"After Jiang Yu became rich, he was really not modest at all, but Patek Philippe didn't care if you were rich or not. Xu Lejia smiled secretly in his heart, feeling that Jiang Yu was too young.

"Jiang Yu, if you don't believe it, you can try it and you will know, people will never sell you. "

Jiang Yu smiled faintly: "Really, I'll give it a try, I think I should have this qualification." "

Jiang Yu beckoned to the waiter,

This waiter felt in his heart that Jiang Yu and the others couldn't afford it.

However, since they had already beckoned to themselves, they still had to give face, so they came to Jiang Yu and Xu Lejia from the counter.

"Two guests, which watch did you like. "

Jiang Yu pointed to the watch in the counter and said, "I want to buy this 850,000 watch." "

"Guest, that's it. To buy a limited edition watch with us, you have to register with us, answer a few simple questions, and take notes. After the evaluation, if we are sure that you are really qualified, we will call you, and you can come back to buy at that time. "

Jiang Yu was rejected by the waiter, and Xu Lejia showed an expected smile: "Senior brother, see it, it's so troublesome." If you're a regular customer, maybe it's a little better. "

"That's right, this guest, this friend of yours is right, we are buying a watch for the first time here, and we have a lot of requirements. "The waiter's words were very straightforward.

"I have a black card, can't I do it?"

Jiang Yu took out his black card and put it on the table.

This black card is metal, and the waiter was suddenly startled: "My God, this guest actually has a real Yuntong black card." "

This kind of real black card, this waiter has only seen it two or three times, and most of them are middle-aged successful people, like Jiang Yu is so young, he has seen it for the first time.

"What's the situation, how can Jiang Yu have this kind of card?" Xu Lejia's eyes were stunned, "The black card can only be obtained by a fairly high social status, Jiang Yu is the owner of a small restaurant, how can he have this qualification." This shouldn't be Jiang Yu's own, right?"

At this time, the waiter is very embarrassed.

Because this card is enough to show that Jiang Yu has a social status and can receive an invitation to apply for a black card, it doesn't seem to be a big problem to pass the evaluation in their store.

"Sir, please wait a minute, I need to go and talk to our store manager. Please sit next to you for a while. "

This time, the waiter's attitude was much better than Bibi.

While sitting next to him to rest, Jia couldn't help but ask: "Jiang Yu, the black card is your own?"

"Senior, in fact, it's nothing, as long as it's a little, you can get an invitation. I've already said that I still have the strength. "

Jiang Yu's words made Xu Lejia suddenly say nothing, because it turned out that Jiang Yu's strength was indeed higher than he imagined.

"What's going on today, I just have to convince Jiang Yu and let him have the heart to struggle, why is it so difficult? I just want to save the good young man who has no belief in struggle and let him cheer up again, why can't God give me a face and let me be smoother?"

Xu Lejia was depressed to the point of no return.

After the waiter communicated with the store manager, he soon took the store manager to Jiang Yu's Xu Lejia.

The store manager was respectful: "This gentleman, you have an Amex black card, and you are indeed a customer who meets our standards, but our Patek Philippe rules are that you need to verify the qualifications of customers, please forgive me." I'm not suspicious that you're not good enough, it's just that we need to go through the process. "

"It's so troublesome, can't you buy it on the spot?"

"Sir, I understand your feelings, but the rules are set by the headquarters, and we can't change them. "

The store manager's refusal to Jiang Yu made Xu Lejia feel very happy.

"That's right, although I don't know why Jiang Yu can have this black card, but I have to give Jiang Yu a little realistic blow, otherwise he doesn't know how difficult this society is. Xu Lejia felt a little more balanced in his heart.

It's just that Jiang Yu doesn't believe that it takes so much trouble to buy such a watch.

"Store manager, you mean that if your headquarters agrees that I can buy it now, I can buy it now, right?"

The store manager immediately smiled and replied, "That's right." But sir, it is useless for you to contact our headquarters personally. "

"Can I just have someone get in touch with me? Wait a minute, I'll make a call." "

"Jiang Yu, who are you going to call against?"

Xu Lejia finally saw that Jiang Yu was in a little trouble here, and he really didn't want Jiang Yu to solve it immediately, otherwise, how would he deal with Jiang Yu today.

"Senior, there are some special treatments for the black card, I remember that with this card, the company can meet your great needs. Isn't it rumored that Amex once delayed the take-off of an airline for the sake of a customer?"

"So I figured I was just going to buy a watch, and Amex should be able to help me with that little thing. "

Jiang Yu dialed the phone, because this card has a 24-hour special line service.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang, may I have anything to serve you. "

When the customer service on the phone sees the call, the call will display the guest information in the database.

"Hello, that's right, I want to buy a Patek Philippe watch. But Patek Philippe needs some registration process, and I think it's too cumbersome, so I don't know if you can help me get in touch with their headquarters, because my time is precious and I don't like to waste unnecessary processes. "

"Mr. Jiang, if it's just this kind of request, please wait a while, and I'll send someone to deal with it for you right away. "

"Please hurry, it's already night on my side, and I don't want to wait too long. "

"Okay, Mr. Jiang, I'll take ten minutes to help you deal with it. "

"I'll wait for you for ten minutes. "

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yu hung up the phone.

"Store manager, let's wait for another ten minutes, I believe your headquarters should call you. "

"Okay. "

The store manager nodded in astonishment, the first time he saw a customer with a black card so capricious, he actually asked the company to contact the headquarters.

But it's right to think about it, for guests who are qualified to apply for a black card, time is indeed very precious, and the qualifications are definitely sufficient, and the headquarters may give Jiang Yu a privilege if the Yuntong company comes forward.

At this time, Xu Lejia was speechless: "Can you be so capricious with a black card?"

Xu Lejia had a headache, he racked his brains to make Jiang Yu understand some truths, why was it so unsmooth?_

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