Jiang Yu could see that Gao Yangtong was very angry with him, but Jiang Yu didn't care about him.

Came in for no reason and said that someone else was a fox friend and a dog friend, the first time he didn't refute him, and the second time he targeted himself, did he really give him face?

"Don't me, I'm just telling the truth. "

Jiang Yu glanced at Gao Yangtong: "Don't you think this is a problem? Why do you lose 30 million a year, and you have lost money for three or four years in a row, and you can still be so confident when you speak, just because you graduated from a prestigious school?"

"Even if you graduate from the world's third-ranked university, it doesn't mean that everyone is an elite. If it weren't for your own company, you would be the general manager at a young age, and I would cut your head as a bench to sit on. "

"So in general, you're actually gnawing at the old yourself, aren't you?"

Jiang Yu finished speaking indifferently, and put a piece of meat in his mouth.

"Boy, you think it's so easy to manage a business!" Gao Yangtong said coldly.

"It's not easy. However, Fuqiyuan Group was profitable five years ago, and its annual profit could reach 85 million, but the business model was too old-fashioned to keep up with the trend of the times. The problem is that after some particularly outstanding returnee elites took over, they drastically changed the company's business model, without any preparation, all supported by a sense of superiority, and the result was bullshit. "

"In the end, in the first year, it went from a profit of 85 million to a loss of 28 million. Since then, I have insisted that my plan is very good, and I don't know how to find an excessive plan to transition first, and I look like I am confused and confident, and the result is all dependent on the parent company to give financial relief. "

"So, don't keep saying that others are fox friends, in fact, in the circle of general managers in the food field, my grades are so bad, in the eyes of others, aren't I a fox friend and dog friends?"

"How could he know so much about our company's affairs?" Gao Yangtong was shocked, and he couldn't say anything to refute it at all.

Seeing that Gao Yangtong didn't refute, Jiang Yu continued: "Sometimes don't be weird and don't work overtime, Gao Xinwan and they have nothing to do all afternoon, and it's their own company, of course they will want to slip away." "

"People who really have leadership skills, in order not to let this happen, will definitely plan in advance. I don't believe that Gao Xinwan and a few of them will slip away from the company if they have jobs in advance. "

"If it is arranged well, it can be completed in the afternoon, so why bother working overtime at night? So I don't know why I can't even arrange the company's affairs well, and I still make a lot of nonsense here, in other words, I am you, I feel that I have no shame to face my sister. "

Jiang Yu's words made Gao Yangtong's expression very ugly, but he was still speechless.

At this time, Gao Xinwan and a few people praised Jiang Yu in their hearts: "It is worthy of Jiang Yu, and the scholar has to need the same scholar to suppress his momentum." "

In the past, Gao Xinwan always dared not speak out loud in the face of her excellent brother.

Zheng Xilian and several of them are also very familiar with each other, and Gao Yangtong, the so-called excellent child of other people's families, makes them very unconfident.

Now in order to open up new fields at home and let them follow Gao Yangtong, they are always scolded very miserably, but because of Gao Yangtong's identity as a scholar and the lack of self-confidence of Gao Yangtong since childhood, they don't dare to refute.

Today, Jiang Yu's words really went to their hearts.

Although they did skip this afternoon, they really didn't have anything to do when they knocked on class, just playing with their mobile phones there with nothing to do, so they thought about going to a movie in advance, and then coming over for dinner together in the evening.

Gao Yangtong was very angry because of Jiang Yu's words, but he also felt that what Jiang Yu said made some sense.

Gao Yang informed that Gao Xinwan is usually lazy, but if she really has a job, she shouldn't be so irresponsible and slip away, so maybe it's really as Jiang Yu said, because she seems to have nothing to do in the afternoon, so she skips work and leaves.

Gao Xinwan and the five of them were because what Jiang Yu said later was right, but Xia Yixiu and Yu Jingjing felt that what Jiang Yu said earlier was really too reasonable: "That is to say, let your company lose so much, don't you have a better education than us?"

Being looked at like this by Yu Feijing and others, Gao Yangtong felt very faceless, so he continued to argue: "Very good, you said that I lost 30 million and looked down on it, so what great achievements do you have?"

"I don't have any great achievements, but at least I bought the restaurant from scratch. If a person like me from a humble background can afford to buy a restaurant when he graduates from graduate school, is it a success?"

"If you have to compare your academic qualifications, you may not be able to compare your academic qualifications from the world's third-ranked university, but I am also a graduate student from the first school in China. If I had the money to go abroad, maybe I would be able to go to one of the top universities in the world. So all things considered, I think I'm still qualified to say that about you!"

"He still has such an academic qualification?Xinwan, can they be so self-motivated, and know this kind of domestic scholar?" Gao Yangtong was quite surprised.

If what Jiang Yu said was true, and he really bought a restaurant from scratch, Gao Yangtong felt that Jiang Yu would definitely be busy trying to make money, while Gao Xinwan and their daily life was eating, drinking and having fun, and it didn't feel like there would be an intersection.

Gao Yangtong couldn't verify whether what Jiang Yu said was true, but after all, this hotel was here, so Gao Yangtong was embarrassed.

Jiang Yu's academic qualifications are enough to prove that he has the ability to go to a world-famous school, and he also earns a family business from scratch, Gao Yangtong seems to have nothing to brag about his excellence in addition to his academic qualifications.

Gao Yangtong couldn't refute, it was just embarrassing to continue to stay here, so he could only turn around and slam the door.

"Debunk the 70 billion wealthy heirs and reward 500 million. "

"I see. The family assets are 70 billion, no wonder when he helped Gao Xinwan for the first time, he was able to get so many rewards. It seems that the market value of their family's business must be at least more than 150 billion. "

When Gao Yangtong slammed the door and walked out, Gao Xinwan and the five people in the box looked at each other, wondering if they wanted to follow.

When Gao Yangtong came before, he asked them to go back to work overtime.

But when they slammed the door and went out just now, they didn't let them follow, so a few people didn't know that after Gao Yangtong was notified by Jiang Yu, they were angry that they wanted to go back to work overtime, or they were so angry that they didn't want to work and wanted to go back quietly.

"Why don't we continue to eat? If Gao Yangtong really wants us to go back to work overtime, he will call again." Zhang Leda said with some hesitation.

It's not that Zhang Leda is really unwilling to work overtime, it's just that Zhang Leda feels that Gao Yangtong at this time is obviously angry, and he is really unwilling to work overtime at this time.

Gao Yangtong, who was on the top of his anger, might see that he was not doing well somewhere, so he lost his temper at him, and it would be really a disaster.

Zhang Leda hoped in his heart that Gao Yangtong didn't want to work today because of Jiang Yu's words, and went back quietly, so they wouldn't have to work overtime.

Zhang Leda's words expressed the thoughts in Zheng Xilian, Ding Zhengwen, Shao Anqing and even Gao Xinwan's hearts, because Gao Xinwan knows the angry Gao Yangtong best, and sometimes he will squirt the blood of the dog you scold. _

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