Although he was surprised, Xu Lejia believed that Jiang Yu was not lying.

"Yes, Jiang Yu, now that you have opened your own shop, this is really enviable. "

Xu Lejia's face was full of envy, and his heart was full of jealousy and hatred: Jiang Yu is so lucky to be able to meet such a wealthy friend. It is really lackey luck to be able to buy a multi-million dollar restaurant and get the funding of these wealthy families after graduating from graduate school. For example, I have been tired and tired for three years after graduation, and I have just become a director in the company, and my annual salary is only 500,000 yuan, plus the year-end bonus, it may be 6 or 700,000 yuan, which is more popular than others.

Xu Lejia subjectively thought that Jiang Yu was funded by Gao Xinwan and them, because he didn't believe that Jiang Yu could really make money from such a store with his own ability.

With such a comparison, Xu Lejia's heart was immediately unbalanced: why is Jiang Yu's woman's popularity always so good. I used to have a good relationship with Shen Yue and some other female classmates when I was in school, but now that I am out of society, I rely on women again. If you like to eat with your face so much, why don't you become a star?

Xu Lejia felt that if Jiang Yu really went to be a star, simply relying on his face to eat, and earning millions and tens of millions a year, he would not be jealous, and now he would feel a little despised if he didn't mix in the entertainment industry!

"Jiang Yu, now your circle is getting better and better, they are all some wealthy second generations, if you can have a good relationship with these people, you can have a few decades of struggle in the emperor, have the opportunity to enter the upper class, and far widen the gap between us peers. "

This sentence has some weird flavors!

Jiang Yu was a little helpless in his heart: "Originally, it was just a simple hello, and I thought that if Xu Lejia was entertained in the future, he would come to his own hotel, give him a discount, and let him save some money, but I didn't expect that this would attract a lot of speculation, and I really had nothing to say." "

Jiang Yu immediately said: "Actually, I'm not that good, and the daughter of these wealthy families, the rich son and I haven't even known each other for half a month, if..."

Xu Lejia doesn't care if it's right or not, because the point is not here.

"Wait a minute, what are you talking about, you haven't known them for even half a month?"

Xu Lejia was even more surprised: it was amazing that the other party could fund millions in less than half a month.

Jiang Yu found out how Xu Lejia liked brain supplements as much as women.

"I met them the other day. Senior, you are in the same company as them, if you don't believe it, don't you go back and ask them? Besides, if you don't have some strength, how can people be friends with you? "

Since Jiang Yu dared to say this, Xu Lejia was a little convinced that Jiang Yu and Gao Xinwan had just met a few days ago.

"Jiang Yu has the strength?" Xu Lejia was a little amused in his heart.

But although it was funny, Xu was a little unpredictable: "If you just met, why does Jiang Yu have such a big face to let several people come over?"

Because he works in Fuqiyuan Group, he knows all of Gao Xinwan and Xu Lejia.

These people are not ordinary wealthy families, Jiang Yu should have just graduated from graduate school, where did he come from to know them, let Gao Xinwan give them such face.

Xu Lejia's tone was a little disdainful: "Jiang Yu, I remember that you just graduated from graduate school, right?"

"Yes, I've just graduated from graduate school, but that doesn't mean I don't have the strength. When I was in college, I made a little investment and made some money, so for the sake of safety, when I bought this restaurant, I bought it with four stores. "

"What did you say?" Xu Lejia looked at Jiang Yu with wide eyes, "Jiang Yu, did you buy these four facades, do you have so much money?"

"Yes, if you don't buy it, the annual rent is too expensive and not cost-effective. As for the money, it's only more than 60 million, which is less than a small goal, so let's make a living. "

"Sixty million is called a job?"

Xu Lejia looked back at the four facades, looking dumbfounded.

These four facades are real assets, even if Jiang Yu is really short of money one day, the geographical location is good, and it is easy to sell it.

More than 60 million, to be honest, in fact, you can be financially free in this life, Xu Lejia really has a sour that cannot be described in words for a while.

"It's still alive. After buying this restaurant, as long as the business is passable, even if you don't do anything in the future, you can support yourself, and you don't need to be like what you see in the TV series, in order to survive, in order to accompany customers, you keep forcibly pouring alcohol, and drink until you don't want to drink. There is no need to pat the boss on the back, I feel that this is the real way of life. "

As for whether the so-called squeeze into the upper class society, in fact, there is no difference, it is nothing more than changing to the circle of rich people, and it does not necessarily have to be squeezed in. Senior, what do you say?"

What do you say, senior, it made Xu Lejia's face pale, because he could hear that Jiang Yu was deliberately ironic about what he just said about relying on people who know wealthy families to struggle for decades and squeeze into high society.

If you were an ordinary person, Xu Lejia would only think that the other party would say this because he didn't have the strength to squeeze into the upper class.

But Jiang Yu's 60 million façade physical assets are placed here, and he has the strength to say so, Xu Lejia does not have this strength, how can he refute it.

"Debunk the disobedience of the college seniors and reward five million. "

Jiang Yu's sarcasm made Xu Lejia a little angry.

If Jiang Yu was so sarcastic about himself in the past, Xu Lejia would definitely turn around and leave immediately, and he would not have disdained to deal with Jiang Yu in the future.

But now, Xu Lejia feels that he can't turn around and leave, Jiang Yu is also an alumnus no matter how he says it, just now Jiang Yu also said that he is willing to give himself a discount, Xu Lejia feels that the university has a feeling.

Since Jiang Yu knows Gao Xinwan and them, why don't he take advantage of Jiang Yu's relationship to get closer, maybe he can go to a higher position in the Fuqiyuan Group and struggle for many years.

Jiang Yu said that he was not interested in the so-called high society, but Xu Lejia was very interested, because Xu Lejia felt that he was working so hard to squeeze into the circle of the so-called high society.

Even if this circle is actually not much different, Xu Lejia wants to enter.

Besides, Jiang Yu is not interested, not necessarily really not interested, it may be that he has just come out of society and feels that he has a little money again, so he doesn't care about anything.

But compared to those in high society, 60 million is really nothing.

"How can I speak?" Xu Lejia pondered in his heart how to use Jiang Yu's classmate resources. _

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