After a small chat, Zhao Yue quietly returned to the home page and chose to play online to match chess.

As the top large-scale Go platform in China, Yicheng’s daily activity is as high as hundreds of thousands, so there will be no situation where people cannot be matched for a long time.

Unless it is a national player with a profession of seven or eight dan or even more than nine dan, these people have extremely strong chess power, and it generally takes a long time to match opponents with similar strength.

Unless the two parties make an appointment in advance, they can be quickly matched.

But in two or three seconds, Zhao Yuejing matched the first opponent, the ID is the amateur chess king, the name is very arrogant, but like Zhao Yuejing, there are only amateur five dan.

Sure enough, the ID of the low-end bureau is all kinds of hanging bombing days.

Zhao Yuejing held the black son, and the amateur chess king held the white son, so Zhao Yuejing took the lead.

After the game began, Zhao Yuejing directly started with the star position Fei set, and the opposite side started with three low clamp sets.

After the two sides fell behind, you came and went, and more than twenty hands in a row were comparable.

However, in Su Yu’s eyes, it was full of flaws, if he let him come, he would have killed the other side and lost his armor.

Su Yu shook her head imperceptibly, and did not point to Zhao Yuejing, watching her happily play chess with the opposite side.

Half an hour later, the two sides ended the game, and Zhao Yuejing’s siege was slightly better and won the final victory.

“Baby, you’re awesome.” Su Yu praised in time.

“That is, and don’t look at who I am, the future goddess of Go.”

Zhao Yuejing was even more proud when she heard this, and raised her swan neck high.

“Next hand, I haven’t seen enough.” Su Yu said with a smile.

“Okay, the future goddess of Go will show you a hand.”

After Zhao Yuejing finished speaking, she clicked the online game.

The opponent matched this time is still an amateur five-dan, with the id ‘Seven-step Dragon Slayer’, which made Su Yu smack.

These people are not very good at chess, why are they so named?

After the game began, Zhao Yuejing still used the star position Xiaofei set to start, which made Su Yu a little doubtful whether she only had this one set form.

And that ‘seven-step dragon slayer’ used the famous three-star layout, which looked a little more powerful than Zhao Yuejing.

In this game, Zhao Yuejing is the white son and the back hand.

Watching them keep falling, Su Yu was dumb at first, but then his brows wrinkled slightly, and then he wrinkled tighter.

The chess style on the opposite side was not as soft as Zhao Yuejing, extremely tricky and eccentric, and the opening game was only a dozen hands, and Zhao Yuejing was severely suppressed and ate several children.

Su Yu suspected that the person on the other side was probably more than five dan amateurs, and even if Su Yu was allowed to play, it would not be much better than him.

The opposite side is either a hidden professional eight-dan or nine-dan master, or cheating.

Su Yu estimated that it was the latter.

Although there are also many nine-dan chess players on the Yicheng platform, those masters rarely open trumpets.

Playing against low-end players does not improve their chess skills, nor does it have a sense of accomplishment, so it is better to play music when you have this time.

Then the opposite side is cheating, cheating through AI.

Since the “Alpha Dog” attacked human Go in 2016, AI has been inseparable from Go, and AI cheating has been common in online chess tournaments in recent years.

Previously, there was such a thunderous incident circulating in the Go world: player A reported that player B used AI in the game, and the reason was very convincing, because player A itself used AI to cheat, and the result actually lost the game, so B must have used AI with stronger chess power.

Su Yu could only secretly sigh that Zhao Yuejing was unlucky, and this was the second time he encountered a cheating chess player and directly crushed her.

Sure enough, after the 138th hand, Zhao Yuejing couldn’t go down, and directly abandoned the middle set and admitted defeat.

“Junior brother, this person is so annoying, every step presses me, as if calculating where I will go next.” Zhao Yue said quietly.

“Baby, don’t be angry, this person should be cheating with AI.” Su Yu rubbed her face and said softly.

“Huh? No way. Zhao Yuejing was a little unconvinced.

“He’s probably a hidden professional player, I’ve met several of them before.” Zhao Yuejing said.

“Call you stupid or don’t believe it, now that cheating in online chess tournaments has long been rampant, that professional god will be bored to open a trumpet to play in the low-end area?” Su Yu smiled dumbly.

Su Yu stroked her hair with one hand and explained: “Since the artificial intelligence alpha dog defeated Kejie in 16 years, AI has been inseparable from Go, and cheating through AI is common. ”

For example, in July this year, at the Go exchange tournament held in Jiaxing, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province, amateur 6-dan player Li Xu defeated professional player 7-dan Zhang Tao. At that time, Li Xu’s super high AI compatibility in the competition caused doubts from the outside world, thinking that he may have used AI to help. ”

“Coincidentally, in the National Go Hometown League in early September, an unknown chess player from a team in the three eastern provinces successively defeated strong opponents, including Hu Yuqing, the king of the amateur Go world.”

Nandu’s Internet celebrity Go anchor “Nanda Spoon King” analyzed the chess game with the AI software katago, which is commonly used by amateur chess players, and found that the overlap between a certain game and AI reached an incredible 86%. ”

“Can Go still be played like this? They simply don’t deserve to play chess. Zhao Yuejing said indignantly, quite uneven.

In particular, she just lost to a chess player suspected of cheating with AI, which makes her even more unrelenting.


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