In the evening of the next day, Jiang Yu was waiting for a few people at the door of the hotel at the promised time.

When the time came, two Rolls-Royces were parked above the parking space on the side of the street.

Eight people walked down on top of two Rolls-Royces.

Gao Xinwan, Zheng Xilian, Shao Anqing, and Ding Zhengwen got out of one car, and Zhang Leda got out of another car with his three friends.

The reason why several people didn't drive over was because they were afraid that there would be too many cars and it would be difficult to find a location around.

After they got out of the car, the two drivers got down.

Among them, the driver carrying Gao Xinwan and four people went to the trunk of Zhang Leda's car, took out the red wine, and the two of them each held a box of red wine.

Jiang Yu's attention was on Zhang Leda and his three friends.

Three friends, two men and one woman, are all wearing famous brands, which is very trendy.

"Jiang Yu, congratulations to your own boss. "A few people congratulate Jiang Yu first.

"It's just a little boss. "

"Jiang Yu, let me introduce you, these are my three friends, Xia Yixiu, Li Yeran and Yu Feijing, they are all better wine tasters than me. "

When Zhang Leda had just finished speaking, Yu Feijing immediately stretched out her hand to shake hands with Jiang Yu.

"I've heard from Leda that you are a very good taster, and I hope we can have a good exchange tonight. "

"I'm still very average, and I just hope that the wine I prepared today will satisfy you. "

Jiang Yu briefly shook hands with Yu Feijing.

Jiang Yu originally wanted to shake hands with Xia Yixiu and Li Yeran, but the two of them had no intention of shaking hands with Jiang Yu, and Jiang Yu could only withdraw his hand in embarrassment.

Yu Feijing was more enthusiastic when she saw a handsome guy and took the initiative to shake hands.

"These two people are so dragged that even my friends dare not give face. Gao Xinwan was a little unhappy in her heart, thinking that Xia Yixiu and Li Yeran were too crazy.

Jiang Yu took the initiative to stretch out his hand, but the two of them didn't shake hands, obviously not giving face, I don't know if she was still there?

Gao Xinwan knew that the family background of these two people was very good, and she didn't look down on ordinary people.

If it weren't for Zhang Leda calling them over to support the field today, it is estimated that the two of them would not have come over.

But Gao Xinwan doesn't care whether the family background of the two people is good or not, if it weren't for Jiang Yugang's opening of this store today, it would be difficult to scare people in public, otherwise Gao Xinwan would definitely directly open her mouth and count the two people.

"Alright, let's go in first, I'm ready. "

Jiang Yu took a few people to the box on the third floor.

When you enter the private room, you will be served with five bottles of wine and a lot of red wine glasses next to it.

All five bottles have labels wrapped around them.

As soon as he came in, Xia Yixiu said, "Brother, you only prepared five bottles of red wine, isn't this enough?

In Xia Yixiu's opinion, five bottles of wine can be difficult for them, and they can taste it casually.

Jiang Yu smiled faintly: "Really good red wine lies in quality, not in quantity. I never fill up with garbage, and I believe that five bottles of wine are more than enough. "

"Hopefully these five bottles are really good bars. Li Yeran took Jiang Yu's words very naturally.

Li Yeran felt that Jiang Yu was still very smart, and said secretly: "I know that it is difficult to make people, so I refuse to take a few more bottles." It would be hilarious if it were all bargains. I hope it doesn't come in vain today. "

Li Yeran didn't know what Jiang Yu's strength was, so he was still quite worried about coming in vain today, because if he couldn't drink good wine and came to meet such a boring person, it would be a waste of life to say to Li Ye.

Jiang Yu just said this politely, but Jiang Yu found that Li Yeran came back really casually, and felt a little funny in his heart: "The style of speaking is quite big, I don't know if the level and the style are the same." "

"You are guests, are you going to drink my wine first, or am I going to drink your wine first? "

"Usually the finale has to be put in the back, so let's drink your wine first!" Yu Feijing said with a smile.

Although she had just seen a handsome guy like Jiang Yu, Yu Feijing felt a little bright.

But the eyes are bright, but Yu Scarlet will not be a nymphomaniac.

Yu Feijing felt that there was nothing wrong with what she said, and the wine they prepared was naturally better than what Jiang Yu had prepared, so it was of course normal to call it the finale.

"No problem, respect for the meaning of beauty. Sit down first. "

Jiang Yu sat down eight people, and then took eight wine glasses from the table next to him.

"A few of us aren't sommeliers, so we don't need to. "

"It's okay, it's all here, let's drink it together, this wine is good. "

As he spoke, Jiang Yu opened the first bottle of wine.

When Jiang Yu opened the wine, Zhang Leda and several people looked at the bottle of wine in Jiang Yu's hand.

Although the outside is wrapped in plastic, several people can tell from the yellow plastic cover on the mouth of the bottle that the bottle is transparent, so what is observed is the color of the wine.

"It's a bottle of white wine. "

Several people made preliminary judgments.

When Jiang Yu opened the cork, a smell of wine permeated the entire box, and this aroma made several people feel refreshed, especially Gao Xinwan and the four of them who didn't know how to drink, they all felt that this aroma was a little fragrant and intoxicating.

"Oops, I seem to underestimate him, this wine is really top-notch!"

Zhang Leda and a few people originally thought that Jiang Yu's so-called good wine was not much better, but now that they can have such an aroma when they open the cork, it is really amazing.

This aroma is not low-grade at all, and as a wine taster, the four of them can still tell the difference.

After uncorking the bottle, Jiang Yu began to pour wine for several people, and the light yellow wine fell into the glass wine glass, which was very smooth.

Zhang Leda and the four of them first observed the quality of the wine for the first time.

After observing the condition of the wine, the four people picked up the wine glass and gently shook the wine glass, and then observed how it looked in the wine glass.

Afterwards, the four of them sniffed the fragrance.

The four of them were immediately a little surprised in their hearts: "This aroma is really difficult to describe in words, among the so many wines I have drunk so far, there are few that can be compared to this white wine." It's kind of interesting. "

The four of them encountered difficulties at the first time.

Gao Xinwan didn't have so many rules as a taster, and after picking up the wine again, he took a sip as soon as possible.

"Good wine. "

"I've never drunk such a fragrant wine, and this wine is definitely not cheap. "

Gao Xinwan and the four of them couldn't help but take another sip, which made people want to be greedy for a cup, which was different from the usual feeling of drinking purely for the sake of drinking. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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