When Jiang Yu left, the eyes of the four people were all on the four bottles of red wine on the table.

The four of them suddenly had the idea of wanting to rob it first, and it was a big deal to go back and pay Jiang Yu money.

Gao Xinwan and several people noticed Zhang Leda's expectant eyes, and they all felt a little like laughing.

This is the first time Gao Xinwan and the others have seen Zhang Leda and the four of them have such eyes and expressions.

"Alright, it's not your thing, don't look at it!"

"I know it's not ours, but I want it. Yu Feijing was completely blunt.

"Gao Xinwan, you and Jiang Yu met first, what is his origin, how can he collect so many good wines that can't be seen on the market so easily, what is his background?"

Gao Xinwan immediately said: "How do I know this." I met him in a musical theater hobby. I didn't ask about people's family backgrounds, and even if I asked Jiang Yu, I wouldn't necessarily tell me. "

Gao Xinwan felt that Jiang Yu had kept a distance from her since she got to know her, and she never asked them what their homes were.

Even after Jiang Yu and them had friends, that is, Gao Xinwan occasionally took the initiative to chat with Jiang Yu when she was idle, and Jiang Yu would reply to her.

Jiang Yu didn't ask, and Gao Xinwan felt that Jiang Yu was a child from an ordinary family before, so naturally she wouldn't ask more, so Yu Feijing asked her about Jiang Yu's origin, of course she couldn't answer.

"Okay. "

Yu Feijing and a few people felt that Gao Xinwan's words were also right, after all, they didn't have a deep friendship, so they naturally wouldn't say it.

Soon, Jiang Yu re-entered.

Behind Jiang Yu, the waiter brought the dish up.

Jiang Yu took away the wine on the table, and the waiter put the dishes on the table.

After the table was full of dishes, Jiang Yu said, "The dishes are almost ready, let's go." "

"Then you're welcome, I'm dying of hunger. "

Gao Xinwan and a few people immediately put down their chopsticks.

During the meal, Zhang Leda and the others were still curious about why Jiang Yu was able to collect such a rare and precious wine.

"Jiang Yu, there is a question that I really can't hold back the curiosity in my heart, so I won't be polite to you. How the hell did you get these wines? These red wines are basically the most expensive red wines at present, and they are generally in the hands of wine collectors, and there is a high probability that these people will not sell them, right?"

Jiang Yu knew that Zhang Leda might ask, and explained with a smile: "This is what a friend of mine from abroad helped me collect." Because she helped him do something, she wanted to pay me for labor, but I didn't ask for it. She knew I was interested in red wine, so she gave me some for a long time. "

"So you still have such a great friend. "

Zhang Leda and a few people can only envy Jiang Yu's friends for having the ability.

Gao Xinwan felt that it was not interesting to talk about red wine all the time, so she changed the topic.

"Jiang Yu, now that you have bought a store, do you have any development plans, why don't you give me some opportunity to invest and make some money with you?"

"Although I have just graduated, I am always not serious about working in the company, and I am also criticized at home, so I feel that I have to start some side jobs to make my family shine. "

Gao Xinwan said her thoughts, and the idea was immediately approved.

"Xinwan's idea is good, since you are going to open a restaurant, I think you must want to make it bigger. It just so happens that I have some money on hand, so I can invest a little bit in you, what do you think?" Zheng Xilian followed and spoke.

"Forget it. Jiang Yu refused with a smile.

"When I bought this store, I just had a whim, and I didn't mean to make it big, as long as I didn't lose money. "

"Jiang Yu, it's really fake, can a scholar like you do things without a plan?"

Several people expressed some disbelief.

"There's really no plan. I'm financially free now, so I bought this restaurant mainly so that I can eat what I want when I'm at home, and I don't always have to order takeout at several restaurants. "

When Jiang Yu ordered takeout several times, sometimes the dishes he wanted to eat were not available in one store, so he had to buy them in several stores.

If you buy it, you may not be able to deliver it at the same time, which is what makes Jiang Yu the most irritable.

Shao Anqing asked in surprise: "Jiang Yu, you just bought a store for this reason, you spend so much money, won't your parents beat you?"

Shao Anqing's family can ignore a few million, but it is a large amount of money, and it can only be spent with permission.

For reasons like Jiang Yu, it costs millions, and Shao Anqing feels that if it is them, there is a high probability that he will not be able to pass the application.

"Why are you beating me, I earned it myself. "

"You earned it yourself?"

Several people were taken aback.

"Didn't you just graduate school?"

"Who says you can't make money in graduate school?"

"What are you saying... It seems to make sense!"

Gao Xinwan glanced at each other and found that they seemed to take it for granted that Jiang Yu was a rich second generation like them, but they ignored the possibility of Jiang Yu starting from scratch himself.

"No wonder Jiang Yu just said that he was helping his friends abroad and getting red wine as a gift, it seems that this is not a small favor, Jiang Yu's ability is much stronger than we imagined. Several people felt a little emotional, only to realize that Jiang Yu, a scholar, had strong practical ability.

"Jiang Yu, you are financially free, don't you have any other plans in the future?"

"Try to mix things up and wait until you die. "

That's unbelievable. "

A few people chatted while eating.

Halfway through the meal, all of a sudden, the door to the box was opened.

The way the door was opened was very savage, and it hit the wall with a loud noise.

This voice immediately made Jiang Yu and the others all look in the direction of the door, only to see a twenty-seven or eighteen-year-old young man appear here at the door.

The appearance of this person made Jiang Yu very confused, because Jiang Yu had never seen this person at all.

Before Jiang Yu could open his mouth to ask if this person had gone to the wrong box, Gao Xinwan stood up from his seat and asked a little timidly, "Brother, why are you here?"

"It turned out to be Gao Xinwan's brother. "Jiang Yu was quite surprised that Gao Xinwan's brother could find here.

Gao Yangtong smiled angrily.

"Why am I here? I want to ask you, why doesn't your phone keep getting through?"

"My phone won't get through?"

Gao Xinwan immediately took out her mobile phone from her bag and found that there were already six or seven missed calls.

"I'm muted, I really didn't mean not to answer the phone. "

"Didn't you deliberately not answer the phone, and all four of you happened to be muted?"

Gao Yangtong looked at Zheng Xilian, Ding Zhengwen, Shao Anqing and Zhang Leda.

Facing Gao Yangtong's gaze, the four of them took out their mobile phones from their pockets or bags in a little panic.

"I really accidentally muted it. "

In order to make Gao Yangtong believe that their mobile phone was really silent, several people also specially unlocked it for Gao Yangtong to see. _

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