While Xu Lejia was thinking about how to make Jiang Yu a kind of network resource for him, Jiang Yu didn't want to have too many greetings with Xu Lejia here, because it was really boring.

Originally, I just saw it to say hello, and for the sake of the alumni, I gave him a discount, but I didn't expect to have so many thoughts in my heart.

"By the way, senior, it's not too early, I have to go back. We'll have time another day..."

Jiang Yu originally wanted to say that he would have time to get together again another day, but when he was polite, Xu Lejia hurriedly grabbed Jiang Yu's arm and said enthusiastically: "Jiang Yu, look at what you said, it's only half past eight now, and the time is still very early, how can we young people have such an early schedule and rest like old people?"

"It's not too late, but senior, you're drinking now, you have to go back and sober up, and take a good rest by the way, otherwise you won't feel uncomfortable when you work tomorrow?"

Xu Lejia said indifferently: "What's this, I've been working for two or three years, and I've been used to socializing so much." It's rare to meet old classmates from school, and to be honest, when I saw you, I suddenly sobered up. "

"I've been in the imperial capital for three years, and everyone is very busy after graduation, even if many people work in the imperial capital, it's rare to meet, so let's meet, it's fate. "

Jiang Yu originally walked in the direction of his home, but Xu Lejia turned around when he took Jiang Yu's hand, which made Jiang Yu cry and laugh.


However, Jiang Yu had just spoken, and Xu Lejia interrupted Jiang Yu's words and spoke first: "Jiang Yu, do you see the surroundings." "

Xu Lejia gestured to Jiang Yu with his hand.

"The imperial capital is too prosperous. But you see, we say that we graduated from a prestigious school, but such prosperity is incompatible with us. "

"When I just graduated, I had high ideals, and I thought that I would definitely be able to work hard in the imperial capital in the future, but the reality was very cruel. After working for three years, he is still just an operations director, and his annual salary looks good, but in a place like the imperial capital, where every inch of land is expensive and high consumption, it is really not enough. "

"The routine is coming!"

Jiang Yu knew that Xu Lejia must want to tell him some lofty ideals and ambitions, but his lofty ideals and ambitions were something about Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu felt that Xu Lejia was a little dissatisfied: "Senior, the pressure to survive in the imperial capital is quite high, but your annual income is 700,000 yuan, and you are still so young, it is already very good." "

"How can 700,000 yuan be enough, can you afford a big house? But I couldn't leave. "

"This is not necessarily, I was thinking, I was tired, I sold the four storefronts and went back to my hometown. Anyway, the finances are already free, and life can actually be easier, if it has to be in the imperial capital. So I think you can think about it, work hard for a few years, and then find a slower-paced city life and enjoy it. "

Jiang Yu's words made Xu Lejia feel very sleepy. What is the situation, Jiang Yu was not like this in the past, I remember that Jiang Yu was full of enthusiasm for the future life and studied very hard in school, why is his life so negative now, and he even thinks about going back to his hometown to retire?"

Because he had participated in club activities with Jiang Yu before, Xu Lejia felt that Jiang Yu used to be a very strong person, and he liked to do his best in everything.

Now Jiang Yu brings him the feeling that this is not the case at all, he is so easily satisfied, and he has no ambition for life.

Could it be that Jiang Yu really thinks that the current society has tens of millions, which is very remarkable?

It's just that Xu Lejia seems to have forgotten that he looks down on people who have tens of millions, but now he can't even take out 10 million.

"If it weren't for the fact that you have connections now, I wouldn't be too lazy to talk nonsense about people like you who have been worn out by life. "

Xu Lejia forcibly endured the mood of turning around and leaving, and continued to say to Jiang Yu: "Jiang Yu, you are wrong in this way, you must know that after returning to your hometown, the money you have in hand can indeed make you carefree for the rest of your life and live a financially free life." "

However, how can life not have some pursuits. Look at this bustling city, the tall buildings rising from the ground, the colorful neon lights, why should we keep these things away from us. You see, so many people like to run to the metropolis, don't they just like the prosperity here? Don't they just hope that they can get ahead here?"

"Although seniors don't know how you earned the first pot of gold in your life in the past few years, this is your first pot of gold after all, and you should learn to play its potential in depth. "

"Think back to it, when you did your best in high school and came to Huaqing University with the top grades in the province, what was it for, was it to make a little money, and then go back to your hometown to retire for the rest of your life? Don't let life wear out your yearning for life, don't forget your original intention. "

Jiang Yu immediately said: "Senior, although I was admitted to Huaqing University as a provincial champion back then, the idea in my heart is actually very simple, get a high degree in Huaqing University, go back to my hometown and find a good job, it's fine, I don't have too much ambition and ideals." "

"Now that I can earn tens of millions, I think this is already an unexpected surprise in life. "

Jiang Yu didn't follow Xu Lejia's words at all.

"It's too hard for me. "

Xu Lejia wants to mobilize Jiang Yu's heart to struggle, but why is it so difficult, this class of juniors is really difficult to lead.

Xu Lejia still didn't give up, so he didn't say it to Jiang Yu more tactfully: "Jiang Yu, look, since we have this opportunity, why don't we rush to the upper class and make others envious? Isn't this one of the meanings of our efforts?"

"But, I think it's good to be like this now, isn't it okay to live comfortably?"

"No, Jiang Yu, you're wrong, you can't think like that. It seems that it is necessary for the senior to let you get back to the original intention you once forgot. You don't even have the spirit to struggle, so what's the difference between you and a salted fish? "

Xu Lejia decided to take Jiang Yu to a place to help Jiang Yu regain his lost original intention.

"Senior, where are we going?"

"I'm going to show you the happiness of the rich. You don't have to go far to see it right in front of the mall. "

"What's there to see in the mall?"

"When you arrive, you will know, the shopping mall in front of you is one of the largest shopping malls in our imperial capital, and most of them are rich people to consume. "

Jiang Yu wanted to see what Xu Lejia could say, so he followed Xu Lejia to the mall. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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