Zheng Xilian and the four of them confirmed Gao Yangtong, but this only made Gao Yangtong even more angry.

"The five of you accidentally muted the sound, very good, I think you deliberately didn't answer the phone, to prevent me from calling you to work overtime, right? Didn't I tell you that the company's projects have been busy recently, and you need to be on call at any time? I am working overtime in the company, and the five of you are actually here to celebrate and eat. I think you owe a curse. "

Shao Anqing immediately explained: "We really didn't mean to be muted, because we went to the cinema to watch a movie in the afternoon, so we naturally muted." After watching the movie, I didn't tune it back. "

As soon as these words came out, Gao Xinwan, Zheng Xilian, Ding Zhengwen and Zhang Leda all looked at Shao Anqing, and they all wanted to beat someone, because isn't this tantamount to not recruiting themselves?

He also told Gao Yangtong the fact that they left work early this afternoon.

After finishing speaking, Shao Anqing subconsciously covered his mouth, knowing that his mouth was scooping, and he said that he had leaked his mouth.

"Okay, I'll just say, why didn't I see the five of you when I was in the company this afternoon. Others said that you went to meet customers, and it turns out that the so-called meeting customers is to go to the movies and meet with people on the screen, right?" Gao Yangtong reprimanded harshly.

"When I was studying, I was in a mess, I went to a university abroad, but I didn't study or learn, and I didn't want to work when I returned to China. All day long, they get together in groups and fool around with fox friends and dogs. What's the matter, if one day the family goes bankrupt, I see how you guys are messing around?"

Gao Xinwan and the five of them lowered their heads, not daring to argue with Gao Yangtong.

"Gao Yangtong, what you said is too much. What do you mean by fox friends and dog friends, they have known each other for many years, and they have grown up together, so it's not appropriate for you to say that?" Xia Yixiu immediately spoke.

"yes, don't say it so ugly. If you say that you can go home and train them, why are you so faceless outside!" Yu Feijing said unhappily.

"Tell me about you fox friends and dogs, are you still not happy? Tell me what you are doing now besides gnawing at home. Isn't it all the money that the family spends all day learning to be a sommelier and collecting red wine? Three guys who don't do their jobs, it seems that it is necessary to say hello to your uncle when you go back, and take care of the three of you!"

"Gao Yangtong, you're going too far. Just take care of your sister and Zheng Xilian, after all, you run the same company. But how we live, you don't care, it doesn't matter to you. "

"It doesn't matter what you call it. Now with your family company. If I wait for you to take over in the future, I will cooperate with people like you, I am afraid that I will be angry. "

"You..." Yu Feijing and the three of them glared angrily, not knowing how to refute.

The three of them looked at Gao Xinwan one after another, with some complaints in their eyes, after all, Gao Yangtong is Gao Xinwan's brother, and he has always been the child of someone else's family in their father's mouth, so a few people can't be strong in front of Gao Yangtong, so they can only complain about Gao Xinwan, who is also a miserable mess.

"I'm shooting again. Gao Xinwan is very innocent at this time, because she herself has been criticized for being useless!

However, after Gao Yangtong finished speaking, Gao Yangtong found that several people were still indifferent, so he scolded loudly: "Are you five rice buckets? I've come here to look for you, don't you know that I'm looking for you to go back to work overtime? Why don't you hurry up? I haven't eaten yet. "

"Okay, good, overtime, overtime. "

Gao Xinwan and several people stood up from their positions one after another, knowing that they couldn't eat this meal.

"Jiang Yu, I'm sorry, I'm here today to celebrate your opening, and we'll make up for it next time. "

"Yes, I can only make it up to you next time, and we'll go back first today. "

"It's okay, it's okay, you guys go back and get busy!" Jiang Yu said it didn't matter.

Gao Yangtong thought that it was just a few people coming out to get together, but he didn't expect that this time it was to congratulate the opening of this person he had never seen before.

Gao Xinwan's circle of friends, Gao Yangtong basically knows the eye, and the person called Jiang Yu in front of him, he really hasn't seen it.

"I don't know where I met my fox friend. Maybe it's back again. Several people don't even have the ability to discern. "

Thinking of this, Gao Yangtong was even more unhappy.

"How many of you have no brains, come out to mingle, and everyone knows everyone. What do you want to do, Heaven? Don't just take it as a familiar acquaintance with some people who don't know it. "

As soon as these words came out, except for Jiang Yu, the faces of Gao Xinwan and several people changed.

"It's dynamite, it's so angry. All five of them were a little unhappy in their hearts.

After they finished greeting Jiang Yu, Gao Yangtong said something like this, obviously talking about Jiang Yu.

They are not stupid, of course they know that some people know them with ulterior motives, but the problem is that Jiang Yu has never taken the initiative to find them now, and he has not even told them that he wants to buy a restaurant.

When they were watching a movie yesterday, they happened to meet Jiang Yu at the door of the hotel, so they agreed to come over for dinner today.

Gao Xinwan and a few people felt that Gao Yangtong's words were biased, especially when he said such things in front of Jiang Yu, it was a little hurtful, right?

Gao Xinwan wanted to open her mouth to help Jiang Yu explain, but at this moment, Jiang Yu's voice rang out.

"Oh yo, I suddenly came to someone else's box, and I broke in for no reason, not to mention the quality, just say what I just said. It's so bullish, I don't know what kind of big guy is coming. But at the end of the day, it's a person who manages a company that loses 30 million a year. "

"Saying that others gnaw the old people, even if others gnaw the old, they can't gnaw 30 million a year. If the so-called academic boundlessness and hard work are motivated, even if the management company loses 30 million a year, I think it's good not to be motivated. "

"Therefore, it is really an unsolved mystery in the world that people who lose 30 million every year just because they have a good academic background and are not considered elites. "

Jiang Yu's words made Gao Yangtong's expression change immediately: "Boy, what are you talking about, are you sarcastic about me?"

Jiang Yu asked with a blank face: "I didn't say anything, let alone sarcastic others." I'm just talking to myself. But don't you think I have a point?"

"An excellent person can bring value to the enterprise. However, it is incomprehensible that some people who speak so well lead companies that have been losing money. "

"In the case that there is no problem with the company's business model, it can still make the company lose so much, if the company is not his own, if it is replaced by another company, he will be let go a long time ago, right?"

"I'm not talking about you, don't sit in the right seat. Of course, if you happen to be the one I said made the company lose 30 million a year, then you should take your own seat. "

Then you will sit down by yourself, these words made Gao Yangtong glare at Jiang Yu with an angry face.

"Boy, you..."

Although he was very angry, Gao Yangtong really couldn't refute it, because he did make the company lose money, and the amount happened to be 30 million. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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