For Gao Xinwan's kindness, Jiang Yu could only understand it.

Jiang Yu bought this shop just to facilitate his own meals, and he didn't need to order takeout, so Jiang Yu didn't bother to get any opening ceremonies, and he didn't rely on this to make money anyway.

"I don't plan to do the opening ceremony, just simply decorate it and continue to open, there is no need to be so troublesome. "

"You're too casual like this, aren't you?" Gao Xinwan wondered if Jiang Yu really planned to do business when he opened this shop.

How can there be a business without a good lottery, generally the opening ceremony will be grandly held, by the way to get a discount activities and the like.

At this time, Zhang Leda spoke: "Anyway, Jiang Yu, when you take down this store, we still have to come over to celebrate you." Plus, I've got a couple of good bottles of wine, and I'll bring them for you to taste when the time comes. "

For the last time in the winery, Zhang Leda's wine was easily guessed by Jiang Yu, Zhang Leda was still not convinced, so he thought about finding Jiang Yu to try again: I don't believe that this time I can't save a little face.

Jiang Yu heard what Zhang Leda meant, but if he wanted to stump Jiang Yu, it might be a little difficult.

Jiang Yu was about to speak, but Zhang Leda spoke first: "It just so happens that I also know some friends who collect red wine, and when the time comes, I will bring them over and hold a small wine tasting party in your store, Jiang Yu, what do you think?"

Not only did he come by himself, but he also had to bring some friends with red wine, Jiang Yu felt that this was not just to come to the party, this was to smash the scene!

"By the way, I also got a couple of cases of top wine last time. Jiang Yu remembered the reward the system had given him.

Jiang Yu doesn't usually like to drink red wine, so he just took it out to support the field, otherwise he wouldn't be able to hold up his reputation as a wine lover!

Since Zhang Leda wants to come to smash the field, of course Jiang Yu can only welcome him to the gym.

"Well, as a wine lover, of course people with the same interests are welcome. It just so happens that I have a few good bottles of red wine, and if you bring a friend over, I will share it with you. "

"Really?" Zhang Leda smiled, "Then I'm very much looking forward to your red wine!"

In fact, even if Jiang Yu didn't say it, Zhang Leda would definitely ask Jiang Yu to take a few bottles of wine out.

This restaurant is Jiang Yu's home field, Jiang Yu doesn't take a few bottles of wine out, how can he say it.

Besides, Zhang Leda has to plan for the worst possibility, if Jiang Yu tastes all his red wine, in order to end in the end, of course, he has to taste all the red wine that Jiang Yu took out, at least it will end in a draw.

"This shop will be mine tomorrow, and I'll be here tomorrow evening. "

"Okay, that's it. "

Zhang Leda happily made an agreement with Jiang Yu.

"Go and eat. I'll go first, and I'll see you tomorrow. "

After talking to a few people, Jiang Yu just

"Let's go inside. "

Gao Xinwan and a few people entered the hotel.

After entering the store, there was a private room for a few.

After sitting down, Gao Xinwan immediately said: "Zhang Leda, it's really inappropriate for you to be like this just now, Jiang Yu will officially take down this store tomorrow, it will be regarded as opening, you said that you want to bring someone over to hold a wine tasting with Jiang Yu, you are here to smash the field!"

"Yes, I agree with Xinwan on this point, it is really not appropriate to do this. If you really want to have a wine tasting, you can invite him to your winery. In the restaurant that someone just bought, it is not suitable. If you smash the scene like this, the business of this store will deteriorate, how bad it is!"

"Oh, why are you still so superstitious, who would believe such a thing now. Besides, I'm not smashing the field, it's just normal communication. Besides, we won't be able to give him this cheer tomorrow. "

"Although Jiang Yu can buy this shop, it looks quite rich, but he definitely doesn't have the money to open a good wine of more than 100,000 or 200,000 yuan, and he is not distressed at all. We came here to cheer the party, and when the time came, we could say that we drank the wine, and help him settle the money for the wine, so as not to make him suffer. "

There is some truth to this. "

If he went to Zhang Leda's winery to open a wine, then it would definitely be impossible to say that he would return the money to Jiang Yu, which would make Jiang Yu feel looked down upon, so holding a drinking party here in Jiang Yu could indeed reduce Jiang Yu's losses.

"By the way, Jiang Yu will open tomorrow, what kind of gift should we give him?"

Gao Xinwan felt that the opening was a big deal, and she had to bring some gifts to come.

"I don't think it's necessary to buy gifts, Jiang Yu doesn't even hold the opening ceremony, people like him who look at random, I guess they don't care about these things, let's just consume a little more tomorrow!"

"That's the truth, it's more practical to spend more money, otherwise even if you send a red envelope directly, Jiang Yu may not want it. "

A few people don't want to give gifts, if Jiang Yu doesn't accept them, everyone will be polite and polite, it will be too troublesome, so direct high consumption is the best gift.


After Jiang Yu went back, he went to the wine cellar of his villa.

In this wine cellar, there are still five boxes of red wine, and Jiang Yu has not bothered to care about it, so he just put it away very casually.

Since he was going to take it out tomorrow to support himself, of course Jiang Yu had to open a box and confirm it.

There were only six bottles of red wine in a case, and after opening the five boxes, Jiang Yu knew that this was indeed the top red wine.

"If these bottles of wine can't hold up the scene, then they have the ability. "

Jiang Yu then stopped thinking about this question.

In the evening, Jiang Yu made a phone call to the manager of the hotel, and the manager knew that Jiang Yu was the new boss, so of course he had to do his job well and make Jiang Yu satisfied.

Jiang Yu told the manager what he wanted to eat, and the manager asked the chef to prepare it, and then sent someone to send it to Jiang Yu.

When he received the evening meal, Jiang Yu felt that it was much more exquisite than the usual takeaway.

While Jiang Yu was eating, Jiang Yu suddenly received a voice call from Gao Xinwan.

"Jiang Yu, tomorrow Zhang Leda will bring a few wine tasters who are quite sharp as far as I know. Are you okay with red wine? or I'll give you a few bottles from my cellar. My dad likes to collect red wine and white wine. "

Gao Xinwan wanted to use red wine to help Jiang Yu support the field, and Jiang Yu felt very grateful.

Jiang Yu and Gao Xinwan have only known each other for a long time, and Gao Xinwan and Zhang Leda have grown up together since childhood.

"Thanks, I'm still a little confident in red wine, so I won't bother, otherwise if I take it out and drink it, you and your dad won't be able to explain it. "

"There's nothing bad to explain, don't be polite to me if you need to. Zhang Leda's friends are not easy to get along with, their mouths are very straight, and sometimes they are easy to hurt people, so if they are too easy to taste, I think you will be criticized quite miserably. You did me a great favor last time, I can't look at you embarrassed!"

"No problem, my red wine is no worse than anyone else's. You just have to come over and eat tomorrow with your stomach open. "

Gao Xinwan felt that Jiang Yu might still be embarrassed, and persuaded a few more words, but Jiang Yu still refused, and Gao Xinwan could only give up. _

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