He said that he would wait for ten minutes, but after five minutes, a call from the headquarters came, and the store manager immediately answered it.

"Okay, I understand, I'll sell the watch to this Mr. Jiang. "

The store manager was amazed: "I didn't expect someone to break the rules." "

After hanging up the phone, the store manager came to Jiang Yu and said, "Mr. Jiang, our headquarters called to communicate, saying that you can buy without registration, does this watch need to be wrapped for you now?"

"It's really privileged!" Xu Lejia was full of envy in his heart, in fact, he had already guessed that this would be the result.

"Okay, wrap it up for me. "

When the store manager was packing Jiang Yu's watch, Xu Lejia was silent next to him and didn't say anything, Jiang Yu felt that Xu Lejia should give up now.

After taking the watch, Jiang Yu and Xu Lejia walked out of the watch store.

"Senior, we're almost done, let's go back. "

Although he was very reluctant to give up like this, the current Xu Lejia really didn't think of a way to persuade Jiang Yu, so he could only follow Jiang Yu to the downstairs of the shopping mall.

At this time, on the first floor of the mall, this event has already begun to be held.

Unexpectedly, this event also invited some celebrities from society to participate, and the organizer of this event is a well-known big brand.

Xu Lejia's eyes suddenly lit up, and he pointed to the activity area: "Jiang Yu, have you seen it, in this society, sometimes status is very important. Look at those people, how humble they are to these successful people in suits and leather collars, don't you want to be like that?"

"Here we go again. Jiang Yu found that Xu Lejia was really a little tireless.

"Senior, these people seem to have a very high social status, but I think it's actually quite boring, because to make so many people respect you, you need to have a very successful career, and the pressure is too great. "

"And with some strangers I don't know, I have to greet each other with a smile, which is actually quite uncomfortable. "

"Jiang Yu, look at you, such a mentality is wrong. "Xu Lejia has an attitude that you don't understand.

"If someone doesn't know you, but is willing to come and know you, it means that your status is higher than his. In fact, at this time, you are no longer communicating, you are feeling the joy of your success. "

"How can I tell you this feeling, it may be difficult for you to understand. "

When Jiang Yu heard this, he wanted to laugh a little, but Jiang Yu didn't interrupt Xu Lejia's words, and listened quietly.

"I'm a CFO in a big company, and some small suppliers have to stick to you, and that's a small success. You may not be able to experience that kind of feeling when you just leave society. "

"I think if you really experience it, you will find that the feeling of success is very difficult for you to let go, because..."

When Xu Lejia was about to tell Jiang Yu about the feelings of successful people, a person came to Jiang Yu.

"Mr. Jiang, I didn't expect to be here, it's really a coincidence, are you here to participate in the event?"

"Isn't this Mr. Zhou? He actually took the initiative to come over and call Jiang Yu you. How is this possible?" Xu Lejia was messy on the side.

Originally, after drinking so much wine, he felt a little dizzy in his brain, but now his skull hurts uncomfortably, because he really can't figure out why Jiang Yu can make a successful person like Zhou Shang so respectful.

For Zhou Shang coming over to say hello, Jiang Yu replied with a smile: "Mr. Zhou, it's quite a coincidence that I met you." I'm not here for an event, though, I'm just here to have a look. "

Zhou Shang noticed the bag with the watch in Jiang Yu's hand.

"This is Patek Philippe, which is very in line with Mr. Jiang's identity. "

"There's nothing that doesn't fit, it's just that it feels okay. But I don't like to wear watches myself, so I'm going to give them back to my dad!"

"Mr. Jiang is really filial!"

While speaking, Zhou Shang noticed Xu Lejia and said hello simply: "Director Xu, do you know Mr. Jiang?"

Xu Lejia came back to his senses from his shock and replied to Zhou Shang's words: "Jiang Yu is my junior in college, and I happened to meet again today, so I came to the mall to take a look." "

"So that's the case, Director Xu, you really have an excellent junior, you follow Mr. Jiang, that's right. "

Follow Mr. Jiang, that's right, this sentence makes Xu Lejia feel meaningful, as if Zhou Shang is really telling a simple fact.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Zhou is right. "

Xu Lejia could only smile and agree first, but his heart became more and more depressed: "Doesn't Jiang Yu just have a restaurant with four facades connected together?

However, when Xu Lejia was entangled, another middle-aged man in a suit came over, and this person was Liu Chenghua.

"Mr. Jiang, you are also here to participate in today's brand activities!"

"Mr. Liu also knows Jiang Yu?" Xu Lejia was suddenly a little confused, because Jiang Yu seemed to know a little too many people to his surprise, and his status was also higher than he expected.

"No, I just happened to come to the mall to have a look. "

"Then this shopping mall is too uninteresting, and I didn't invite Mr. Jiang to participate. "

At this time, Wu Xingzhou, who saw Jiang Yu on the side, came over and said with a smile: "Mr. Liu, what you said is wrong, how could Mr. Jiang be invited to move casually." The mall doesn't have such a big face!"

"Yes, yes, I did say the wrong thing. "

Liu Chenghua hurriedly retracted what he had just said.

"Mr. Jiang, since you have come here, why don't you stay together to participate in this event?"

"No, you see that I am dressed so casually, how can I participate in such a more formal event. "

"It's a pity that Mr. Jiang didn't participate. "

The three of them chatted briefly with Jiang Yu, and then went to the front of the activity area, because this occasion was not suitable for casual chatting.

After the three of them left, Xu Lejia asked, "Jiang Yu, how did you get to know these bosses?"

"Because I've had some dealings before, I know each other. Maybe these people should be considered upper-class people in the eyes of your seniors, but as you saw just now, there are not too many differences, and when they meet people who are stronger than them, they will take the initiative to come over to say hello, and I don't want to give face. "

That's why I said that the so-called high society is not interesting. Sometimes it's good to have a simple and clean circle. "

Isn't high society interesting?

Jiang Yu said this before, Xu Lejia felt that Jiang Yu had no original intention to struggle.

So now, Xu Lejia won't think so, because looking at Jiang Yu's appearance, he seems to have experienced what the upper class society is like.

"What I tried to get was something that people couldn't look down on at all, thanks to what I said to Jiang Yu so much tonight, it turned out that Jiang Yu was just trying to save my face, so it was not easy to say it bluntly. Xu Lejia's heart was devastated.

Jiang Yu is tired of the high society he yearns for, how can he take him to play?

"Debunk Xu Le's idea of using the so-called struggle to disguise Gao Pan, and reward 20 million. "_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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