Seeing that several people were still worried about whether this meal could be eaten well, Jiang Yu opened his mouth to comfort: "Don't worry, it is estimated that Gao Yangtong will not call you back to work overtime, he may consider why there is a situation where you are free in the afternoon." I think it's going to be a priority for him instead of working overtime. "


A few people didn't know if Jiang Yu's prediction was right, so they hurried up to eat something, in case they really went to work overtime, so that they wouldn't go hungry.

When Gao Yangtong left the box, he looked very angry, but as Jiang Yu guessed, he didn't think about letting a few people go back to work overtime, because he suddenly found that the company's system was a little problematic.

"It seems that the people in the company don't dare to assign too much work to Xinwan and them, and this matter must be solved. Gao Yang informs that this is a disadvantage of the family business.

If those people in the company are all because Gao Xinwan is a shareholder of the company, they don't dare to arrange more work, so it will be difficult to do things.

Gao Yangtong is under a lot of pressure now, after all, as Jiang Yu said, the company has been losing money, and he must make everyone in the company work together, and there can be no situation where someone is patting on the back.

When Gao Yangtong had just walked to the second floor, a box on the second floor happened to open the door, and a man in a suit walked out.

When this young man saw Gao Yangtong, he immediately restrained his tired attitude of drinking, and greeted him with a smile: "Mr. Gao, are you eating here?"

Hearing someone greet him, Gao Yangtong turned his head sideways and saw that it was Xu Lejia.

"Xu Lejia, it's you. I'm not here to eat, I'm just here to take care of something. Are you here with clients?"

"Yes, I'm having dinner with the company's customers. "

Xu Lejia immediately expressed his position, hoping to let Gao Yangtong see his efforts.

"Xu Lejia, you have worked hard. Judging by the way you look, you must have drunk a lot of alcohol. If you drink, try to do what you can, and you don't have to work too hard. Customers who are really willing to cooperate will not decide whether to cooperate based on how much alcohol you drink. Also, remember to find a substitute driver when you go back. "

"Okay, thank you Mr. Gao for your concern, I know. Xu Lejia replied happily.

"I still have something to deal with, so I'll go first. "

"Mr. Gao walks slowly. "

Xu Lejia watched Gao Yangtong go downstairs and leave, and Xu Lejia then went to the toilet to catch his breath.

Five minutes passed quickly.

Gao Xinwan, who was worried that Gao Yangtong would call them to work overtime, was completely relieved.

I didn't call for five minutes, and nine times out of ten I won't call again.

"Looks like it's safe today. Zhang Leda let out a long sigh of relief.

"I'll just say that my guess is correct, Gao Yang will definitely not let you go back to work overtime, don't eat at ease, don't eat so fast like just now, it's easy to eat like this. "

"What I'm saying is, Jiang Yu, or you, the bully, know more about the psychology of a scholar. But then again, Jiang Yu, how do you know that Gao Yangtong's annual performance loss is 30 million, we haven't even learned about it. Zheng Xilian asked curiously.

"You don't even know that

Jiang Yu suddenly could understand why Gao Yangtong was so strict with a few people, this was completely ignoring the things outside the window, and he was in the company, and he didn't even know the performance of his own company.

"You guys are from the same company, so pay more attention in the future. As for how I know, that's because I have an eye on real-time feeds. Gao Yangtong has been interviewed, so I know that he is the general manager of Fuqiyuan Group. But I didn't know him before, she was Gao Xinwan's brother. "

"I see!"

Several people felt ashamed for a moment.

Jiang Yu can also understand through the current affairs news, they don't even know that the companies they have partnered with have losses, it seems that they really have nothing to do with themselves, and they feel that big things can be handled by the elite Gao Yangtong.

"Forget it, let's stop talking about this, let's eat!" Yu Feijing was still in a bad mood, and didn't want to hear Gao Yangtong's name.

A few people changed some light topics.

The meal was eaten until half-past eight, and then it was over.

After eating, Jiang Yu sent the eight people downstairs.

"When you go back, be careful on the road. "

"Don't worry, we had a drink, but there was a driver to help us drive. On the contrary, it's you, Jiang Yu, don't forget to ask the people in your hotel to send you back, or find a substitute driver yourself. "

"It's okay, I didn't come by car. I'm here on foot today, so I'll be able to walk back later. "

This is the advantage that Jiang Yu thinks is close to the hotel.

Even if you drink alcohol, you don't need to find a substitute driver, two or three kilometers, walk back for a walk, and you can wake up the wine that you haven't drunk much.

"We're leaving, you walk safely. "

Eight people got into the car, and then the driver drove away.

When Jiang Yu sent the eight people to the car, Xu Lejia, who turned back to get the clothes forgotten in the hotel box, saw this scene and was a little puzzled: "Isn't this Jiang Yu? How could he know Miss Gao Xinwan." And it seems to be very familiar. "

After Jiang Yu watched the two cars drive away, Jiang Yu was ready to leave.

As soon as he turned around, Jiang Yu happened to see Xu Lejia with some confusion in his eyes.

"Senior. "

Jiang Yu said hello to Xu Lejia.

Xu Lejia is the senior of Da Jiangyu's first class, and he is the same as Shen Yue, and he met during club activities.

Since I met him, saying hello, Jiang Yu felt that it was still necessary.

Xu Lejia heard Jiang Yu greet him, tidied up his scattered tie, and straightened his appearance.

"Jiang Yu, it's such a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here. "

Xu Lejia walked in front of Jiang Yu and immediately asked the doubts in his heart: "Jiang Yu, how did you know Miss Gao Xinwan?"

"Senior, how many of them do you know?"

"I'm now in the position of director of Fuqiyuan Group, so naturally I know each other, but it's you who know them, which makes me a little strange. "

"It turns out that the senior works in the Fuqiyuan Group. Actually, I met them by coincidence. Today is the day I plan the opening of this restaurant, so they came over to have a show. Senior, if you come here to eat in the future, I'll ask people to give you a discount. "

"This restaurant is yours?" Xu Lejia looked at Jiang Yu in surprise.

Xu Lejia knew that Jiang Yu was not a native of the imperial capital, so it was really unexpected to be able to take such a restaurant. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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