thinking.

But Brother Yu will not say that Brother Yu has grandmaster-level chess skills, and it is estimated that there are few higher than him in various chess skills in this world.

“Baby is amazing.” Su Yu praised.

Zhao Yuejing felt good in her heart when she heard this.

Then the two were ready to play Go.

To be precise, Su Yu watched Zhao Yuejing play Go.

The Go platform used by Zhao Yuejing is called Yicheng, which is one of the top Go platforms in Xia Country.

This platform mainly reports information related to Go tournaments and provides Go learning tutorials, including Go news, Yicheng events, station chess scores, station hot spots, Go information, Yicheng rivers and lakes, Yicheng software, Go classroom, Yicheng forum and other columns.

Yicheng is an international software that can play against chess players from both sides of the strait, neon, kimchi countries and other countries and regions around the world.

This is the advantage of Yicheng ahead of other Go websites, and thus attracts a large number of professional Go players to compete with players from other countries on Yicheng, and also attracts the attention of more ordinary chess fans.

In it, you can often see the duels of professional chess players, and even the games of world-class chess players, which is very exciting.

When Zhao Yuejing logged in through the Yicheng app, Su Yu found that her ID was named ‘Jing Ruo Jiaoyue’, and her avatar was a cartoon anime avatar.

This ID is very in line with Zhao Yuejing’s name and temperament, but this anime avatar, could it be that she still hides a girl’s heart?

Su Yu couldn’t help but glance at Zhao Yuejing.

“Look at what, I can’t be a girl.” Zhao Yuejing said fiercely.

Su Yu tried his best not to laugh.

Then Su Yu looked down and found that Zhao Yuejing’s Go level was not low, and she was actually a small master of amateur five-dan.

The current technical level of Go players includes professional dan rank and amateur dan rank, and the professional dan rank is divided into nine levels, including the first dan, the second dan, the third dan to the ninth dan, etc., the first dan is the lowest, and the ninth dan is the highest;

Amateur dan ranks are divided into seven levels, including 1 dan, 2 dan, 3 dan to 7 dan, with 1 dan being the lowest and 7 dan being the highest. As a reference for internal training, the level below 1 stage can also be formulated, and level 1 is the highest and gradually decreased.

Therefore, Zhao Yuejing can have the level of business five-dan, and her chess power is indeed very good, and she is placed among ordinary people.

“The baby is so powerful, it turns out to be a peerless master of the fifth stage.” Su Yu praised very insincerely.

“That is, my chess power is strong, and I won’t lose five hands by hitting a rookie like you.”

Who knew that Zhao Yuejing didn’t care, but said proudly.

Su Yu touched his nose and did not speak again, unable to bear to hit her.

Dad, I’m a peerless grandmaster at the grandmaster level!


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